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A member registered Aug 28, 2023

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(2 edits)

Hello! I'm interested in this tool, I wanted to ask if there were 2 possible cutscenes, the permanent one that trigger every time the player go in, and the one that is triggered only once and then is deleted.
Also I want to ask if the cutscene system is working with Spine animations, when we need to change the sprite!

Understood! Thank you! ✌🏻

Basically when I go to resize the screen and try to make a transition the game crashes saying "Trying to use non-existing surface.",

Does this extension also cover this case?

Thank you!

Hello! Can they be used for commercial purposes?

Hello there! I just bought the asset, i'm trying to make my own assets and I want to replicate this ones, is there any kind of grid to make the tileset properly?

ohh I understand, and how can I shift the view towards?

(2 edits)

I expressed myself badly. I would like the circle to always appear at the top right of the view and for the circle to start and end at the coordinates of objPlayer2. I don't want objPlayer2 to be in the center of the screen, I need to be able to place objPlayer2 anywhere in my project around the level. ✌🏻😎

(1 edit)

By the way you don’t know how much I appreciate your support, the least we can do is give you a copy of our game when it comes out.

By any chance is there the possibility of having a sort of tool specifically for what I need to do? Obviously there is no problem with paying, it is something that we particularly like.

The game will go in full screen 9:16 so we have to calculate event this thing just in case.

Yes is what I've done but I don't know what is going on right now. :'(

So you mean that I have to change the #macro that you set for the demo? 
Is not possible to draw that maybe in a draw GUI fixed on top right?

Just that! Trying to hardcoding the center position seems to place the pop in view in weird places.

(1 edit)

Thank you! So with these changes is still weird, if I move the player_1 the position of the second view that pop in remain change, or better it move based on player_1 moves, is a slow movement but it does.

I tryed to play with values but even removing the clamp the pop in view still work off-centered.

Just one last thing! ( everything you told me works pretty well just the start point of the other view is not centered to player 2 )


If I want to import the tool in my project and have a camera that always points to the level target, what do I have to do?

Thank you a lot for the support I will try as soon as possible! 

I really appreciate your kindness!

So if I want that my player without physics get stuck into jellies but if his xSpeed is bigger than a certain value he can run through them, is this possible with this tool? Thank you a lot!

Thank you for your support! I made the changes you told me but the result seems strange.

The other view is still an oval, instead I think is more oval than before. 

 The black outline is present but is too much thin.

I'm not clear on how to keep the other camera's appearance fixed at the top right. 

 The oval camera appearance is not perfectly centered on player 2.

Thank you so much for the support!

Hi Sara, how are you? I hope you're fine!

I wanted to ask you, would it be possible to keep the rope fixed in a certain point and when the player touches it it starts swinging? 

Something like Tarzan with the lianas.

(5 edits)

Ok I made the changes you told me and added a keyDown event that increase the p2size and that's the result.

The other view appear from the top right (but I think is because the 2nd player was in that position) in a oval way while instead, I would like it in a circular way and in a fixed position, top right is ok to me.

Is there any chance to have even a black outline of the circular view?

thank you!

I bought that and I have updated all the functions, thank you for this tool is really what i was looking for.

I would like to know if there is any chance to add a small white line at the start of the water. 

Hello there is this tool still updated / working?

Hello, is still updated and working?

So basically i'm pretty bad with shaders, is there any chance to add the feature in this tool?

I can pay a supplement for the trouble, I tried a lot by myself without success and I think is the moment to ask people more good than me!

Sorry for my lack of clarity.

Basically my game is a single player, what I want to achieve is very similar to the second option you told me.

I want a camera that focus on the main mission to do that slowly slide in from outside of the view when the player do some progress.

For example: to open the gate the player have to activate 2 terminals, when the player activate 1 of them, the view slowly slide to the center and show the progress, maybe the gate has 2 lights and I want to show that he turned ON one of them.

thank you a lot I think i’m going to buy, I just want to ask, is there any possibility to create the camera just in certain moments outside of the view and slowly bring that at the half of the view?

Hello is that tool still updated? Seems pretty good!

thank you!

Hello, is just for Unity? I can't add them in GameMaker Studio 2?

Everything updated

Helloo! Your tools are simply stunning I bought everything from you, with this tool can I have a transition like Animal Crossing New Horizons? I mean a circle wipe transition?

Hello there! Is there a circle transition? Like Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Mmh can you please help me xD  

Thank you for your work we really appreciate that!

Maybe the installation, the setup, the error handling and some stuff like that, thank you for your reply btw!

The setting up video is from 2019 and some latest videos are on Shaun Spalding channel! 

Thank you for what you do!

Thank you!

Is there any chance to see a tutorial on YouTube on how this library work?

Is that something that help us to make a saving/loading system of our game that fit even for consoles?

For example the player save the game and the next time that run the game he can load and restart where he saved the last time.