Just that! Trying to hardcoding the center position seems to place the pop in view in weird places.
OK, I think I get what's happening now - since you assume manual control of the view the batching system gets in the way. I fiddled around with it and got better results after the following changes:
- comment out everything starting at the "for(var c = 0; c < voron_OBJECTS_MAX - 1; c++)" line and ending right before the "//If not in a batch, just target actual position." line
- A little further down change the max value of the "//Compute screen positions using relative orientation" loop to 1 instead of the number of players
Now there's no batching, and the average position (used to center the main view) only takes player 1's position into account. The only drawback is that the pop-in assumes player 2 is in the center of the entire screen, but you can solve that by just pushing the view around with some constant factors based on screen size.
I expressed myself badly. I would like the circle to always appear at the top right of the view and for the circle to start and end at the coordinates of objPlayer2. I don't want objPlayer2 to be in the center of the screen, I need to be able to place objPlayer2 anywhere in my project around the level. ✌🏻😎
Yes; and I'm saying that...
Is it easier to explain as bullet points?
- the view is currently always centered around the player
- however, you always cut out the part in the top right (= not the center)
- therefore, you need to shift the view towards the top right, so that the region you cut out will contain the center (where the player is)
Add a value between -1.0 and +1.0 to the final calculation of the "tlc_" variables (="Top Left Corner").
For the X value negative values moves the view left (so the object appears further to the right in the view) so I think that's what you want to do, for the Y value negative values moves the view up (so the objects appears further down).
I'm not sure what will look right so you might need to try different values, but I think -0.35 for the X coordinate and +0.15 for the Y coordinate will be a good starting point with the screen size you're using.
By the way you don’t know how much I appreciate your support, the least we can do is give you a copy of our game when it comes out.
By any chance is there the possibility of having a sort of tool specifically for what I need to do? Obviously there is no problem with paying, it is something that we particularly like.
The game will go in full screen 9:16 so we have to calculate event this thing just in case.