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A member registered Jul 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great job on the visuals and polish. However, I felt that it played like a standard top-down shooter and loosely fits the theme. Still, quite enjoyable if it's judged solely as a top down shooter.

Well Done! My only criticism it is hard for an average player to sort of grasp or memorize which faces are where and how your actions affect the game. I found myself randomly rotating until I go to the right face in the earlier levels. It took me some time to get used to the mechanics but once you do it' s a great puzzle game. I love how polished it feels for just a 48 hour jam, you did amazing on your music and art.

Nice, but it's far too easy to dodge them, maybe increase the speed as time goes on, or what you did with the second level I really liked where the platforms slow you down.

Thank you for the response, could you elaborate on the problem with level 3? We haven't encountered any issues with lag for that level.