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A member registered Jun 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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There's always the next time! Sounded like a cool idea!

Yep, I made a mistake by copying the template for the last jam and not fixing that. It's 11 days as the timer suggests.

Let the games begin!



Remember to interpret this liberally, you don't need to make a racing game!

There are also optional themes that are not voted on. These are just an extra challenge or inspiration you can do!

Optional bonus theme:


Optional bonus limitation

  No numerals; 123456789 are all illegal characters. Other systems of counting, such as 正 or tally or other made up systems of numbers are allowed.

This is fantastic! I want to see more of this world!

The jam is officially commencing!

The theme is:


You could think about this theme as a strict feature, or as inspiration and direction.

There will also be an optional theme. This will not be voted on but is just an extra thing you could do for fun!

    Atmospheric Audio

Bonus limitation (not voted on):

    Only four control keys

Absolutely brilliant, but there's a bug where the inputs get flipped when going to the next level.
right = 1, next level, need right = 0 to go right, and right = 1 means go straight.

Never thought of using latency as a game mechanic, that's awesome.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback! There is a semi-working difficulty setting in the options menu if you want to adjust it. If I remember correctly it will not spawn any enemies at 0. If you set it to 1 or 5 or so you might find it a bit more approachable!

I'll be working on rebalancing at some point, so that instead of being entirely random it will have a maximum spawn rate dependant on things like your settlement size and how many ships you have.

Edit: you'll have to set the difficulty each time you start a match for now until I sort out a proper saving system.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the suggestions! I've been wanting to add the stockpile building for a while, but put it off until I make a new gui.

Enemy settlements will likely have a 'settlement strength' in the full game. This decides how many airships they send your way, and also how likely they are to surrender (which gives you all their buildings). I'm also looking at an ai helper. When stockpiles reach a threshold it will build units a bit like the enemy spawns them. Probably most of this won't happen until near the finished project however.

I'm also thinking of beefing up the airship health, maybe to 6 instead of 2, and reducing enemy spawns. Currently any assaults are extremely costly and end in huge losses, but as we know from real strategy, if you are fighting a fair battle you didn't plan correctly. Of course you can cheese the game by manually controlling units or using seige walls, but I want that to be an advanced tactic rather than the only feasible one.

Thanks! It's always great to hear feedback. I hope I return to this some time (and untangle the spaghetti).

I was hoping to add artefacts which would give some slight boosts (like, one for agriculture, one for military etc) and the idea would be that you would have to travel a long way to find them.

Also potentially have airships build for you, so you can't just instabuild miles away from everything like you're a magician.




Yep the fire and blood particles and a few extras like potions, the chest, doorways and all that are mine, and the base sprites and 90% of the animations are from 0x72's pack.

Thanks! I'll consider it for sure. I had the idea to be able to add more cars to the train at the cost of longer travel times and needing to move further to survice or defend areas. That and more enemy types might make it a much more fleshed out game 😃

It was based off a project I'd meant to do ages ago. There's a note at the end of the description 😁


This is great! I love the combat mechanics. Adds a lot of strategy to it.

This is great! Looks awesome, the sprites and animations are on point.

Love the spritework!

Really cool game mechanics idea!

Super hard though even using items

This is great! Must have been a pretty huge effort!


Thanks for the feedback! All good ideas. I'd meant to add score for perfect and no weapons runs but ran out of time. Might make a new version post jam with it though!

Thanks! There is no bonus for unlocking everything... If I had time I would have added a difficulty multiplier to get high scores though


Nice work!

Yeah I made the mistake of making an RTS for my first two jams... for lowrezjam too hahahaha

It's all a learning experience. Jams are kind of meant to be for those types of projects though. Both to get bad ideas out of your system and come up with better ones too. 

It's impressive you went with a tactics game! Looks great

Your hotdog is in another vender.

This is great!

This is great!

Looks great but I can't resize the window! It's 64x64 so it's only about an inch across and I can't see haha

Keep up the good work!

Cool! Well done especially for one person.

If you shoot them you skip some time 😉

This is so ridiculously hard


uhoh what crazy debug godpowers have I forgotten to take out...


Which version did you download?
Did you open index.html in your browser?

There isn't a non-html version at the moment since it is easier to keep it cross-platform compatible. Let me know if it works 🙂

This is awesome. Not much to it but very cool. Would be awesome to have different sizes too.