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A member registered Dec 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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glad you enjoyed my game. 

also if you want to get access to the large starfish you only actually need 40 to get to him, this is because the big one has a strength of 100 which is enough to break though the wall if you use both together.

im very sorry you experienced performance issues. the only bug that i know of that causes performance issues is when the game is being streamed over discord and will also have the same problem with certain other recording software. 

otherwise i am afraid that it's a compatibility issue.

thanks a lot, sorry for the lack of visual variety, i would have loved to make more models and sprites if i had more development time.

Thank you for enjoying my game. I am not sure if I will work on it much more after the game jam though to expand on it. Unless people really like it.

(1 edit)

Yeah I started learning programming on the processing java API, it's a bit weird but it's how I work best.

Thank you for playing my game hope you enjoy it.

Reminded me a lot of playing ace attorney especially the music which was bopping.

It was a bit hard to get through the game because every time I went into the elevator the dialogue would freeze but I was luckily able to use the bookmarks to progress.

I really liked the concept and twist.

Overall a pretty good atmospheric horror game.

yeah i made this game in the processing api, probably should put that in the credits now that i think about it. 

it's mostly because processing is the only coding language that i understand and i am bad with game engines.