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Sushi Art

A member registered Dec 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback man. I personally think platformers play way better with controller, so I can understand some difficulties using keyboard & mouse.

I really loved the art for this one. You captured the movement extremely well for the undead. My only issue is the ladders are a bit janky and I would get stuck on top of them. I ended up dying multiple times because I jumped off a ladder trying to get on the platform

I think the game broke for me too but the music complimented the art style extremely well.

I really loved the art style and music. I didn’t quite understand what exactly I was meant to do but for your first game I enjoyed it for what it was

I really enjoyed the story. It was short and quick to the point, very intuitive when I comes to figuring out what you have to do.