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A member registered Aug 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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thank you very much for the feedback. Will definitely try to implement those things in the next gamejam

I am not sure if there is an ending or no but I must say I had fun with the movement and all the other zombies you chatted with
I also like the fact that the movement decrease  and jump distance decrease the more you die and I also that it doesn't just reload the scene but also kept your progress after the deaths
I really wish that there was an ending or more possible to reach an ending because I really would like to know how the blacksmith made it
But well done

Well done really liked the style and everything that was going for it but there were a few bugs here in there like when wall jumping on a edge then not pressing anything you'll float  and how inputs get disable when only pressing jump button but apart form that I really liked it

Love the art style
Just wish there was different type of levels, not just the same house , maybe could have added a level where cat explore forest or a city or something different
but shoe that ending is sad 🥲