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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback! There should have been some music and sound effects in the game (though the SFX were a bit quiet), I just double checked, sorry to hear they didn't come through on your end. I like the idea of moving via tile clicking, definitely going to add that for the next build!

This was an awesome game, I had a ton of fun playing it! The controls felt good, the visuals were consistent, and it was challenging enough to keep you involved. I was very relieved to find you restarted the level and not the whole game when you lost. I did find that sometimes my crossbow bolts would go through the arms of the normal enemies, but great job overall!

This game was pretty fun! I liked the fast pace, and defeating the enemies quickly makes you feel strong! It did feel a bit too easy to fall of the sides with the fog blocking so much of your vision, and it would be nice to be able to restart your run without having to reset the game. All in all, nice work!

Fun little platformer game! The controls felt like they were done well, and I liked the the little level you designed. I also liked seeing the crosshair change when hovering over an interactable. Seeing the goal text ("Find the Way Back Home") floating in the air when looking around the level was a bit jarring, but outside of that great work!

Very cool game, especially for under 48 hours! I felt like I was missing something when it came to fighting monsters and didn't feel like I stood a chance. Great visuals, great atmosphere, great work!

Really interesting idea! I couldn't seem to move icons after I placed them, which is a feature I'd like to see added. It was fun seeing what others had done with this editor, great job!

Fun concept! Controlling the airship felt good, but the shooting mechanics felt like they weren't always taking my inputs. I did like seeing the zombies run around the environment while I sailed around. Nice work overall!

Those are some good ideas, thanks a bunch! The intent was to make it seem like the world was changing around the player, but I like the idea some resource gathering for upgrades. Thanks again :)

Interesting idea to explore time! It didn't seem like the dangers were able to hurt the player, like the castle guards or the turret shots, which I think would add a bit to the game. Nice job overall!

Fun game! Everything looks consistent and well put together. Nice job!

This is a great idea, if I come back to this project I'll definitely implement that! Thanks :)

Fun game! The controls felt a bit awkward in their placement but responded well, perhaps moving them to asd or sdf since wasd is not used would help with that. Nice work!

Really fun idea! I noticed in the first level that the structures weren't blocking the character from moving through. I'm a big fan of the camera work from moving between the rooms, but I think the combat could use some more work, I felt impenetrable by standing in the corner punching into it. Nice work all in all!

Interesting idea! It felt a bit confusing trying to compare where you are on the map with where you are on the island, adding a cursor to reflect where you are when you pull up the map would be very helpful in my opinion. When you submit the map, is there different responses based on your work? It felt like I was rewarded for not properly finishing my map. Nice work!