23m 44s with moving blocks first. faster for me, but not a substantial improvement. man my finger hurts. guess ill try again tomorrow.
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found that moving all of the stones into the pyramid area before finishing the first layer speeds up the build due to the blocks automatically being raised to the next level avoiding slower movement up ramps, but they stack on top of each other and it makes it hard to click on them or see which one you are moving. So far that has been something I wanted to try and cut my time down
very cool, I placed roads but nothing really ever happened. maybe I didn't get far enough or understand how to get the post office connected correctly. But I can see this being really good. I can see a $ resource for delivery and having a worker going back and forth per connected house. and then using that to buy more road or more postal workers. then maybe even further having different needs per house require different types of postal workers. great concept, love the design
Great concept here. I could really see this going somewhere, maybe like a 4D version of battleship. where sending out ships to planets and firing missiles at where you think your opponents base is when landing on a planet. Just saw the grid and thought of something like that. Great work here. keep it up
I love the concept but was unable to finish due to what I presume is a physics bug. I think you are supposed lengthen the plank on the 3rd puzzle then grow the thin plank to make a ramp, but it keep launching the plank into the air and I have to restart. might just be me. Great game, another 96 hours and I could see a really good puzzler here. keep it up.
Great game, Some free stock sounds for the popcorn and some stock elevator music would do great here. Also zipping up both the .exe and .pck file together would make this game easier to install. was a bit concerned at first when I tried to start the game and it said "Missing .pck file". very fun game, good work
Great game, As someone who chose Unity over Unreal simply because of how difficult I find Unreal this game shows a lot of great mechanics. I find the grabbing berries to grow larger than your enemies very enjoyable. The only thing I have in constructive criticism is that death animations for enemies can get interrupted by attacking them again which delays dropping berries. Only becomes a problem when groups of enemies are attacking since attacking another enemy can delay the death of one you already attacked. Great game, Another 96 hours into this one and I think you would have an addictive brawler here. keep up the good work.
Great game, was very difficult off the bat to understand how to play. I played for about 15 minutes before I got the hang of it. The game also fits the theme but didn't really do it in a out of the box way. Great game, I wasn't even able to finish mine, So 10/10 for getting a great looking product for the JAM. Continue to make games, I know with more time this game can be amazing.
Was unfortunately unable to finish my game this weekend, so got a queue of games to play before I can see all of the submissions. This was one of my 10 games. super happy it showed me this game. Great game, amazing use of the theme. played it all the way through and had a blast. very well done 10/10