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Taifun Riders

A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Some modifications are planned.

Oh, It is possible. Then add .zip in that one.

Glad to know you solved it!

Trying adding .rar in the end of the name of the file. Let's see if that way zipware recognizes the file.

It was created with Winrar.

Which software do you use on your pc to extract files?

Delete file and download again, just in case it's a corrupted download.

Sounds like a corrupted download/extraction. Delete everything and download again.

Here it is the complete changelog for this version:
New nation Geinvrik with new main girl Ragna

  • New dates (with H-scenes) for Ragna, Zira, Hazel, Teigan 
  • New level of affection with Izuin that also includes new H-scene.
  • New secondary girl Najalah (with H-scene)
  • Quickie sex for Hazel and Teigan
  • You can also reach affection level 10 with Luth, Saraith and Nadine. This includes a new "Intimate" option that triggers a sex animation (3 different possible animation for each girl).
  • Izuin now also can participate in battles (Zone 3)
  • New units: Kemeqian Seraphim and Geinvrian Warrirors
  • A few new idle animations for some girls
  • Credits updated
  • Adjusted volume of some audios
  • Typos fixes.

Nope. Spain

Yup. Endings will depend on how much days you needed to complete the game.

You bought the v0,61.1? Or a previous version?

This is a copy+paste of a user that made it work on different MacOS:

While this update is downloading I have been doing some thinking and I'm pretty sure its still the "not identified developer" error. And while looking at the macOS version which is Ventura or 13.0, its System Settings panel is different from 12.6 and lower so people who have have 13.0 and up wouldn't have the options that I previously presented.

So I downloaded .61 and opened it and I got the same error as before, so then I looked up how to get passed it on this version of macOS and so all you got to do is "control click > open the application" and then another popup should come up says that you want to bypass apples malware protection and all you got to do it click open. And it worked for me, game ran same as usual, h-scenes worked. Will work with 14.1.1 I believe too.

Basically malware protection/unidentified developer is what is making some Mac user are having problem to start it. You need to bypass this extra protection macOS has by default.

Want to check if this is a specific IOS problem, as some Mac user were able to play it.

Did you started the game from the beginning or used an old save game?

(1 edit)

Very recommended. When we add a new nation the game crashes easily with old saves as there's new code old saves doesn't recognise. "Skip" function is your friend.

(1 edit)

This is what one of our mac users did when he received that message

Launch the game, close the error and then go to System Preferences -> General, and then at the bottom It should say “Shuggerlain-0.61.1” was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer." and a button next to it saying "Open Anyway", click that and then another popup will come up confirming it, click the "Open" on that one and then the game will run when you try to open it. 
Hope this helps!

It needs to be extracted. We used 7z to compress the file, but Winrar also should work.

no u! <3

Everybody needs days like these from time to time. Sure you deserved it ;)

Sure! Here you are:

-New nation: Kemeq, including new characters, backgrounds, battle, new units and 2nd part of the story
-Jilliana available in battles (if things were done properly to get this)
-New event with lots of content and new options for Izuin
-New girl Zira in the camp, max lvl 3 including first date
-Jilliana max affection to lvl 6 including second date
-Night Queen max affection lvl to 9, including spontaneous sex, third date and more.
-New secondary girl Akila, with event.
-Added a way "good" way to not make war with any factions of Dir-Klou.
-New succubus girls and sex battle
-New sex training H-scene for Ione.
-New sex training H-scene for Zoe.
-Ulaithel available for sex training.


Yeah, that's why we didn't post a v0.55 for android. Renpy updated some stuff and it seems we are experiencing this issue now.  Anyway, we found a way to bypass this issue and we hope we can introduced it in the v0.61 Android version. 

In the description here, you have the walkthroughs and the unlock gallery cheat. Enjoy ;)

Game is completed

If your game brakes at day 2, that means Flash is not being allowed to save data on your pc.

Because our intetion was creating a PC/MAC game.
Android versions always require some extra work.
Also free PC/MAC versions will get until the 0.50 of the game. In other words, buying new versions of the game will be also required if you want to get the full/newer content.

It's possible but not recommended. It could break the game.

Complete her second date. Otherwise you won't be able to keep advancing with her.
Tip: save before deciding in her second date.

You are stuck at lvl 6 with her because there's no more content with her, yet. So that's a temporary limit.
Same with not being able to advance more on the map. If you already visited Dir-Klou and Fernia, that's basically all the content developed so far.

No, that just was a small introduction for the content we'll be developing in the next updates. There's nothing to unlock on that meaning for now. doesn't let us update the files. We need to delete them and reupload again, so it think it's a different file everytime we fix and reupload. Try to reach us on discord and there'll give you the links (I can't DM you here in neither).
Sorry for the inconveniences. In patreon all this is way easier for us to manage.

We are aware this is happening in some computers. Most of them laptops as far as i know. And yes, it's something about renpy newest version.

We believe we have some solutions to improve this, but it's not fast to do, so will fix  it on the next update. Luckily renpy will also fix this issue soon.

If you are using laptop, make sure it's not in power saving mode. This helped some players

Totally forgot about it. Posted a comment with that info in the post of the v0.55 release (it seems we can't edit the original post).

Complete changelog for this new build:

  • First contact with Geinvrik, Siann and Kemeq and its main characters(3 new girl, and the reamining Executors), in a story event. Also, this event will include and H-scene.
  • Camp improved. Now it is divided in 6 different zone, in each zone there will be the tent of specific girls (this will give room for future events exploring the camp).
  • Adult Izuin, including idle animations, an introduction event and (perhaps, we'll see, firsts soft dates).
  • Atzi max level to 9, including her 3rd date, alternative outfit and spontaneous sex.
  • Teigan max level to 6, including her 2nd date.
  • Hazel max level to 6, including her 2nd date. Also small adjustment on her idle pic/animation.
  • Jilliana as main girl. Including event, level affection to level 3, idle animations and her 1st date.
  • New secondary girl with new Sex battle.
  • Misha sex training H-scene.
  • Gifrix sex training H-scene.
  • Zoe available for sex training
  • Anwen available for sex training
  • Previous bugfixing

Good :) We appreciate any kind of support to develop the game. We know nobody likes paying more or paying twice for the "same" thing (it's not the same thing, there is always new content and the new content always requires work) .

That's why we try to offer different options, and the player decides which is better for him :)

My tip, if you can't afford it, just wait a few weeks until we lower the price here and in Patreon. This is the price for "early accessing" to the update.

This is a project in development.
That's why we have a Patreon, to support its development and that's why the prices for Shuggerlain here are the same as in Patreon (otherwise it would be unfair for our patrons).
So basically you are not paying for a game, or for the update of the game. You are supporting the development of this project. 
If you don't want to pay more than once, you just need to wait until the game is finished. As we are doing with Space Paws. Well, now that I think, Space Paws is totally free and finished. I don't think that's something scammers would do :)
You probably paid 2$ for the previous update, but I can tell you the hard work we're pouring on this project is worth more than that.

We were reuploading files. Try now

Oh, I almost forget it. Android build for the v0.55 will also be released in a few weeks!

Yup, we tried to upload it yesterday, but the upload of the files took longer than we expected.
But it's already available on ;)

We'll make public the 0.50 at the same time we upload the 0.55 here in