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F.O.X. Development

A member registered Dec 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Good job! I'll see if I can fit them in one of my projects as well! Keep up the good work:D

Hey there, was wondering if there was any progress on the submission. Tried downloading it again but was still showing the same error.

I'm using DELTA

Tried to download it, but pc says it contains a trojan downloader (/Kavala.D), I assume that's not intentional?

Hi there! Sorry for the late reply. I figured the format, and now the lag is a whole lot less at the startup and now it doesn't make my pc act like an jet engine. Tho I think it's not really perfect yet.  I told it to ignore audio/se which it did pick up as a ignored direction, but it still preloads it.

Apologies for the late reply. It seems like it was an fault at my end. Tho I'm suffering from memory leaks at the start-up of a (battle) test when the plugin is enabled. I tried to put in directions for it to ignore, but it's not ignoring any files which lead to it preloading unessecary files (like the se for example). Is there something I'm doing wrong here?

Welp, seems like it's solved. I also got another question: Does the preload screen not appear  when the game is deployed? (Kind of having trouble with the image and having no image selected causes the game to fail)

Odd, I did it in the console and it showed up. I tried playtesting it again and now it seems like it's preloading now.

1) It's a project test, not a battle test. The battle I tested it with is in an event though (Because of an bossfight)

2) None of the tracks have gaps/silent period between the start of the track and the start of audio

I downloaded the preloader at the 17th of this month, I assume that's the most recent one?

It kinda works... It does preload after I re-enter the battle, tho this is not the case when I restart the test run. Am I doing something wrong on my end?

The biggest preload issue I have is self-added battle music. Unfortunatly it seems like this preloader doesn't preload battle music? If it does, then where can I set it up? Only thing I can find in the plugin menu is the preload for background and fonts and the ignoring section, but I can't find a section for (battle)audio 

Is it possible we can talk about this via Discord?

Tried that, but it still shows the enemy from the previous wave (if I use the recover all, even if the recover all only is directed to the enemies at the current wave). And when I don't apply the revive all, then it doesn't show the previous enemies but it still kills all the enemies in the next wave

I'm having some issues.

When I'm switching to the next battle, all enemies straight up die. It does however not do that when I use a recover all, but then the enemy/ies from the previous wave also re-appear. Is there something on my end that is going wrong? The comment is set up correctly according to the note with the plugin

Got the MZ version, but I can't seem to add photo's/video's to the sequence. Can you explain how this works?

Thank you very much! It worked when I placed the Book plugin on top.

Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunatly it shows up with another error. When this plugin is activated and I want to run the game, it halts with the error "Cannot read property getPluginName of undefined". Is there something wrong in the code? (I cannot find it with my low level of experience in javascripts)

When I want to activate it, it says it needs a base plugin called "EliMZ_Book" to work. Is this supposed to happen? If not, where can I download that base plugin? (Assuming from the title I can get it from you?)