Recent community posts
Hey KSM! Thank you for your concern. Aa for your question, we're close at hand to finish an important feature to add to our current Chp1 to 3, so hopefully, once that's done, we can devote all onto chapter 4 android.
However, we had lost corrupted codes, bug and etc that have impeded what is supposedly an easy job, so I am deeply sorry, the build, while close to a demo that is checked within the team, is still not ready to the public.
We do our utmost to deliver the best reading experience for our crowd, So i ask for some patience so we can iron out the problems for the best experience as possible. Thanks for waiting, i swear it will show up, polished and fun to read!
Hey Rickalick87, saw your edit (Don't know when you edited this), and thanks for the talk. Rework will be really, really hard, until we get the actual writer to go back on it. We will try, but until then, best we can do is improving the earlier, machine-like translation. But I'm happy you stuck through it, and maybe? enjoyed the later parts of the writing and translation.
Can't promise a sooner improve for the earlier amateurish chapters, those are hard to get, but we certainly can make reading experience less intolerable. And we're doing that right now.
p.s. Been taking your advice, and had new members to join in to help with the editing and such. We're still a learning group, and hope to get there with future chapters and such to redeem our shoddy work in the early parts.
p.p.s Some more feedbacks about story will also be nice. Harsh, nice, whatever, we take it in humbly.
Hello, Russian friend!
I did try and translate your comment in Google Translate, and I will do my best to reply. Character Routes is more of a way to spend time with your favorite character, and not necessarily development of true relationship and such, but could feel how these characters feel about the protagonist. The final interpretation is up to your determination, as is the author's idea and hope.
And we're currently working on another important feature, but I swear, as soon as that's finished, Chapter 4 Android will be worked on fast!
p.s If possible, I would prefer an English reply, though I am happy for you to continue using Russian to reply to us. Thank you for enjoying the hardwork we have made!
Our current priority is in-game Chinese-English language module, but with our experience in making Chapter 1-3, Chapter 4, while will take time, will come out hopefully faster this time. Please, some patience will be much appreciated. And we're trying to make sure the eventual Andorid/Renpy build is perfect without too much marring.
If you want to know when the Android Build for Chp4 releases, just follow DelaX for future updates. We're determined to share this awesome story with the world.
Sworn brothers, and had time been given, they might've (Keyword - Might've) developed this thing further. Unfortunately, they happen to catch themselves in the middle of this major event, and there's no break for them.
In the end, DelaX prefers to leave the interpretation of the feeling between the cast up to the reader.
A nagging tells us that we're not perfect, and much we can improve on. And no matter how you judge, good or bad, mediocre or hate, we will move on. Because we are confident, knowing we're doing the right thing by doing the hard thing, the believable thing, and the precise thing.
I enjoy your feedback, and I hope you enjoy not only this story, but future stories from here and other vns.
I will consider your advice. Understand, it's my first time in translation, especially for chapter one, and I was overconfident in my ability. The more i translate, the more I improve to I think what is a credited spot, and you should see that in future chapters. Your concern has been taken before by serious readers, and they've given similar feedback. Which is why I got another Chinese-English speaker for editing. Unfortunately, overtrust instead of foresight of what inexpeirence could lead to, lead the result of what could be minor changes for translation, into now days of re-editing again, with most being chapter 1.
I have my fair share of media reading, so I am confident that my translation for the final time will be great. However, I will consider to take in someone western so that they may make decent changes to some minor details, and make the story feel more interesting to read. The over exposition is something I cannot change, and the writer hasn't got the time for that, nor will it be easy, so the structure is stuck as it is. So we do what we can for translation, and as will the writer in future chapters, to keep the pacing a bit more fairer (still slow burn, he enjoys that quite a bit, as well as lore and knowledge dump at times). At least that's something I can do.
It will be a while though. i know you're not impressed on first impression, but trust me, the entire team, both English and Chinese did put in heart in trying to make the Chinese work shine in western world, and anything we can try and improve on is the best we can do.
p.s. prior to this, it was grammar mistakes, but quirky english translation that can be understand well, and enjoyable at times. I intend to bring a degree of that back in the final iteration, as something that's unqiue to this. We did not use machine, inexperience is what happened, and we seldom got things like this from fans until now.
Apologies, this was in the early heydays of my translation. i gave it to editor to improve, but lack of experience did cause some issues, and he translated parts far too literal. I can't do too much to change that it's two opening act, but we will try and make the writing a little more bearable.
The story is slow burn, but will pick up. It is also because it is the writer's first time into FVN, so he wasn't able to balance pacing well. But he improves on writing, as am I in translation the more we expermient, learn and write on this. Trust me on that.
thanks for the feedback on it. We have putten love and passion into this project, and critcism like this allow us to recognize our flaws to improve on.
This sound quite interesting. Hopefully we will get to see the next build soon and such.
Another question, I know currently that you only have the first floor to explore in the current demo, is there plans for upstairs to be expanded as well? Because right now, the only way upstairs is either with Benson or Will but you don't get to explore upstairs yet.
And as for preference, when will get add on for disposal for player prey? Player prey moment still feel one tiny bit lacking, but it's fine if it isn't there.
Also, updates for the horse and Jeremy when?
Can't wait for the next update. Small questions:
- Currently, you got ending at the end of each scene. Will it be expanded upon in future versions, where after ending, you can continue exploring and such?
- Will you incorporate new vore type (Full Tour, AV, CV), and maybe even reformation (Like a really expensive medicine that they'll use if you earn their trust enough)?
- Is all the characters here the ones we'll get a scene with? Or will you add more character to this game?