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A member registered Nov 05, 2021

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Sorry to the audience, the translation is going well, but it has been exhausting. This chapter is the longest of all four current chapter, and there's more technical terms I'm trying to translate, so it's much, much more complicated.

Also, life problems, so can't juggle it very well.

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We're working on an android version, but this will come out in the distant future


Future. The translation comes first, but hopefully with Renpy port, it might make Android version possible.

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We are having the bud of a Renpy port, so hopefully, yes

Hello, good to hear your feedback. Right now, we are working on grammar improvement to make a better flow for the first three chapter, as well as Chp4 translation.

With the issue of game of not working, and the mouse scroll situation, that's just the engine restrictions. Of we ever find someone who can convert all our work into Renpy engine, it might be achieved, including new demanded features as well.

Hello, unfortunately, plans to translate it into other languages will be hard, and not planned yet. We would be happy to have a translator who would be happy to  translate Chinese to Russian, but that will be in the future.

Hello, sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I cannot answer how character relationship works for the VN, but regardless, other than whoever you spend time with, the story is more linear. The paths you chooses are more of understanding characters and solitary story that builds up the world view. Thank you for you reply, and we'll do our utmost to reach out with the English fans with the Tianhehui Chp4 translation to the best quality we can provide

unless we change the engine, and have someone manage to do this on Renpy, then we won't have an Android version until then

We are sorry. Chapter 4 is the largest update to date for translation, and with certain feedback, anything less than 90 is unacceptable for us. Please be patient, and we will deliver a good result for those who like the VN

Longgong is a undersea city for the Eastern Dragons, and "Longgong Technology" basically meant technology that have origin from Longgong or based on Longgong's technology. I hope that clears up a little

You mean Longgong? That's the name for Dragon Palace, not Dragon technology



The solution should be in the Tianhehui English Report devlog

Hello, Sedge, how come I can't access the discord channel for NMF anymore?

This is a very unusual bug, i am sorry to hear that. We will do our best to find a way to resolve this.

Invite link should work now?

I'll see into it.



Hey, great to hear your reply. About fanfic and fanart, its merely part of the way of supporting the game. A good response, discussion and feedback is very helpful for us

PS: Most of us in Tianhehui team is waiting for more fanfics and fanarts coming from you guys one day! Remember to join our Discord server and share your thoughts when its ready!

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Hello Okamille, thanks for you positive feedback. It will give strength in our future endeavor.

In regard to your problem, the abrupt crash of the CG is just a problem that DelaX has tried to fix many times over, but somehow the mod downloaded into the application we use to create visual novel is rather unreliable at times. Also, original testing of the CG with English translation is complete without delayed audio and no abrupt cutoff, but in the real test, it somehow failed. This is an engine problem, and as none of us have Renpy experiences, and we can't find one with skilled Renpy experience (Especially one who is ready to move so much content over onto Renpy), this is a problem that infuriates us, but we must swallow. Also ,the audio for the Chinese version is out of sync as well, so it is extremely annoying for all of us.

As for the second, the audio bug is the same. During tests, the BGM can very much have loud moments and small moments. Hopefully we can find a solution in the future, but for now, we hope to get the content out safe and well before trying to refine it completely.

As for your last concern, the "romance" does feel somewhat out of place, but it is mostly a way of expression that you probably encounter more in Eastern Media as a form of expression, and that's why you would see those "romance" options. It is understandable that feel like bait, but please understand, there are merely expression the creator think it adds emotional depth during writing (And if this was a Japanese translation Sub, this would make more senses in terms of the jokes). As it was said in the Q&A and previous threads, there is no intention of Hard Romance, and if there is any extra chapter of these exploration, it will be up to the creator to decide whether this is something worth his effort to pursue.

Thank you for playing, I hope you can continue enjoying the story, and please, spread the words of this visual novel! After all, "once you enter the same door, you are a brother to us". To play and experience this game, you are part of Tianhehui now!

Thank you for your review

- Mysterious translator

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Hello FishyFlish

Good To hear from you. And for your question, I will do my best to answer as much as possible:

-We have no social media as of right now, but I will speak with some of the Chinese Team members and other team members to recruit and work out a Discord channel for our audience. Otherwise, the only social media are mainly the Chinese media, Weibo and Bilibili for DelaX. We will look into twitter as well perhaps.

-No other VN or game project, this is the only one, and possibly the only one for a long while. Maybe in the future (Uncertain time period)

-Chapter 4, as I previously mentioned, is releasing soon (For your idea, one months time), and with improved translation, I intend for Chapter 4 English to be added in this year as well (If possible). As for time frame, I cannot give a clear answer, as this is basically an one man project. I only work for the translation, and DelaX doesn't recruit anyone in order to keep with the high standard (And keep the character "in character").

-Love to hear you are obessed with this VN right now!

- This is a question I can ask DelaX to add in the next build. My interpretation is perhaps slightly, but keep a pinch of salt here, as this is only my interpretation. Tex's relationship, to other male characters, will first and foremost be family members and treasured brothers, in both battle and life.

Hopefully this satiate your curiosity for the time being!

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Hello FishyFlish, thanks for the review! This is possibly, by far, one of my favorite, and really, thank you for supporting. Even if you cannot donate or help with translation, by supporting, playing, and saying these things, you give me, the translator, and DelaX, the creator, the passion to continue onward in this game.

As for the "Baiting", sorry you would think that way, the game, will unfortunately, not have a romance route , as the story of the adventure and world comes first and foremost. Sometimes a good VN do not need those elements (And personally, I am not against those elements either, as they add characteristics to characters I like, if used well), and to DelaX, a good VN's main properties is its story, characters, and world! In addition, the relationship between the character (male mainly) are a brotherly, family like bond. Teasing between family members, despite not of blood, has been part of their relations, and that is what is more focused upon in this story. 

But in regards to your effort in writing "An Essay", I will share this tiny secret - the next chapter will have just as "warm" scenes where you will see those close moments with characters you like with our Protagonist Tex (NO NSFW, THAT'S AN ABSOLUTE!!!)! But post Chapter 4, the story will move forward in tension and stakes. As for those, I do not know, and even if I do, will not spoil at all.

As for the rollback function, unfortunately, that's the problem of the engine itself. In addition, none of us are skilled with Renpy, and it will be a whole level of mess to transfer everything to Renpy, and even then, there will be things that are missed. Most importantly, we are more familiar with the engine we have right now. Perhaps in the future, it can be feasible when the story is at completion.

I was extremely worried that my translation will not make proper due of this VN's value and worth, and that it would be received poorly. But to see people reading the story, understanding it, and enjoying it in an immersive and emotional environment, to me, that's one of the greatest reply I could ever have.

Please, enjoy the story, await for the next chapter and its translation, and if you want, draw fanarts and write fanfictions of the characters and share it with us all. We will be happy to take it (NO NSFW, SORRY!)

And if you really want to support it, spread the words, as after all, this is an adventure that everyone deserves to share and enjoy.


PS: sorry for writing an essay as well :) and for you to read this long.

Hey Ivo96! Thanks for your high opinion of the game! We hope you can enjoy it. With the letter scene, we will look into what's causing the cutoff, and see whether we can fix it. And hooray to see someone who's heart is melting at the characters and the stories!

As for the Discord Server, I, mysterious Translator, will be working alongside with DelaX and his group to see whether a Tianhehui Discord server can be set up in the near future.

Please spread the words, thanks for playing. And I am happy to say, Chapter 4 will be released this year, and hopefully, with the improved chance, that Chapter 4 English version will be added into the current version as well this year! (Hopefully...)

sorry for the late reply, but there is a search tab on the top right hand corner, when you go into Local Disk C from This PC page. This way, you can find ClearScriptV8-64.dll (You will need to unzip the zip file first). Once you find it, right click to find properties, and you will able to unblock it. If it still doesn't work, then i'm sorry, i really have no other solution.

did you unblock the file ClearScriptV8-64.dll in Local Disk C? if not, this is an issue for the first time i've heard about.


find file by searching in Local Disk C

Read the devlog Tianhehui English Report. There is a key solution there to solve the situatio

It's alright. Maybe not as enjoy able, but I still hope you can give it a try

Fine, there is none for now.  This vn is more of adventure Story over romance

Play and find out, tehehe!

The files have been reupload ed. Try again


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my apologies, I was working alongside with the people who uploads the game, and I told them about the situation from the thread below. You should download fine now. We just reuploaded the file.

hmm, I see. I will work with the creator to somehow make it visible on Itchio App as well. Oh by the way, Translator here, so if you have any concern, ask me. Thank you for your support to Tianhehu

Hello, are you trying to download this for Phone? If so, I am sorry to say the current version only works for Windows for now, and we will try, if possible, to increase the platform it's on. Otherwise, English version is the one with ENver amongst the three download

