I will consider your advice. Understand, it's my first time in translation, especially for chapter one, and I was overconfident in my ability. The more i translate, the more I improve to I think what is a credited spot, and you should see that in future chapters. Your concern has been taken before by serious readers, and they've given similar feedback. Which is why I got another Chinese-English speaker for editing. Unfortunately, overtrust instead of foresight of what inexpeirence could lead to, lead the result of what could be minor changes for translation, into now days of re-editing again, with most being chapter 1.
I have my fair share of media reading, so I am confident that my translation for the final time will be great. However, I will consider to take in someone western so that they may make decent changes to some minor details, and make the story feel more interesting to read. The over exposition is something I cannot change, and the writer hasn't got the time for that, nor will it be easy, so the structure is stuck as it is. So we do what we can for translation, and as will the writer in future chapters, to keep the pacing a bit more fairer (still slow burn, he enjoys that quite a bit, as well as lore and knowledge dump at times). At least that's something I can do.
It will be a while though. i know you're not impressed on first impression, but trust me, the entire team, both English and Chinese did put in heart in trying to make the Chinese work shine in western world, and anything we can try and improve on is the best we can do.
p.s. prior to this, it was grammar mistakes, but quirky english translation that can be understand well, and enjoyable at times. I intend to bring a degree of that back in the final iteration, as something that's unqiue to this. We did not use machine, inexperience is what happened, and we seldom got things like this from fans until now.