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A member registered Jul 11, 2022

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Nothing from them on their blog or here since October 2022.  I hope they are okay.

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Thank you for this.  Although I hope I was not misunderstood.  If you enjoy being called beautiful thats great.  Nothing wrong with that.  I do struggle some with some of the old stereotypes I was raised around.  But I also was never good at being a conformer regardless of before or after came out as trans.  Nor do I feel like people should be pushed to conform.   

Let people be themselves, like what they like.   But I hope that also goes for people like myself who like anyone has aspects that could fit any of the labels, even if I consider myself more masc leaning in many areas.  But would prefer being called handsome, or rugged, etc lol  Not that I would be unfortunately in rl.  Not in my current  condition anyways.  

Anyways writer has right to write it how they wish.  I may not have understood what they meant with it at first but I do now.  It may not be my preference for character appearance but it's a good story and there is a lot they do that others don't even consider.   I was pleasantly surprised when read though it the first time as far as the majority of it.  I look forward to seeing more.

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Just returned to check in on this and saw some of the comments you were facing.  I wanted to apologize if this is a result of my questions and input possibly stirring something up in the community.  I could be wrong on that but still.  I never wanted to cause you grief if I did.  I really appreciate the effort you have made.  

 I am aware I may be more sensitive on some things than others, and I try to be mindful of that.   I was raised in an area with a lot of treditionally minded folk, and while I moved away from there years ago and recognize behaviors and interests should not be limited to genders.  Nor do I fit those niches completely myself.  I still haven't found a better way to explain things without using masculine, feminine, neutral for categories of grouped behaviors.  Forgive me if some misunderstanding comes from that or if it is wrong.  I don't know if it is.  Also not sure how else to do it.  Putting concepts into words can be difficult.

Also for people (not author) who want to assume and accuse me of being narrow-minded of phobic.  I  feel like I should be allowed to enjoy playing into some stereotypes as much as bending or breaking them.   Without being dissed or accused of something I am not and is against my own moral code to be. (Has happened before).   I am not saying I am without flaws but I  do make effort to be better than that.  If something comes off wrong.  Talk to me so I know what I need to improve or in some cases clarify.

On another note.  Look forward to checking out the update when I get the chance.  Sorry got long-winded there.

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By the way.  Link to the blog is too close to the back button.  I noticed that on a lot of the 13 league IF's.  This is especially a problem if on a tablet etc as it's way to easy to misclick/tap.   (Unfortunately I don't have a working computer right now or I'd play it there.  But I figure you should know about the issue.  Otherwise can play it fine on an android tablet)

Anyways nice story.  Look forward to seeing more

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Ah understand.  Guess didn't think about it that way.  Thank you for explaining.  Also I was referring to the scene after with the Mage by the way.  The Fathers turning around when he's just lifting his shirt.  Towel thing was ambiguous enough to imagine it lower.  Was pretty amusing too LOL Poor Oswin.

Anyways I don't usually put this in public, but I wonder if some misunderstandings in past could have been avoided if I had.  I am trans-male myself.  Might be part of reason I struggle with some of that to.  Maybe I should be better than this, but I still struggle a little bit when it feels like something or someone is trying to push me into playing the old stereotyped feminine or female roles/ideas.  Yet I love reading these interactive fiction stories.  I don't have the energy to do freeform writen role-playing like I used to.(Nor do I know how to find a good community for it these days) So this has been my substitute I guess. 

Thank you for your hard work and response too

Question.  Why is a male MC called beautiful (not handsom?) And why is he and others timid about his chest being shown?  Or is that just because of the marking?  Although feels a bit much for just that.  Although outside of that and some odd habits don't have choice on, you have done better than a good number of Interactive stories out there in providing character personality options that fit masculine as well feminine and neutral.  I appreciate that.  

To many I've come across feel like they were written for only feminine or female characters in mind and expected a change of pronouns and a few words to be enough.  Though I realize writing for interactive novels and for such a broad range must be a challenge.  I appreciate the effort, and I still try my best to enjoy the stories anyways, despite the disorienting and sometimes immersion breaking moments that can come from that.  Sometimes only happens inside same-sex romances.  Anyways I run on to much.  Hope don't take it wrong way.  Have had that happen before and made me a bit afraid to comment to much.  Really do appreciate the work you have done here.  The two dads are awsome too. Thank you

Yeh I was confused when came across that as someone who prefers to play male characters.  It was confusing and I noticed the character description will say you don't have the male parts if you say no to breasts on that lol

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I'm wondering why a MC with a criminal background, acts dumb and innocent with Roman? Also when did they decide they wanted to talk to the detective?  Seemed to just pop up there regardless of how cooperative had been before.  Also any chance MC will get to do something more involved, or is it the intention that they 'have to' be an 'unwilling' participant?  

Maybe just me though.  I do tend to like playing non-innocent characters myself.  Although difficult to find good stories can play them.

So if your character primarily uses physical weapons (like sword), no magic,  For some reason second physical strike on the Prince in training it says your character usually uses a staff.    Which defiantly isn't the case.   (unless it's some reason checking against intel stat to decide that? my characters is only up from studying tactics, area familiarty etc)

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Dang that is good!  I hope to see more.  Curious what they going to do with my guy...  (Least my first play so far he's in quite a pickle at the end of chapter 1 lol. Although he may see if as 'not personal', he did try to kill all three after they interfered in his job, so not the greatest start with them. I look forward to seeing how that turns out lol  

And loved how the character was able to be 'impressed', appreciate their skill while fighting them :D

Anyways I hope that isn;t to much info (spoiler?)

Agree on the need for Darkmode.  Was a bit painful while playing.  Still another good story look forward to seeing more.

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Anyone be willing to clarify something for me? This is second story I've seen that uses 'trimmed' as a hair length.  Any Idea what is meant by that?  I tried looking it up but all I could find is what I already know it as.  An action or result of cutting back 'any length' of hair by a few inches.  Is it meant to be like buzzcut or cropped which seems be missing from the list?

Old Notes, that was earlier this year lol.  No next I think is 22nd this month

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Really Been enjoying these series.

The whole Unstable 5 has me a bit confused though.  Somehow Roe always ends up friendly to Amari, treats Rahim like thinks he is a friend, and cares way to much for Bradley despite every choice tried to make leading up otherwise.  Also The 'stare at Hut' option when meet the witch references chris when Chris isn;t in the group(dead).   Is this intentional, an error, or something I am doing wrong?  Could it be an issue with saves since I've played through a few times?  In fact keep getting lines that sound like romance lines with Rahim  in previous chapter as well as that one when there hasn;t been any flirting with him last two playthroughs.

Like it, hope to see more

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Yeh Gunn is fine, just meant with how the interactions are with our character and other characters like the rabbit.  Kinda ends up sounding like our character forgot the hardness and survival instincts that they was first mentioned as having in opening scene as part of living in that world.  Not sure if that was intended or not though.  Possible there is story elements to explain it that I haven't seen or I didn't pick up on.  Or maybe I am misinterpreting/thinking about it the wrong way?    Anyways Thanks  Glad the bit though about the fire was helpful.  I hope my asking this was ok

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So I am a bit confused.  Last couple times I've tried to play through it, I attempted to create a more brawler oriented character.  I ended up with Gunn as travel companion and some reason our character comes off way to passive/soft on that route despite the means of getting on it involves 'succeeding' in a fight.  Is that intended?   Also there is some weirdness where when you wake up in the car it'll mention your character having burns if they didn't even go into the fire, but fought the wolf instead.

How do I get it? 

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Ok I can't figure out how to get the download for the Chapter 7 early access?  I paid 5 a few days ago and 10 today, thats total to more than enough.  I get the option to download the knight stuff but not that.  Why?  I feel like I just wasted money when I really don't have that good of an income right now.

Yeh I noticed that as well and having to install and switch out different apps for different chapters was a pain I ended up switching to playing it on my computer.  I know that isn't something may be easy option for some though.