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A member registered Jun 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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Wonderful little game. A little hard to get the hang of (made worse by having to use a trackpad at the moment lol) but still really fun and interesting.

This is definitely simple and fun, and I really enjoyed it (even though my mouse is broken and I had to use my trackpad, it didn't feel that much more difficult which is a good thing.) For just a jam game, it's surprisingly deep in strategy - pushing rocks, lining up friendly fire, etc. More importantly, great job limiting what you wanted to do - I could easily see how you could get distracted making things customizable (speed, size of the flame, etc.) and lose track of the scope. Having said that, if you wanted to build that out in the future you have a solid foundation to keep going.

I wish there was some light music, although that's usually something a lot of games are missing. A parallax starfield would be cool but what you have works. Great job!

Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate it. I will fully admit I didn't do my self any favors by 1) making a second version not tied to the jam, 2) not having enough time for play testing difficulty, and 3) not having an html version to embed in the browser.

But thank you nonetheless! 

It's cute and fun and I really enjoyed it. For a first game, it actually kept my attention for the whole five minutes. The only two things I can think of would be 1) text popups to show what was selected (took me about 20 seconds to realize what exactly I had selected) and 2) some slight variation in the timing. 

Once I got to the 4x4 field it was pretty much just following the mouse pattern I watered things in. If it was any longer than five minutes it would probably start to get rote.

I kinda disagree with the person who said it's not in the spirit of a one-button because it's essentially a plate spinning game with a farming theme. The focus isn't necessarily on the farming but constantly moving around to get things done before plants die. Good job!

A lot of fun, I really enjoyed it - although sometimes when I play things in browser mode the screen is way too zoomed in for me. On the last level with the scissors I could barely see the button sometimes.

I feel like I knew exactly what I was getting into and yet I still played until I got to infinity. Bravo.

I agree with a lot of what the others are saying - mainly that the camera seems a little slow, and a little too zoomed in. I get that you don't want to show too much by zooming out, but sometimes just won't know until others play it.

Yeah, I wrote that at like 4 in the morning trying to finish it up - I released a second version but it's not on the submission page. Real sorry about that.

There is a lot to like about it (art was cohesive and cute, sound was good), but there were a couple little things that annoyed me a bit. I wish the squares would stay up a little longer so I could see them when I was trying to move. Also as others said, spamming attacks seemed like the way to go.

Honestly, this shows a ton of promise. Even for a week long jam, I know how difficult it is to get all the rules and logic into a turned based game, so I applaud even just trying.

Wonderful little game. Great tutorial (although for some reason I could not get the first black hole level to line up - took me like 10 tries), solid visuals, and great sound. I wish the music was a little quieter and the effects a little louder, but otherwise great like I said.

The massive amounts of content in this is impressive enough to begin with, let alone how great it looks and plays. It's a little difficult to get the hang of but I really dig it. 

It has a lot of stuff that I like but I think you might have been trying to do a little too much for the limitation. Switching gears was a bit of a hassle since it turned my car around sometimes while trying to mouse over the new gears. Sometimes it felt like it just changed gears without me doing anything. On the first level, some of the cacti peak out over the tops and bottoms of the walls, make them hittable. I'm pretty sure I won my first race, but I guess I didn't hit all the checkmarks so it said I lost. I'd be nice if there was some feedback to the checkpoints so I knew I'd hit them.

The art was mostly good, but not always consistent. It feels like with a little more time, or with less limitations this could be really cool.

Really fun concept, although for some reason I was having some trouble playing full screen in browser. This kinda made it hard to see far enough ahead to know where I needed to go - but you die and retry and it's quick enough it doesn't really matter.

The moving platforms were a little hard to see at times. I liked the minimalist white and red styling but maybe a little more differentiation between the platform and the background could have been helpful.

Cool game - although I agree with others it was a little confusing at the start. Once I understood it I thought the strategy would be just to hold down the fire button - but there was a cool down after a while. It might have been helpful to show that though, cause sometimes I was confused as to why I couldn't shoot. 

Visually, everything looks really cohesive. The art is simple yet great, the screenshake is a nice touch but not too much, same for the particle effects. Sound gets a little repetitive, but I find it rare when it doesn't in a jam game. Great effort for a first game!

Did the new version actually explain things? I've never actually written a tutorial before so I know it's a skill I need to develop but I'd like to know if I'm moving in the right direction...

Since resubmissions aren't open, here is a new version with a slightly better (hopefully) tutorial. I don't really care if this changes your rating, but I just want people to try it out and have fun.

Bomb Shuffle (v2) by tdg_dev (

[EDIT: I uploaded a new version with a slightly more intuitive tutorial. Let me know if it helps.

Bomb Shuffle (v2) by tdg_dev (

I know I was able to solve it on my partner's laptop so I think my instructions are just verrrrry unclear. Bugged or not, still my fault.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I really ran out of time because of travel plans. I had more robust plans for a slower, step by step guide - by tried to do things by text since I ran out of time. Here's my longer version if you want to try it again, and if it works I'll update the game.

  1. The "detection area" is the diagonally shaded area between the horizontal arrows and the vertical arrows. If it says zero, none of the boxes in the area have bombs. You can click each box once to mark with a red X. (This is optional to solving the puzzle - it's more of a guide to the player to keep track of where they've been and what they know.)
  2. To move the detection area - click and drag on the arrows. The arrows on the top and bottom can be moved left and right to change the columns in the detection area. The arrows on the left and right can be moved up and down to change which rows are in the detection area.
  3. If you know a box has a bomb click on it twice to mark it with a green check mark. If you are unsure you can leave it blank or mark it with the blue "?"
  4. Click the big checkmark in the bottom right to evaluate if you are right or wrong. If you've marked all the correct boxes with green check marks you'll move on. (For the first tutorial level with 5 horizontal boxes, it's the second and fourth box. You can learn this by only moving the vertical boxes one column at a time and watching the detection counter go 0,1,0,1,0 for the JAM version.)

[EDIT: I uploaded a new version with a slightly more intuitive tutorial. Let me know if it helps.

Bomb Shuffle (v2) by tdg_dev (

Also making a one button puzzle game. This is an old screenshot from yesterday but it gives a good idea of what's up. But man is it hard making solvable puzzles.