Yeah, as I said on some of my other comments, the UI/UX in the game is basically just the first thing we tried on everything. Not a ton of thought yet, just making sure it was there and functioned. Thanks for the feedback.
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Thanks! Yeah, the UI/UX on the game is just kind of... barely there? Everything you see is literally the first thing we tried/thought of for each feature. This was more of "how do we build this in Godot?" We also got halfway through the jam, went to build the game for HTML, and realized that Godot 4 Mono doesn't support web build... and all our code was in C#... so we rewrote the first ~700 lines of code again in GDScript and kept going. That sucked and sort of sent us scrambling in the 2nd week.
For a first time solo game, this is very good. I felt like the little added lunge movement on the attacks was a good design choice, made it so spamming attack wasn't the best choice.
I was able to sprint through level 1 with the dash taking no damage and fighting no enemies. I had an issue on a game I made previously where if you got past an enemy, that was it, you could just keep running and weaving to dodge new enemies, and none of them could ever catch up. So I made enemies run faster than the player, and then used a circle collision box attached to the player that would make them slow down when they entered it, and then speed back up when the exited it. Made the enemies stick to the player a lot more and forced you to deal with them. Maybe that concept could help you out here?
Also, for the simple artwork and animations, it was very visually appealing. Kudos.
Ah man, we started off with the concept of swapping hosts too on our game, and pivoted away because it just hindered the whole "build up your deck" concept. I like how it plays in your game, well done! Having hosts with better and better abilities (or multiple abilities) that you can use when you swap would be a good addition if you keep building this.
Yeah, since we started from scratch on this, we were scrambling to get everything functioning on time to submit. So UI/UX is definitely the weakest part of the game. If we keep building it, we will add more animations to show effects and such. We didn't even have card draw and discard animations until like 48 hours before the jam ended.
There were 3 of us, and one of the guys on our team is an artist. I believe he had some of the art already started for just practice/fun, but yeah, he did almost all the art himself. I am the programmer and was able to help him a bit on the characters with my very limited skills. That is why there is more variation there, 2 of us working on it.
We also just threw a bunch of cards together to try, not a lot of thought went into that side of it. This was almost more of a technical experiment to prove we could build a card game. All 3 team members work full time on jobs that have nothing to do with making games and have families and other obligations, so to be honest we are all just relieved it is playable at all.