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Tempored Insanity Studio

A member registered Aug 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Playing web version:

Nice graphics!

I ran into a bug though. After dying and pressing retry to restart the game, the level seems to reset but no enemies spawn, nothing happens, I'm just flying through empty space. Interestingly, returning to the main menu then starting a new game does not fix the issue. Each attempt I have to refresh the webpage. I'm using firefox.

This may be a design choice, but I also noticed that when I fly up and shoot, the bullets don't fly straight forwards but up at an angle. Is this intended? It doesn't happen when flying down.

The Hazard pickup is a nice idea ;)

This looks amazing! Great job! It's not often you see characters as interactable as this. Keep up the good work :)

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I'm currently making a 2D dungeon explorer/survival game called Dungeon's Resolve. I've recently finished setting up all the behind-the-scenes systems for future content and released a large update, and now plan to release frequent updates with new content.

I'd love some feedback if people feel like testing it (version 0.2 and above) out please.

The actual game (not the early 0.1 demo) is currently sold for $1, but if you want to test but can't spare that, let me know and I may provide some free keys for testers.

Played this ages ago, and honestly, it's one of the favourites that I keep remembering. Great game (and Let The Right One In is a great movie too ;) )

Hi fellow game devs!

I'm a Unity developer/programmer currently looking for paid work on any game. I've been making and programming games for about 6 years, and release some stuff here:

I have a lot of experience in most areas of Unity since I usually work solo and do everything myself, but my speciality is programming C#.

If you need any help, including:

  • character controllers,
  • AI,
  • Game mechanics,
  • UI / Menus,
  • Scene navigation,
  • Data logic, saving/loading, and persistence,
  • Code modification,
  • or anything else, let me know!

I'm also about to release an upgraded version 0.2 of Dungeon's Resolve later this week, so follow me or the project if you're interested ;)

Have a great day! - Spectralle (Tempored Insanity Studio)

Hi all!

I'm a Unity developer/programmer currently looking for paid work on any game. I've been making and programming games for about 6 years, and release some stuff here:

I have a lot of experience in most areas of Unity since I usually work solo and do everything myself, but my speciality is programming C#.

If you need any help, including character controllers, AI, game mechanics, UI, menus, scene navigation, data logic and persistence, code modification, let me know!

Have a great day!

- Spectralle (Tempored Insanity Studio)


Thanks for the feedback! We'll take it into consideration for future development :)

Great game! Simple, to-the-point, and great storytelling and artstyle. Good luck with Steam!

I'd suggest making controls (mainly Switch Souls) changable by the player. Someone suggested Space, but I'd rather have right-click or something i think.

Maybe make the voice lines be subtitled cinematicaly, like each sentence fading in as it plays somewhere nearby in the level. I had some trouble hearing bits and missed some.

Great game, and well designed! :)

Good game! I found it pretty easy beating enemies though as I could just put a wall between us and they wouldnt come round it, but I could still shoot them through it. I never actually saw the "boss" monster, just killed it outside the screen edges with ease XD

Is this still being worked on? Doesn't seem like it from the blog and updates, but theres so much potential in this, so please keep making it! This is a great start to a great game I'd love to see completed

Will do!

Thanks! So glad to hear it! :D

No problem. Its fun :) Good luck

No, it disappeared after healing

I think the knights healing might be bugged. I healed them from low health and the next hit they die to the weakest slime. I had 4 knights too so there shouldn't be enough time for the slime to deal that much damage?

I really hope its because my wide screen messed with the UI layout, but there didnt seem to be any indication of how many points I had earned.

I also never reached the point of being able to get any pets, and without knowing how many points I had, I have no idea how close I was.

Same here. :(

Hey :)

Experienced Unity C# programmer and developer here, looking for a team. If you're still needing someone, let me know!


FYI, playing on a wide-screen monitor kind of messes up the UI layout, and without an option to change resolution it was a bit weird. No major issues though :)

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Here's a beautiful place for when you just need a break. From life, from work, from pesky game bugs, from whatever.

A huge lake, day and night cycle, dynamic and amazing weather! Just chill and relax.

P.S. Its a "virtual experience", not a "game".

I really hope you enjoy!

Hi! I'm looking for a 2D artist to do the character, environment/backgrounds, furniture, and character animation for my 2D top-down school simulator. If you're interested, send me a message on Discord: Spectralle#6395 or email.

Hi Misterguh!

I'm a solo dev & programmer currently making a top-down rpg school simulator, and am in need of a good artist for characters, basic character animation, furniture, GUI, and environmental art. The job is unpaid or potentially low paid as this is a hobby project of mine. The game is built in Unity.

While the game is currently about half complete as a whole, I intend to have all the artistic side of the game done within about a month, and release that as version 0.1. Version 0.1 will be a playable game including: the only level, 7+ characters with dialogue, and the basic game systems. The full game will include 120+ characters with dialogue and story-lines, more game systems, and more story outcomes.

Future updates will add additional character story-lines and events, which I will make myself at a later date.

The game is a 2D paraquel version of this game (, which I'm also developing (but thats temporarily paused).

I hope this interests you! Contact me at Spectralle#6395 or my email if you're interested! Thanks!

Hi all.

I'm a solo indie dev/programmer looking for a 2D artist to do a few simple top-down character art for my RPG school simulator. Being able to animate the characters would be a great benefit too.
Payment is available, but its limited funds so not too much sorry. Better payment for better quality.

If it goes well I wouldn't mind hiring you for other top-down art for the game too (furniture, environment, etc), again for some payment but probably more.

Discord me for more details: Spectralle#6395

I'm a solo developer currently a few months into making a story-based game pretty similar to Yandere Simulator, and will need to create the multiple storylines for dialogue/quests/characters at some point soon. If you're interested in writing that style of dialogues and storylines, I'd be glad for the assistance. We can just see how it goes, as I'm pretty flexible as to how it turns out.

Let me know if you're interested: Spectralle#6395

Looks and feels very cool! Great job so far. Movement feels nice and fluid.

However, a few bugs I ran into:

1. In the license test after getting the badges, whenever I grinded on the ground-floor signboard by the goal, I was glitch-teleported to the level spawnpoint (outside the current test zone) meaning I had to wait for the timer to reach zero as I couldnt get back in.

2. (May or may not be related to first issue) During the license test, sometimes the ability to grind seemed to turn completely off, as no matter what I did, I couldn't grind on anything after failing the first try of the test.

Will test out more again soon. Again, great job so far :)