I hope you liked the game. For some reason, the platforms lost collision if the button is pressed again during the countdown of the last press, it loses its hitbox. I'm trying to fix this and I hope it didn't bring down your experience
Thank you for the advice, its really useful to me and I take it into consideration in my next games. I'll try to iron out the bugs or glitches you found, thank you for telling me. I hope you enjoyed the game, thank you for playing.
It was really fun, I like the graphics most of all. Elemental bullets and weakness were a good touch to the game. I legitimately got jumpscare by the box enemies. Pretty solid and a good game overall. Rip and Tear!
The intro is amazing, it really gives me Chrono trigger to even SoTC vibes. The platforming was really good and wasn't clunky at all. and the temperature health was a very good idea on your part. Overall, this is a really great game with good atmosphere and Gameplay.
Oh, thank you for telling me I'll update that on the page, and whenever I can ill see if I can an option to change it from arrow keys to wasd. I hope you liked the game thank you for playing.
Thank you for playing my game, and for the feedback. Whenever I get the time I'll try to add your recommendations to the game, since they were really useful additions that I should have added into the game. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for your critique, I will take them to heart.
The only negative is I have to say is that sometimes when you restart and get hit you cant die the rest of the run. The game is overall pretty good, I really like the music it slaps, the weather-based combat is a really good idea. Good on you!