CON GRA TS! Super sick idea and loved how u used the theme. I would only say that maybe artwork needs some polishing as well as the main idea of how to play the game. I would have loved to see interactive tutorials/ images w text. Overall, highest rating I've given so far, loved the idea and was super fun to play. Congrats!!
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Hey everyone!
For some reason I wasn't able to build from WebGL from my Mac. Therefore, I was only able to build for Windows and Mac. Does anyone know if, in the future, I can submit my build for WebGL? Is the only limitation "As long as you don't change the game"?.
Thank you, have fun playing GeoConnect,
Hey! Nice game and really congrats on the art and graphics, really great! I think that a text or something at the beginning would've helped us to kind of understand what the game was about and how it worked (I only really understood when I looked at ur reply to a comment => the description). Also, is there a way to reload the bullets? Great game overall, really enjoyed playing it!
Wow congrats! I loved the game and the overall atmosphere. Art was great, animations too, everything was on point! Maybe 2 things I'd change would be that the flashlight's directions matches that of the player (if moving right the light will be on right and same with left up and down) and the second thing is that of the game maybe being too difficult to survive (would be compensated by giving player a direction as to where next light is or something.: Congrats!
From a game dev's point of view I am very impressed with what u have done: I love the mechanic for which the player follows the mouse and how the head turns wherever the mouse is. From a regular player's pov I would have preferred the texts to stay active for some more time as I wasn't able to read them right away since I had to do something else. Great Game though!
Hey everyone,
this is mostly a question for the admins. I just realised that I can't download my game from, Is there any chance I can upload a n HTML version of the game so u can play in browser or would it be considered kinda cheating? If anyone is able to download dice avennue could u tell me? Thanks!