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A member registered Jul 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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There is music if you turn it up in settings, I unfortunately forgot to move it back to full volume in my final build

Thank you!

Thank you! Yeah, it’s pretty simple to just move the UI elements around in and off screen. It’s kinda funny if you open it on mobile (wanted to test it for fun), it completely breaks the effect, though it’s kinda cool watching the stuff shift around.


Really fun game! Mechanics were really intuitive and fit the theme well, I especially liked how you handled the music fading in and out depending on how far the player is from the storm.

Great work!

(1 edit)

Holy smokes that’s a well made game. My only gripe is that I didn’t know wall jumping was a thing, but other than that, that was a really fun puzzler to figure out. Excited for when you make more of this!

Freaky as hell with excellent atmosphere.

Just so I know if I should keep replaying, is there a win screen?

Tried it out and rated!

Here’s my thingy:

Nice cat game!

A few suggestions for improvements would be to make the text on the upgrades a little easier to read and to make the camera shift to the next room faster (I kept running into obstacles I couldn’t see).

Aligns well with the theme!

Glad to see it finished! I played a few prototypes on discord. The game reminds me a lot of things like Karlson, really fun to just mess around with for a while.

This is a really cool idle game, and the way you made it fit into the theme was great.


AMAZINGLY CUTE, I love the pun you did as well. It would be really cool if you expand on this.

Definitely one of the best games in this jam, it’s got a great loop, great music, sfx, theme, etc etc. Really impressive work, great job!

SO CUTE :D. It’s really hard to eat fish though, so I never really got very far, but with some tweaks I think you could make this game really fun!

Wonderfully disgusting! That was really simple yet unique mechanic that was implemented soo well, and you themed it really creatively.

Took me a bit to figure out, but its actually a pretty fun mechanic. I’m not sure how you could communicate the concept better to a new player, but it would make it even better.

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Lol thank you, one of my random messages that show up on the death screen is literally “When in doubt, add more bloom!” I live by it.

(Also it is the sole reason why the game looks passable, but lets ignore that…)

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Ok yeah, definitely screwed up the final boss, that thing should spawn waaaay less enemies. I intended the game to be 10-15 minutes, and to get this I basically started skipping everything. You could probably lower the time by intentionally dying more, but yeah the balance is off here.


I like the theming you went with for the game, and the supernova acting as a way of pushing you on was cool. I do wish there were a few more interactions, and sometimes the paths between planets overlap and get cluttered, but otherwise, great job!

Not gonna try a normal playthrough but beat it in practice

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Really cool game! Art, music, and concept is great. Some critiques are to maybe add some sounds for attacks, some stats for the breeded monsters, and to crank the difficulty up.

Otherwise, great game!

Really fun game! I wish it was longer, but it’s still a lot fun to try and bring down your times.

This is a great little puzzler, each mechanic is fun to mess around with and learn, and randomizing them for each room is a great way to add replayability.

Those are some groovy tunes! Damn is this game hard tho.

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Really cool game, the thing you did with the windows reminds me a lot of games like OneShot and KinitoPet.

Might be because I instantiate the bullets at the center inside the player instead of the edge of the pointer, should be an easy enough fix I hope.

(3 edits)

Thank you!

Yeah I didn’t have enough time to balance the last bit, though it is a bit similar to what I intended. I wanted the final boss to basically be a final check to see if you have enough health, speed to beat it before the wall catches up, and fire power to get rid of its health and mini versions.

I actually set the code to guarantee the first option after a certain number of level ups to be a health upgrade, since I knew that would probably end up being the main issue and I didn’t have enough time to implement a fully distinct ‘level up’ progression like I wanted too.

Thanks! Funnily enough it was originally inspired by that Minecraft voting update as an April Fools joke a while back. I decided to basically just give each thing a benefit and negative, and then the idea to remove the negative stemmed from there.

Yeah the bosses have a few issues, I didn’t have enough time to implement that unfortunately, but I may fix it in a future update.

Thank you! Can you describe what you mean by sticky a bit more? (Gonna fix some things in a future update)

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Wow that was creepy. I really liked the visual style and sounds, and it held really well to the theme!

Fun game! Two improvements I would suggest are some sort of enemy spawn indicator, and maybe a particle effect when you hit one. Other than that, cool concept!

New spirit animal acquired.

Fun game! I really liked the theming you went for, and the parallax stuff is epic.

Kinda reminds me of the google dinosaur game, but better cause its epic ostrich game.

I really liked the retro vibes of this game, and puzzles were quite fun! I’m shocked you finished and submitted it so early, really good work.

The only thing I would maybe add is something like a fast forward button? So like, if I dropped an item accidentally and have to back and get it, I don’t have to wait as long until I collide with another thing to return around.

Great game and atmosphere! I like how you combined the storm and the movement mechanics together so you can never stay still. I also feel like the difficulty in seeing some level elements adds to the idea of just moving forward in a blizzard despite not knowing what’s ahead. I liked what you added since the stream build!

One minor nitpick for improvement - the icicle jumping section confused me at first cause I thought they were obstacles like the falling ones earlier, I didn’t realize you were allowed to stand on these ones. Maybe a different texture?

Nice game! I will say that time seemed to slow at weird moments even when I wasn’t holding down shift, but it was a cool mechanic to mess around with!

Heyo, I like the graphics, but I couldn’t get the game to progress beyond the “play with ball” prompt. I pushed it around a bunch and jumped around looking for stuff, but if I’m doing something wrong please let me know and I’ll come back and change my rating!

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I liked it! It’s a cute little dungeon game, and the cmd prompt with the window makes it also feel like one of those old text based computer games. I will say that the theming around the jam wasn’t super strong, but other than that, fun project!

I really liked how the movement mechanic created a sort of 2D platformer-puzzler combination, fun game!

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I like the game conceptually, and the intro is pretty solid outside of it not being entirely clear what things you need to do to move on.

The platforming though is a bit more problematic, spike hitboxes feel larger than their actual sprites, and player movement is far too slippery. Platformers need to feel tight so that way deaths feel like the player’s fault, not the game’s.

I did like your presentation, and theming around an evil operating system was cool.

I really like the art style, definitely gives off the griminess of the sewer. I think the mechanic that requires you to slow down to regenerate health is cool, but maybe could be a little better balanced (like the wall a tad slower) to make it work really well (or maybe I’m just bad). Otherwise, fun game!

Amazing atmosphere, the music and graphics work so well to establish the mood.