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A member registered Jul 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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The game is about a kid that causes chaos in a supermarket.

The game is about a kid that has fun destroying a grocery store while their mom tries to catch up with them. It's a very fun and a bit challenging arcade game.

The game is about a kid that has fun destroying a grocery store while their mom tries to catch up with them. It's a very fun and a bit challenging arcade game.

In case your still streaming, here's my game (windows executable)

Description: The game is about a kid that has fun destroying a grocery store while their mom tries to catch up with them. It's a very fun and a bit challenging arcade game.

Engine: My game was created in Unity in 1 week.


It's amazingly cute and completely unclear at the same time. At some point the emoji at the bottom right got stuck (didn't change back from the knife)

the music is super unnerving after 30 seconds, the high score doesn't change no matter how many bandits I kill, the enemies get stuck in the corner and block themselves.

pretty nice, I really like the idea and the music fits very well :)

nice game, but not quite my cup of tea.

the game is really cool, I enjoyed the graphics and sound.

very cool idea, the tutorial sadly doesn't end, but the game was quite fun to play

this is a really cool game I enjoyed playing it. It definitely gets chaotic quite fast

very nice idea, I sadly wasn't able to really interact with the firepits (no clear visual feedback)

this is pretty cool, I really like the simplistic style, sound and effects

objective is completely unclear. despite dragging monsters onto houses nothing seems to change and you'll loose the game after a while.

cool game idea, and the graphics are very nice :)

cute little game. Not really visible which plants fall in the "blue eyeball" and "mushroom" category.
I don't quite understand how the loosing condition works. I had multiple times where I lost after planting one plant (which was still in phase 2 or 3 and not harvestable).

the controls are horrible. the player moves completely random and A/D doesn't rotate anything, but the mouse does.

this game looks amazing and is really fun to play. I'd only like some information about what the readers think about the articles because they apparently influence the score. Also the bgm is extremely unnerving.

very interesting game idea, it was quite fun to play.

this is an amazing little game. It is overall very well made.

I'm not sure what I just played x'DD
Definitely quite funny, the art looks really good, but I don't think it really fits the theme and the lvl design could be better.

really cool and nice looking game, it was really fun to play and it also fits the theme very well.

I really like the art, especially the ghost is very cute. Sadly the whole things is a bit unfinished and buggy.
Some doorways don't work, some  door frames are missing, you can get stuck on the tombstones and the ingame menu doesn't work at all.

It seems nice, but I don't have a controller.

yes, I figured that out. But I don't get how I'm supposed to reach the start button. you can't come back when you leave the screen, the clones get destroyed as well, you obviously can't stack them vertically, but they also won't form a line in any way.

verry interesting game.
I didn't like that the timer already starts while you read the story/objective/ controls.
the player character is only half the size of the enemies, which forces you to look up all the time (uncomfortable). and it doesn't feel well balanced  (enemies take a lot of damage, always appear in larger groups, player dies after two hits).

definitely a very interesting idea. I think some occasional health items would've been a nice addition for the demon slaying part of the game.

wasn't able to figure out the controls at all

Concept - the general concept is nice, I think some better replayability might add to the game, but I'm also unable to avoid any of the larger attacks and therefore won't survive day 1-

Difficulty - As I said it's impossible for me to survive on this difficulty and it's not very fun to instantly die when a larger enemy appears. I'm also not sure about that gravity field that will drag ALL the units in and explodes it's basically instant game over without a second chance.

Controls - The input options are ok, but everything is a bit small (small hit boxes as well) what makes it hard to move single units or let them pick up stuff my clicking (instead of using the group selection all the time)

Ease of use - I think it was quite clear I only had to look up the controls, therefore a tutorial explaining/ introducing the controls/ main mechanics is always a good idea.

(I'll answer your questions on the submission page)

Thank you very much :)