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I will play, rate, and give you feedback on your game if you post it here

A topic by Allifeur created Aug 08, 2019 Views: 925 Replies: 62
Viewing posts 1 to 51

Hey! Since this jam is slowly decreasing in activity, I decided to help those who haven't left.
I'll try to make useful and constructive feedbacks for each game that gets posted here.
If your game is great, I'll also make sure to share it with some friends to give it visibility.
Feel free to give the courtesy back by testing our game as well, you know the routine.



A game about hammering your way to being the last man enlightened!

Really, a fast paced battle royale.



I like the feeling of your game ! The AI felt hard to telegraph at the begining which made for a fun experience.

Nevertheless once you get used to the game, you quickly realize that the dash makes you objectively stronger than your opponents. On a 1v1, you can literally thow your hammer in a direction and get it back before your opponent does. It takes some of the enjoyment for me, as my opponent feels inferior.

It's especially true when there is only one opponent left. I don't know if it was bad luck, but the last opponent was always some guy stuck on the bell... It felt anticlimatic. It could be interesting to give a new behaviour to the last opponents to make them more of a challenge to the player.

I liked the presence of destructible buildings as well. I'm sad that it wasn't pushed more : it's interesting to be able to hide behind them, plus it makes the player feel like his actions are impactful. 

Also, while I like the idea of hitting the gong to start the fight, you do die easily in this game. Hearing the music change so much does feel annoying. The sound effects were also lacking, but this is a design jam so It's not much of a problem

Still a very fun game overhaul, so thank you for this!


Thank you for the comments! We intend to include more destructible stuff and improve upon the AI. We also want to turn this into a multiplayer game. Mostly, the time limit was the problem and a lot of time went into some stuff that got cut towards the end.


Here's mine: https://nitai99.itch.io/twisty-chess

I will play yours tomorrow. It looks interesting.

Submitted (1 edit)

I always love when classic games get a simple twist that totally changes the way they play! I'm not a very good chess player, but I still notice a big design issue here : in classic Chess you always get a full vision of what you're playing and can plan ahead... Here the rule isn't transparent and would likely create frustration for any competitive player, they would immediatly try to understand the hidden rule. Unpredictability can be fun, but chess players only want that coming from their opponent : I think It's important to understand the core of the game you're changing.

Sadly, as I said I'm bad at Chess so I can't give you a deeper feedback...  But I do have questions!

Have you noticed some winning strategies that emerged from this? I imagine that you get more switches when you turn your pieces into knights, so I wonder if this can be abused in some way. What would happen if you were only able to move the piece you changed?

Also, have you imagined other possibles changes that felt interesting?


Yeah, I didn't add a way for you to see how soon you will be able to switch. I am working on a better version and I already added that, and I also added, in the switch screen, a way for you to know that if you switch to a Queen, the cool down will be that and that moves, etc.

I wanted to add that but because I had only one day and couldn't sleep in the night, I was really exhausted when it got to the last 5 hours of the jam, where I intended on maybe implementing this, if I have time.

I have noticed an interesting winning strategy when I played some time after the jam with the better version. I got myself into a situation where my opponent was focused on attacking me, and not defending, since all I had attacking was a bishop and a knight. I then got myself into a situation where switching my knight to a queen would result in check, and then the king would have to move to a tile where I could checkmate. 

What do you mean, that you get more switches then you turn your pieces into knights? You do, but the cool down is still pretty big. You can't just change all of your pieces to knights instantly. Unless it's the end of the game, and then there is a known bug.

And " What would happen if you were only able to move the piece you changed?" it might be interesting. After I implement AI I will play test it.

About " What would happen if you were only able to move the piece you changed?", I thought about maybe constraining your ability to change to different pieces, for example, at the first switch you can't change to a Queen, etc. But of course I need to think of something more interesting.

Thanks a lot for the feedback! If you want to see how much of a change the cool down timer brings, you can take a look at the better version currently. I will add AI soon.


Here's my jumping game with only one platform: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462343


I'm not a big fan of this one sadly, but there are still excellent ideas there !
There are some elements I found frustrating or problematic :

- The game relies too much on randomness for me, it creates an incoherent difficulty curve that forces unfair situations.
- Some rocks got generated on screen and catched me by suprise. Unfair as well, but I imagine this is a bug.
- The controls didn't felt natural to me. Instead of cutting the jump, couldn't you simply have your mouse closer to the platform?
- The Game sometimes requires you go down if you want to pass, but the camera doesn't follow. I often got hit by rocks I couldn't even see.

But it's just my opinion, of course.


Hope you try mine too.



Very fun concept, I really enjoyed the first levels : the learning phase felt natural.
Nevertheless, if you want to extend your game it might a problem if you allow players to jump on cubes indefinitely to gain height. Have you considered adding a maximum number of cubes one can use depending on the levels? It might help creating more puzzles.


Thanks for playing and providing feedback, as for jumping on cubes to gain height it is a bug and you're not supposed to be able to place a cube while mid-air and all the puzzles were designed with that in mind. 


Hi guys! 

My game is called Room. 

It's a desktop puzzle game where you need to use the clues from the computer to escape the room. You got only one chance to do this. If u fail solving the puzzle the first and only time... The application won't open again. 


One of the screenshot from my game. 

Submitted (1 edit)

Excellent story-telling, I really enjoyed it even though I failed!
The "you only have one chance" formula is frustrating by nature, but I think it works in a game like this one.
 It's hard to express a good feedback when you only play once, but I felt that the game was too hard. I couldn't link the clues together. :(


Check mine out, it's a puzzle game where you solve puzzles with only one light from your magical wizard staff. 


Submitted (1 edit)

It is an interesting concept, I don't think it's very original to use light in this way but it's still works.
There are still design flaws that took out some of the enjoyment :

- Your game is a puzzle game, so there is no need to fall in darkness. It doesn't feel like it's part of the challenge, thus feeling frustrating. You would need to have some invisible walls or at least a jump option in order not to get stuck.
- It takes two different inputs to use the light... While I know they don't do exactly the same thing, I still think it could be reduced one.
- It would be better to use the other input to grab movable objects, then push & drag them. Right now it feels hard to master as you can only push by moving. It can lead to situations where you are forced to restart
- The game can be incoherent sometimes. For instances, one of the mirrors can be taken on an elevator while another can't. 
- The mirror turned upward was hard to identify as a mirror. I though it was a rock to block light.
- Being forced to restart because of the dark clouds feels overly-punitive. 

Still a fun concept, the visuals were nice, thanks for this!


Well, the incoherences came when I designed some of the gameplay elements on the fly, to suit the puzzles and I didn't even thought players would try to push mirror on the first elevator, thats why feedback from a lot of people is so great! Thank you very much for your feedback, I will definitely look into the points you made when updating a game and designing other gameplay elements/puzzles.


Check out and rate please. Tell me what do you think. I'm very curious. Made this in 24h first time drawing anything

https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462377 https://youtu.be/QVIS8fesZrA


Very interesting concept with a nice artstyle! I lasted 187 seconds and I will definitely replay it another time, it was fun !
I imagine it is a bug , but some monsters disappear & appear right next to me. It feels very unfair...

The level design would probably gain from having more thoughts into it. You can easily loose track from where your crown is going because it lacks obstacles. There are just too many throws you can do where you can't find your crown back, it's just to hard to predict and feels frustrating.

You also need to work on a pathfinding system, as monsters are likely to get stuck... I imagine it could get exploited.


Thanks! I am aware of these problems. If I had more time I would fix them but unfortunately I was limited to 24 hours only.


Here is my game, You Have One Shot, an FPS game in which you have to line up groups of enemies in order to shoot a single bullet through them, and earn a combo kill!


Ill also be adding your game to my list of games to rate ;)


Sorry, but I hate it...

One bullet games are not very original so it's important to have something more polished than this in my opinion.
You only have a sound effect to know when enemies will shoot, they don't even turn toward your direction.
Why is there a big button on their head if it's more efficient to shoot at their torso? What's the point of explosions if they can't affect nearby enemies?

This kind of concepts is known to work well, so there clearly room for improvement... But right now it's not enough for me to enjoy it. :(

ok then https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462132?before=7#post-851500


Would love feedback. This was made by a big team of beginners who pair-programmed this as their first game.

(Also post how close you got to the target in the comments)


I and a friend of mine made this little puzzle game where you control the knight only! It's chess inspired, but kinda different!



hey! Would love it if you could play my game. Feedback is always greatly appreciated.



Hey! My team and I overscoped for the jam, but I'm super proud of it and it would mean a lot if you were able to take the time to give it a play and rate the game!

MICROVANIA - A One Screen Mini-Metroidvania with a Twist! https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462198

And a few notes to help you play it! (The Game Jam build has a few bugs and quality of life issues)
- It works with Keyboard OR Gamepad
- You can view the controls in the menu (Esc or Start)
- The Player has 3x Health but will be instantly killed by Dragon Fire
- If you die twice, you should close and reopen the game (it breaks more and more with each death)
- There are two Winning Endings (You Kill the Dragon, or You Give the Dragon What it's Looking for!)
- There are 5 secret Gems hidden throughout the game if you can't find the last one, keep looking!


I'm off to bed now, but your game will be first on my list tomorrow! I have no idea what is happening in your gif but it looks intriguing! 

Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463424


Fun game!

Feel free to try out my game! It's another arcade-y, single-screen, run around and blast enemies kind of game.



I tried out your game! Feel free to play mine if you get the chance, but no biggie if you're already too swamped! https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462936


Might as well throw my hat in the ring!



Here's our game!



Here's mine :) 

One Last Time
Explore your home as you leave - one color at a time!



I created a Puzzle game where you have only one tile. It is very zen-like and has lots of levels :)



Our game is named Impulse. This tricky, single-level game will put your platforming abilities to the test. 

What's waiting for you in the dark? Only One way to find out. Be Impulsive and take a leap of faith. 

Good luck, and thank you for playing. 

Only One Sprite was used to make Only One Level, and you get Only One Pulse to help you out. 



I've got some time so i'm trying your game now!

Here is mine:


Submitted (1 edit)

Hey, buddy! I saw you were the game and sound designer on your game, so I'm real interested to know your detailed take on my game. And do not be afraid to be harsh as all hell; when it comes to my games, I prefer brutal honesty feedback over kindness!

Edit: Oh, forgot to say, no worries or pressure if you don't get as far as my game before rating ends. Feedback would be rad, but not as rad as you not burning yourself out with the detailed reviews!



Here's mine :)


Hope you enjoy!

Submitted (1 edit)

Ok fine, your game will be the last I try before going to sleep, then. :-)
Here's mine : https://alexisriviere.itch.io/single-digit


Ok, so our game is Rogue One:


It's a roguelike where you only have one stat, and said stat is your attack, your health, speed, etc. You get blessings and curses hat also depend on that value, and some enemies stats do the same. There are 4 enemies, 1 boss, 3 weapons, shops, an elemental damage and resistance system with three elements and variants for all enemies, and the game is procedural and infinite. Try it and tell us if you like it, we're really proud of it and hope people see it and enjoy it ^^


Hi. I am going to play/rate your game. Hopes rate for mine as well. Appreciate. (•̀•́) و ̑̑ 

Portal: https://beaverjoe.itch.io/the-only 


https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461338 Pls check out my game! It's really quick and easy! Ratings are appreciated!


Heres my game, an easy to understand arcade-like game. I try to rate all the people who rate me:



Feedback would be great!

My game is a horror platformer, and I know it needs music. [Ran out of time before I could add any!]



Any feedback is appreciated


Here's my game, 0'01" (heads up: people are saying it's brutally hard!):


I'll be playing/rating yours right now!


My entry ✌



Light Them Up was great! Just left a rating and comment. Feel free to try out my short one-button game featuring a lab assistant and a noisy speaker.



I'd love some feedback on my game! I've gotten a few people saying what they liked but I want to also know where it can be improved. https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462213



ETTIN BFFs is a co-op game with only one controller and avatar.


He is the hero we need but don't deserve!



My game: https://team-toom.itch.io/lonely-platform


Hey, just played and rated your game, it was cool!

Here is our game, "The Only NeOne" a Grid based puzzle game where you clear levels by reaching the exit by only pressing and holding your input keys ONCE. Study the enemy's patterns, keep track of your paths you take and figure out how to reach the exit!

You will find the game here: https://dzamani.itch.io/the-only-neone

We would love to hear your feedbacks!






Considering im a few short of 40, I hope you have fun!

If you have any problems, read the desc or msg me.


Go on a journey exploring how your interactions affect how you feel. https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462278


My first game jam entry: One Enemy. Shoot the enemy as many times as possible and dodge it's attacks.



my entry is a simple puzzle game:

Submitted (1 edit)

This is my first game jam and every feedback is very helpful so please give me feedback and rate my game:



My game is called One Shot In The Chamber, a wave based survival game where you must fight off hordes of enemies with the catch being, you have only one bullet. Fortunately, the bullet is magic and you can summon it back to you or teleport to it. Using this unique ability, you must survive as long as possible in the chamber. Here is a screenshot of the game and the link to the game page: https://mark-auman.itch.io/one-shot-in-the-chamber


Simple, colorful platformer)  I would be very grateful if you have a few minutes to play my game)

Game: https://bloodpirat.itch.io/only-one-rectangle 

Rate: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460625


Can we have some feedback aswell?



Hope you'll like it, try to get all endings! =]