I helped do the art for a game for this game jam. I play a decent amount of video games so i want to critique level design and also highlight some cool concepts/art. P.S. play the game i made https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463810
I helped do the art for a game for this game jam. I play a decent amount of video games so i want to critique level design and also highlight some cool concepts/art. P.S. play the game i made https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463810
Alright, Here's my game, You Have One Shot, an FPS game where you have to line up groups of enemies and shoot them in combos! I'll also be checking out your game as well-- at least tomorrow when I get up xD
Here is mine! I've got 10 ratings so far. I'm going to rate yours now.
Hey! My team and I overscoped for the jam, but I'm super proud of it and it would mean a lot if you were able to take the time to give it a play and rate the game!
MICROVANIA - A One Screen Mini-Metroidvania with a Twist! https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462198
And a few notes to help you play it! (The Game Jam build has a few bugs and quality of life issues)
- It works with Keyboard OR Gamepad
- You can view the controls in the menu (Esc or Start)
- The Player has 3x Health but will be instantly killed by Dragon Fire
- If you die twice, you should close and reopen the game (it breaks more and more with each death)
- There are two Winning Endings (You Kill the Dragon, or You Give the Dragon What it's Looking for!)
- There are 5 secret Gems hidden throughout the game if you can't find the last one, keep looking!
Here's mine :
I hope you do enjoy it................and maybe get addicted to it ;)
GAME : https://vcp.itch.io/only-one-pair-of-platforms
RATE : https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461979
Our game is Einnsámr: The Lone Warrior, a game about preserving your soul in a hostile world. We'd love it if you tried the game out :) https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463168?after=20#post-871093
If you do, leave a comment with a link to your game, and I'll be sure to play it!
Here's my game called One Enemy. It's my forst ever jam entry and the first game I've ever finished. You have to shoot the enemy as many times as pissible and dodge it's attacks.
I would like to know what you think about my game, Twisty Chess
(make sure you read the IMPORTANT section in the itch.io page description)
Hey this is my cute little black and white zelda style game. A lot of people say its got a lot of content and really polished for 24 hours! Each weapon has only one hit, so you have to find a new one every time. It can get pretty intense swapping in and out of combat whilst enemies swarm around you! I hope you play and rate! Thx
If you like puzzle games, you can give a try to AUTOMATON, a puzzle/programming game where you can add only one instruction to the sequence!
I try to play as many game I saw, but unfortunately I can't because I'm on a mac :'(
Here's my humble attempt at roguelike genre: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460262
This is my game One Enemy. It's my first game jam game and my first finished game overall!
This is Negative Nancy.
You play as Nancy, and must navigate precarious social situations but there's only one thing you can say: no!
You have to choose WHEN to say it (and when not say it) to navigate conversations, rather than choosing WHAT to say.
We really wanted to have a crack at a twist on a dialogue system, so this was a blast to make!
Here's Cosmic Climber - a jumping game with only one platform: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462343
THis game is so fun! at first when i clicked i was surprised because i died immediately but then i had this epiphany moment of "oh that's how it's gonna be controlled." And i absolutely love the way it's kind of a pat your head and rub you tummy kind of challenge. Great job. One critique, maybe just introduce new challenges as you continue to keep the gameplay fresh. Overall an awesome and fun game
Here's our game https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/462535
You have to dismantle a bomb in only 1 minutewhile using the manual. We have to warn you it isn't an easy game ;)
I hope you (or someonelse) finds some time to play it.
Thank you in advance!
Here is my game, also named oneshot! I hope you will enjoy it.
If you have any problems, desc should help
Will be happy to get your feedback.
I built a special platformer that has only one platform.
I have only 16 ratings: https://team-toom.itch.io/lonely-platform
The game is Called "One Earth". You control a giant mech as it walks around the planet in a 2D plane. You must save Earth from a cartoonish swarm of aliens by building turrets in different biomes (Sand, Ocean, Mountains, and Plains) to defend your home as you make your way toward an escape. Each biome has a different affect on the turret. You can stack them, turn them into shields and more, but BE CAREFUL, using to much of Earth has its own consequences.
Me and my friend made this puzzle game inspired by chess, where you control the knight only! Give it a try!
thanks! not many people playing today...
I have browser and Mac support if you're interested in a platformer: https://h-labs.itch.io/only-you
Got both version for you, Lucky!
My game is called One Shot In The Chamber, a wave based survival game where you must fight off hordes of enemies with the catch being, you have only one bullet. Fortunately, the bullet is magic and you can summon it back to you or teleport to it. Using this unique ability, you must survive as long as possible in the chamber. Here is a screenshot of the game and the link to the game page: https://mark-auman.itch.io/one-shot-in-the-chamber
Have fun in our small 2D top down arena shooter where you only have one shot and you have to pick up a new weapon. Sound weird but it's a lot of fun and very juicy :D
Thank you very much. It's sad that it did not run well on your Laptop. The new Unity 2D Lights could be the reason. I did not really look at how optimized the game is, because there is not really time for such stuff during a game jam. If we keep working on this game, I will have a look into this topic and make in run on every PC and Laptop ;)
Hi! Here's a mac/browser game!
It's a puzzle/programming game called AUTOMATON where you can add only one method to the sequence!
I wanted to play your games but it's only on windows :'(
The most nitpicky the best: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/460349