It's fun but super difficult, I beat level 1 but couldn't beat level 2. One thing I found annoying is when the player is moving downwards and shoots a bubble, it sort of spawns in the player and the player does not get a bounce off of it. The art of the game would benefit greatly if it was all of the same pixel size; the mountain, player and red block have different sizes of pixels. Overall though, fun game and bubble bouncing mechanic.
The Quinnzite Mushroom
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It took me until I clicked on settings to find out that "a" was the button needed to catch firefly. What I don't understand is, what does pressing the space bar/casting spells do?
Because of the lighting/atmosphere in the game along with all the buttons you have it feels very much like a finished game.
I think how you used the limitation is cool since you need to constantly move in a loop to stay alive. I also like the neon colors. I feel like it's very difficult to buy the things from the orbs while fighting the pigs. A pause button where you can open orbs would make the game easier and more manageable.
I guess I forgot to remove the exit when pressing x.
Changing images would potential change the hit-box size, the player does have a set hit box so changing it might not do much.
The wizard will go upwards when shooting straight down and not moving. Sometimes when on the floor a shot will not work.(bug)