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A member registered Dec 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This update includes the following:

- Fixed hard mode (it's actually beatable now)

- Added sound effects

- New bullet and enemy sprites

- Slight changes to some of the music

- Coins added (they don't do anything at the moment but they will in the future)

- Destructible crates added

- Bouncy jello added

Expect more updates in the future :)

Very cool game. I'd love to see it be finished someday.

(1 edit)

Whenever i boot up the game this is the only thing i see. Is this just me?

Guys look i won

Short but sweet! My only complaints are that the attack and spell are too powerful. If you made the sword deal less damage, made the spell less potent, and maybe gave the enemies more health and a bigger attack range, this could be a really cool game! Keep up the good work!

Pretty cool idea for a game. I have a couple of complaints; lack of a clear goal and the game freezing and/or crashing occasionally. But besides that, very well done!

It might be an issue on my end but unfortunately, I can't really play the game because it runs very poorly. Which sucks, because it looks pretty fun. Is anyone else having the same issue?

That was a lot of fun! It's impressive that you were able to make this all by yourself. It was very good.

Simple yet fun game. Took me a few tries but I managed to beat the normal mode. Good job!

I just realized that in the tutorial i accidentally wrote middle click instead of left click. Woops lol