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A member registered Sep 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Very interesting concept and very well executed. The quality is very impressive for a game made in such short time.
My only complaints are that the friendly and enemy pieces appear too similar and sometimes I confused which are mine and which aren't, despite the white outline. Also I had some trouble when dragging the mega pieces, I often had to drag them a couple times before they finally moved.

I really like the art, sfx, music and the juice! It really helps set the atmosphere of the game!
I do wish that the player character would be more responsive tho. The full stop when attacking and slow acceleration feels a bit stiff imo, given how fast the npcs move and react to attacks. But that might be just skill issue on my part ;)

Very atmospheric! I really like the visuals and sfx! It was a little too hard for me, but I had lots of fun.

Really cool concept. It gets a little too hard too fast imo, but it's still really fun.

Very cool game! I like the artwork and the combat feels very nice.