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The Hemohscin Project

A member registered Aug 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Main reason for it feeling wrong to re-release it is that the new game would be re-indexed.

We decided to remake/overhaul one of our previous games, adding all the up to date "modern" features of our more recent releases. The game will be new to Steam as it was not on that platform originally, however it was released on here and Gamejolt awhile ago. We will be adding a price tag onto the new version, however if it goes through an update the older free version will no longer be available. Re-releasing the game on here and Gamejolt feels a bit "cheaty" or "cheap" to us though. So we're not quite sure what would be preferred by our "audience" or new players, which is why I'm asking here. Like I said the game would update to have a price tag which would likely revoke access to anyone who downloaded the old version for free. 

Any opinions?

JAOMC is a puzzle-horror game. 

We have finally completed the demo for our future game "Just an Ordinary Maintenance Check", the demo shows off the core gameplay, visual style, and environment. An introduction into puzzles and items that will appear in the full game the demo is meant to provide an idea into what the full game will include and how it will play. The demo's playtime will likely average to 30 minutes, there is a usable map in the game so the estimated playtime will changed based on the player's navigation ability.

Sent an email, not sure if it went through.

I forgot to ask, is there a way I could privately contact you? Such as an email or otherwise? 

It's unfortunate how much I see religion and also supernatural topics being viewed on the internet as negative, I hope to change that. It's also rare to see any good Christian content online, the only decent ones I've personally seen in awhile are the Faith trilogy and Mr. Hopps series in terms of entertainment. 

Hello, I feel as if I've made it pretty clear that me and my team are quite Christian. It's always refreshing and nice to see other Christians on digital platforms, especially with how much "doom and gloom" is posted online.

This should be the third and FINAL update to Just an Ordinary Bike Ride, some fixes with the hidden content. A few animation updates in both game modes and a small amount of sound and music changes. As well as an updated cover image, to fit with the rest of our newer games. We appreciate you taking the time to play.

A short game about sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis demons, this was made in roughly a week of constant work and has about 5 to 10 minutes of playtime. This game was specifically Evard's idea as it's his personal experience with nightmares, demons, and sleep paralysis. He has since dealt with the issues, as you find out in this game.

A game we released a few months ago has been updated with some minor content update but mostly fixes to major errors, the game page has also been updated to fit the new standard of what our games are going to look like going forward. We appreciate those that come back to Another Nightmare and those that have already played.

(1 edit)

I saw the video, we appreciate you coming back for the second ending. The extra gamemode doesn't require you to do anything else, you just need to find the shotgun in the apartment. It's a sort of walking simulator future game teaser, if you come back for it on or off video. 

If you liked the game consider playing our other games, it's all under the same storyline so far. 

We do have other games if you're interested.

Finally after a lot of set backs we released our new game called "Coming Home", it's a pretty short experience and is very much an introduction to how our games are going to look and feel going forward. As well as introducing a new not so friendly face, whatever is left of it at least. 

This game is not meant for low end hardware, but as long as your device has a gpu the game should run fine. 

Obviously to get instant engagement clickbait is the easy way out however one's branding pretty much determines what kind of audience you're going to keep. Someone like Thomas Brush would suggest making dev logs or livestreaming development or posting high energy and engaging game update videos. However that wouldn't work for everyone, some people wish to tell a serious story for example. Development log videos likely wouldn't fit any kind of ARG or webseries kind of branding, so for that cryptic teasers or mysterious kinds of videos would be much better suited for that style, especially for keeping retention rather than just attention. On the average it's a balance of building an audience AND keeping that audience.

You should probably put this in the help wanted category, before a moderator metaphorically yells at you through text.

If you get stuck or believe something to have broke in the game feel to email us. 

I believe I have posted on a previous topic from you, but I cannot find that post. 

Besides that, our latest full game has been out for awhile now; It could take up to two hours of playtime, if you're not all that great with memorization or navigation. As it is a maze and puzzle game, though it is also a scary game so be aware of that I suppose. There is a map posted on our other social pages if you do get stuck. 

Still referring to the popular section, the question was about getting attention or at least being noticed, not success. I said keeping an audience was about quality and would lead to success, but reading the question that was asked I didn't the topic of success being brought up. So I assumed it wasn't part of the question.

I'm referring to the popular page.

Let's be real here, heavy clickbait is the only way to be "noticed". Nothing to do with the quality of a game, there's plently of bad games that get extremely popular simply because they're clickbaitable. However those games die out rather quickly, clickbait attracts an audience and quality keeps an audience. The games that get popular always make use of things like buzzwords and well known ideas and topics, like being "inspired by another game". Clones of games and concepts tend to take off more than unique ones now but that's likely because that is all that's ever done now. Especially on here, you're only going to get popular right away if you make some average clickbaity horror game. The people making unique games already have a following, so they're able to do so. It's unfortunate but the only real way to be noticed right away to follow clickbaity trends. 

I didn't assume you were agreeing or disagreeing, I mostly thought you were confused at what I claimed. However on your second point, no one is "unable" to create their own assets. It's all about time, willingness to learn, and in a way 'stubbornness' but really just not giving up. Like I said I have a lot points about this topic but unless you want to read an essay I will hold them back.

Well placeholders are just that, they're meant to be replaced. I am specifically talking about an official release of any game, hell even YouTubers would get screwed over for using music in videos that was "free" and later had it's terms and conditions changed. I have a lot of points against using premade assets but it becomes a whole discussion if I bring them up. 

Your best option is to not use premade assets. It's always best to learn to do it yourself, especially because of the limiting restrictions in question. On top of that even if an asset doesn't have restrictions that could change at any point in the time the creator decides to change it.

We released a new game today called "Another Nightmare", it's been in the works for a few months now and we've finally been able to release it. It's completely free but it's quite a bit longer than our other game, "Just an Ordinary Bike Ride", however this game does have a save system so it does not need to be completed in one session. It's a puzzle horror game that takes place in a maze environment, the maze itself is unchanging allowing for decent memorization but some items and puzzles are a bit randomized to balance everything out. 

To those that play it, we hope you enjoy it and thank you.

We recently updated the game with some changes to small details and some special "hidden" content accessible after playing through the game. As well as having made access to the previously hidden content more clear and changing the actual content itself.

A short game but meant as an introduction to our graphical and visual style as well as an idea as to what kinds of games we have in store. Simple mechanics of cycling home and avoiding obstacles. It's free as it will only take a few minutes of your time and we appreciate any that take the short time to play it. Though we assure any players that there's a bit more than what's just 'on the surface'.