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A member registered Mar 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much!

An intriguing idea, but for that we fist have to talk about Parallel Universes.

(1 edit)

Should have probably mentioned it somewhere in game but you can press R to reset the level XD

Also im probably gonna work on it a bit more, see what I can do with the concept

The character controls and platforming feel great and are really polished, just like most of the game.

But I do have some critisism for the game as well.

1. The Camera zoom-in is a cool idea, but it kinda defeats the purpose of change the size since it doesnt feel any different. Size is relative, and since all other things are small as well and the camera gets scaled down too, it doesnt feel any different being small or big. I would maybe suggest playing around with either keeping the camera the same size or if you cant see the character well enough then you could only scale it down a little, so that the character still seems a lot smaller but you can see more of the room and its relative size.

2. There is a lot of waiting and walking involved that definetly needs to be cut down

I think with both these things improved this game could be really good, I especially like the sound design!

This was so fun, definetly could see a full game made out of this, maybe with a bit more diversity and more mechanics but the platforming felt great, the level design was straight forward but still fun, maybe a bit repetitive. The humor though is on point, what game dev doesnt want to make an MMO fast paced action adventure rpg momentum shooter?

The funniest thing imo was definetly the start of the blender level XD

(2 edits)

Really creative vision and great execution, I would have just a few suggestions:

the controls are not very intuitive, but I think a simple way to make it a bit better would be to use the arrow keys instead of ijkl, since ijkl is such an unintuitive control scheme. There are probably ways to make it even more easy to pick up but this is my simple suggestions

and the second would be to not use red for positive things. After the first level I immediately forgot that red were jumping platforms and avoided them until like the 5th level. Its always important to use preexisting familiarities, in most games red is bad, so red should mostly be used for something that is bad (like the enemies)

But despite those complaints, great idea!

I think one of my favorites is where you had to make one object bigger so it pushes a ball to do something else, I think that was really creative and could probably be well expanded upon!

Unbelievably great game, especially for 3 people in a 4 day game jam! Loved the idea and the level design was really great. The polish too was excellent. 

My only real critisism would be the jump, im not a fan of it only activating when letting go, id rather have it be instantanous when you start pressing it. And its probably more taste, but I often got confused (especially in cases where I needed to react quickly not to fall of) where I wanted to go forwards and started reversing of the edge (totally my fault i know XD), I think maybe the control scheme should be a bit different. 

I think I would like to have the pullback motor on 'S', the braking on 'Space' and maybe the jump on 'LMB' that way when you want to go forward you dont accidentally reverse. But thats just my taste, its totally fine how it is!

Great game 100%, would love it to be expanded!

Probably the best level design ive seen so far for the jam, the core mechanic is used in a very creative way and really fun and easy to understand. The only small itty  bitty improvement would be the jumping, it doesnt feel quite right and is maybe  a bit short. Other than that, really good!

If you plan on doing more high qualitiy levels for this game I would definetly play them!

Really fun idea but the character controller  was a bit fustrating, It feels a bit like Mario 64 with turning around and the fact that you can't fall down ledges made  it fustrating going down the stairs again and again. Also I would maybe consider adding a sprint button.

Besides the character controller, the level design and execution were well done. 

With some polish and a rewritten Character controller I think this game could really shine! 

(1 edit)

What a genius twist on the theme! Sometimes the car understeered a lot and I couldnt turn at all but besides that I didnt really encounter any  bugs! What I would say though is that the different levels need something to mechanical to differentiate them so they are not only more interesting and varied but also more memorable.

But still great idea, great execution and Id love to see you expand (get it?) on that idea  

Edit: Maybe an idea would be to make things like trees breakable at a certain size,  so you can still have  a shot at going to the speedlimit

Genius Idea and super well executed, I didn't run into any bugs while playing which is rare. I also likethe squishing of the character alot. I would maybe suggest giving the blocks and/or the player a physics material with no friction so it doesnt get stuck on walls. Also maybe add an extra downwards force after the player has reached the jump apex, it makes the jumps feel a lot tighter!

Really like the idea, maybe position the UI somewhere else so you dont block the view of the tiles you've placed. Being able to scroll the camera up  and down would probably also help  with accidentilly leaving tiles behind.

But the basic  Idea is  awesome, with a bit of polish this could be a really fun mobile game!

I think I did but I could also be mistaken, I have to check again

Really cool idea and the first few Levels look great. The game is a bit buggy but thats been said enough already. I would  suggest for the box to restrict the axis movement and for the collecting of the sand to be a button so you dont do it accidentally. That could also open new doors (literally) where you have to use it to jump up somewhere. But still, good job!

Loved the game, gave me outer wilds mixed with  Mario Galaxy vibes. The music is also well picked. I would suggest to make the camera controllable, at least to an amount so you can  look around a bit more and  percieve depth  a bit better

Lucky for us that it did or else the Nomai couldnt have figured out that its blind. So if you think about it this game creates a new Universe

I like the idea but sucking up the object and shooting them back out took way too long, if it was more instant it would feel a lot more satisfying and would help with the pacing.

Still, great Idea!

Well done using utilizing the theme so well! Its very polished and such a great execution of that idea

What an amazing game, really well crafted, from the visuals to the puzzles, great game!

The idea is really cool and the artstyle is fantastic, well done!


I really like to add speedrunning capabilities to my games since I like to speed through my games during testing

Thanks alot!

Thank you so much!

After the Jam is over I will probably come back and try and fix them, my primary prevention method was even more buggy so I removed it for a more enjoyable experience

Thank you!
I had a fix for the bugging through the level but it ended up even more buggy so I decided to remove it and pray that it doesnt happen too often

Changed it to Left Click but one can still use shift 

Thank you!

Really cool idea, I would suggest upping the speed of the character a bit