I am trying to use the dickshroom and yet it keeps on crashing.
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Well, I will give creditability where its due, it's a good game. It's like Oddessy of Gianna . Hopefully, the transformations can be used in battle rather than as cosmetics. I would love to roleplay as as possessed plant person or even a maid with the same abilities of that of the enemy. And mental transformations are a must for me. At least dialogue-wise. Like, how in witch hunter Izuna, the dialogue changes when you are equipped with a certain charm. And hopefully, unlike that game, you are allowed to branch out these transformations in order to create unique combos. My problem with witch hunter izuna in the first place was the fact that in later dungeons, you sort of forced into this situation where the only combo you can perform that even does a remote amount of damage is to let the sword girl power up and hit harder. Not to mention, the level-up system is stupid there and takes forever to even make a difference. So, my suggestion is that you focus first on the transformations and the paths to take. So far, you have done well with the interactions.
Well, she doesn't have anything that allows her to hit hard. Her healing ability is just that...healing. And she has a double attack that she doesn't gain until later on. And even then, you can bearly use it at all. Either because you are using magic that. Most of the time, I am just spamming Celestia's magic to kill everyone anyway. The only reason not to lose Cadence is to make sure that at least one other pony is not fully captured.
I still say that you can for the most part use the drone ability after you beat the first level. Becoming a sort of super solider.
Well, I have beaten the game. It lacked an intro for a demo but can't complain. So here's my honest review.
It feels familiar to games I have played before. Like oddessy of Gianna. That being said, for some reason, Celestia is the only one that has the give-up option. Which is a darn shame because it doesn't knock out the other princesses. Like how odyssey of Gianna knocks out the entire team. So, work on that first. Also, I would like to point out that you can take certain elements from Odyssey of Gianna and be able to wear a drone outfit so you can use its abilities. Because as far as I am concerned, Cadence doesn't really add anything worthwhile. And so, I figured that I can turn her into a drone and change her class into that of a drone. Have an entirely new move set.
Also, I find it dumb that you have to pay to heal but that's just my personal gripe.
I am so curious about what happens when you possess a body for so long. Like, right now, I have managed to have very high compatibility with that elf lady. And if I kick her out of her own body, I basically nearly have full control. So, would my soul change to look like her body? What if my new body becomes my default "anchor point"?
Hey, so...I am kinda curious on when is the next update on Witch hunter Izuna. Cause like I stated, I feel like the game really needs to capitalize on the transformations rather than being just a pallet swap. I get you are working on another game and that's fine but it would be nice if you give that other game some love too.
This game is quite disappointing with the transformations. Sure, you can transform into a puppet or a mummy but you don't make good use out of them outside of delaying being transformed into something else. Not to mention that charms all give the same boost once you atune it. So it's feels more like a pallet swap instead of mixing strengths and weaknesses. Like, take a few pages from Odyssey of Gianna. A game that has a very similar permeance but has not only tons of transformations but also adding abilities. Having a different load out for each class. I get that this game is different compared to that game but wouldn't it be fun to just be a werewolf rather than just be a pallet swap?
So, I just made this account just so I can comment. So uhh...I really like this game. Although, I do have a complaint. For you see, I have lost most of MP every time I become a ghost. This is vital for my relationship with Glace. So you are forced to move around until you reach five MP. Not much of a big deal but why even bother with MP? It would make more sense if you only need one mp. Or none really since ghosts just...posses things. It's not likely you will see this comment but for the sake of trying to improve the games I love, I have to at least leave a comment here for the hopes people see this.
Also, I would love more Glace content. Like, how would Celica be like when she posses the puppet more often? Would her spirit look more like the puppet?
Or even better, you can sleep as the puppet. Or even the other elf. Forgot her name. That way, you can recover MP and health without just ejecting yourself out the body and just waiting for the MP to fill up again to possess someone. That is if your MP starts very low to begin with. Which is a very annoying thing to do. I know that, and again, I am aware that you may not consider this but I, in good faith, cannot remain silent.