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A member registered Sep 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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wait, the sphere was doing something? I never took time to figure it out

(1 edit)

Cool game! Couldn't win after 3 tries. Got 20 and it wasn't enough. I liked the music. Wish the terrain was either fully traversable, or there was some clear indication of slopes too steep to climb.

Edit: I won!


The game looks very beautiful and feels very chill! I loved the birds sounds and music. But I didn't understand what to do at first. I just kept dying. I tried dashing through enemies and it didn't give me feedback on hurting the enemies. I didn't realise I was hurting them, so I thought I needed to interect with the lamp somehow and the dash was there just to dodge. Only after reading the game page I decided to try once again. I didn't like the enemy sounds. My personal pet peeve is this specific kind of whisper where voice cords are not used at all. It irritates me. I just hear the lips touching. I read on the internet that it's called Misophonia (or selective sound sensitivity syndrome). Part of the problem is how repetitive the noise is. I am perfectly ok with Malkavian whispers from Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines, for example. Also I didn't quite understand the role of all 3 ceatures there. It just feels like it's an unnesessary croud there, that only adds to talking. They all are cute, but maybe you should have focused on a second level instead of a squirrel? 

I think you have a lot of skill. You created a special atmosphere. I think you can make beautiful story- driven games!



Nice game. I was confised with interaction system allowing both keyboard and mouse inputs. It was strange to me that you used G and H , but not E or R, which are closer and more comfortable to press. Tried several times and couldn't get to the blue berries. The big spider seems undying, I didn't notice health bar going down if I hit it with a berry and didn't know if I could even kill it. Then I died to darkness???? I guess, I am just not the gamer to figure it all on my own. It looks nice though and I see a lot of people in comments enjoying figuring it out and beating it. 

Frankly, I didn't understand how to play. There was too much to read to play it. I think it's never good for a game to have so much info to play. Gamers will skip and not read several lines of tutorial text and here you have pages upon pages. It would help if pressing E opened the journal on the right tab, but I don't think it did. I think it just remembered the last tab I was on. The graphics were cute, I really liked the visuals and the music. I think in games like this you need to find a way to ease the player into the game bit by bit. Maybe have a bug explain it with comix-like speach bubbles.


Nice game! The text animation is confusing, The letters appear and move simultaniously quite fast and text is blurring. I agree with others that there's not much tention. Also agree that one button for the clipboard would be better. The in-level text requires you to click not just somewhere on screen, but specifically on the text. It's different from in-between-levels dialogue and not quite clear. A button instead of (click to continue) would be better in my opinion. Some objects also seemed to be out of the camera range. I got stuck at the last level. And got annoyed by the constant dialogue box that was not going away. I couldn't figure out how to get out. I think it's a solid idea. I enjoyed playing up till the very end. 

Thank you for playing!


(1 edit)

Nice game. Other already said enough about movement speed. I liked the idea of quests in te city. But I don't think the quests were weird enough to fit the aberration theme. I think the fishing minigame is a bit too boring. You can just sit there spamming E and get all the fish you want. The fish doesn't even have to be on screen. The time guy is annoying as hell. Not in the good way. Too fast and takes too much. It's too punishing. I couldn't find the taxi station. There were some yellow cars, but approaching them did nothing. I had close to $1500 and then I got robbed twice and lost all of it. The thief can also get you into the -money territory which is even move frustrating. 

Edit: I managed to beat the game finally. I gon't understand why I need a ticket to get a taxi. I think interacting with an actual taxi would be better.



Loved it! I think you managed to capture the Lovecraftian vibe. The atmosphere is tense. I liked the enemies. The visuals are neat. I liked how crates and barrels create shadows. The moving barrels were a nice touch too. I didn't mind the speed. It added to the tension and creepiness of the place. Loved the creaking sounds of the ship and enemy sounds. I enjoyed playing the game a lot! Barely survived with only 1 life left:)

Loved the game!  Loved the visuals, the sound and the atmosphere they create. Love the voice acting, although I wish there were subtitles. For some reason it reminded me of a play station game ICO. I think, if you add some weird story to it and some exploring apart from gravity jumps, it can become an amazing game. 

I got stuck for a little bit on the series of vertical jump platforms. For some reason the second platform was the most difficult for me. The last level cubes seemed unbeatable indeed. But then I decided to land on top of one of them and each time waited for two cubes to move in the same direction so the relative speed is slower to walk to the next cube. With a lot of patience I got to the other side. The rest of the level was easy. I really liked the "this is not the real end" thing on the floor and the platform that rises from below. I wish there was a final message from the voice apon reaching the end. 

Great job! One of my favourite games of this jam! 

Thank you for playing! Yeah, I looked through the code and found a mistake.  So some people don't get their answer accepted when an oddity spawns in a specific tile. Need to look into people disappearing:)

Thanks for playing! I need to add more to her maddness lines, maybe some quieter murmor, some breathing, for it to not be so annoying))

Thanks for playing! I like Flax engine. It is pretty similar to Unity, so the transition was quite easy. Documetation is lacking, but there's a very active discord community with people helping. The engine has mostly been developed by just one person. And only recently other developers started participating on a volunteer basis. The development is active and new things are being added as we speak. I have high hopes for the engine. That's why it the engine of choice for me.


It's a very cool idea. Liked that idea of having menu as part of the scene, it works well for this game. Couldn't deliver a single blow to the enemy. I didn't quite understand where colliders were or how to time the attack. I wish having different parts would change animations too. Why would I need a weapon when I have guarilla arms?:)


Thank you!


Good results for a solo game jam. The controls seemed a bit cluncy. And Mouse sensitivity should be higher or changable. I did pick up the gun, but couldn't draw it first time playing. Tab did nothing for me. But I managed to complete the game without shooting. The health bar goes down really slow, so there was no sense of danger. Escaping was pretty easy.  Second time I pressed 1 and managed to get the gun into my hand. The space station seems big, but there are only 2 objectives and I used the map, so there was no reason to explore. The map itself is a very nice adition. It is well made, clear, readable. I think you can change the settings before building the game for it to open in the fullsceen mode. Also, seems like the cursor wasn't locked in the center. And the game sounds were very quiet. I even thought there was no sound at all until I decided to watch your video and crank up the volume. 

The clones' area was cool!

Well, I managed to collect 3 parts and the thumper had status ready, but I couldn't find my way back into the forest and eventually tthe status changed to needs charging which frustrated me. I like the idea of big weird areas, but you need to provide a way to traverse them much faster.  Also I didn't find any indications of how to find portals or where they will lead. So I couldn't finish it. Will follow you to play the fixed version after the Jam:)

Thank you for playing! I plan to add a tower to one of the corners for easier orienting. That should help:)

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Yes, the hearts whisper. Feel free to disregard that. I know I am very sensitive to sound, not many people are. In fact, none of people I know share my frustrations about that type of whisper. So it is most lickely a non-issue for most gamers. But a great example of whisper that I like is Vampires the Masquerade-Bloodlines Malkavian whispers.

The thing is y husband also has windows 10 just like me. So it was probably a my-PC issue.


The first stage was a bit difficult for me because I kept missing the counters, wasn't precise enough in my movement and I wished it was a grid-based movement, but then I understood why the movement was the way it was. But the tomatos killed me anyways.  I don't usually play games like that. So I probably didn't see much of the game. I liked the way the tutorial is done. Very clear and easy to follow. The twist is funny:)

Loved the game. Especially tense moments like blured vision and breathing over the shoulder and the running sound. I don't know if I did something wrong or it was intentional, but some levels didn't accept the right answer first time and weird thing were happening, which added to confusion, fun, panic all at once. The instructions are clear and introduced in an interesting way. You don't force the player to read something before the game (players usually just skip it anyways) and let them find out if they want to and when they want to. The main mechanic is very interesting and original. Great game!  

it's a very cool concept. I would love to finish it, but I got stuck in a dark room and couldn't find that damn breakable wall again. In general if you are too close to the wall it just reinstates in a milisecond and you can't go through. I got stuck in the dark several times. Also that kind of whisper (the one with no vocal cords working at all, only sound of air and lips flapping) irritates the hell out of me, so I didn't listen to the story. I wish you could skip it, especially for second attempt playing. Other than that I really enjoyed the atmosphere, the visuals, the lighting. Only found 3/4 hearts and got sent to the initial room 2 times after approaching a door, that was no different from any other door, which confused me.

Same for me. Not working. And suspiciously small weight for an Unreal game.

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Great job for a first game! I couldn't kill a single spider and the contents of the misterious locked box will remain forever a secret for me. I didn't understand the ending I got. I was surrounded bu spiders and "...finally.." just appeared on screen. I liked the atmosphere, the lighting, the music. Didn't like walking sound, ended up jumping to minimize it.  Also picking up each shell was tedious and difficult, because the capera was shaking for some reason. The mouse sensitivity was way too high. I lowered it on my mouse and it became bareble. 

Agree about controls with the previous poster. The whole thing didn't make much sense. There were several areas with different vibes and the change didn't have a reason. There are games where it makes sense and the contrast contributes to the creepy atmosphere. It didn't feel like it here. It just felt like something was mashed up together sloppily.

Didn't understand what to do. I get teleported into a purpleish moonlit empty plane and get lost. In your screenshot there's a purple forest with 102.1 dim. I think that should be it, but there's nothing there. I liked the forest. There are so many misteries there. The alien-like thing that keeps disappearing, the gate with guardians, the human auras. Really wish I could play the full version. Maybe you have it fixed somewhere on google drive or github? Minor complaints: I wish there was a way to skip the initial monologue. Also, there needs to be a collider on the glass. I was able to jump out. Players will always find ways to get out of bounds of the map if you let them.

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I don't know why but the gravity well just doesn't pull me strong enough. It does pull me horizontally towards a wall, but not vertically. Tried it on 2 pcs, doesn't work on either. Seems like I am just too heavy. It can't lift me up. I managed to use boost to get to the spiderman wall, but couldn't boost jump after speeding up. Something is not working right for me. Also, I think you mixed up LMB and RMB in descriptions. 

I agree with the previous commenter, that there needs to be sound clues near the crystals and passages. Also some indication of how much time I have left and how many crystals left on the map. I did see the distortion effects, but they triggered too close to the walls to be useful enough. Also running speed was too slow.  The options menu didn't work (tried accessing it from the game).As this gamejam showed, it's not easy to make a good maze that players will enjoy navigating. The graphics are nice, and voice acting is a nice touch.