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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is really well done for a week, and space games are my weakness, so I like this game alot. Its just not very kind in that it starts by immediately getting shot, so its a trial by fire deal.

This is one of my favorite genres of game, adventure and mouse games and  stuff like that. It looks well polished and the mechanics are all there. If anything I would say screen space could be used better, I kinda wished I had more of the screen to use for seeing more of the world.

This game is really cute, and I really like this idea. Maybe a little basic, and you should probably check for the infinite loop that can happen when you turn the track into itself

The sound and atmosphere are fantastic, but its a little unclear on the goal

Really neat concept and cute art but it felt a bit just like any other 2D shooter other than the way you shoot. Also sound would have helped a ton with this setting.

Really nice styling, and exploring the world is kinda my jam. Careful of the big explainer description here cause it might freak people out a bit from your game, it did for me till I played. Oh yea and the music is fitting

This is very satisfying to play, and the graphics felt nostalgic and comfy too. The dice were integrated well into the game, and the use of the shop made there be freedom with how people wanted to play. If anything I would say change the shop font or interface, the font on the grey hurts the eyes a little.

Good mechanics, and the art looks great, but didn't get much of a sense of dread with it.

Graphics looked fantastic, the atmosphere made me fear the monsters. I don't know what caused the monsters to aggro however, and the dice felt like it was an afterthought.

I love these exploration type games, so it played to me very well. I like the use of the limitation, and the atmosphere of the house was done very well. I did encounter a bug where I had two of one item on my collect list, and when I collected it in the house it ticked off both of them, even though I only collected one. Other than that, I had a lot of fun with this.

The presentation art and animation is fantastic, the feeling of dread was strong. It did take me a bit to realize the keys to roll however, and by the time I did I had 20 seconds left, so maybe have a small tutorial.

Web version does not load, download works fine. I love the idea of a dice roll on hit, but it is jarring when it first happens because it is not explained well. Great concept overall.

Presentation was fantastic, and the theme was well met. The limitation was fully considered and integrated into the game. Losing felt like a real loss too. The only thing lacking is the variety and depth of gameplay, but that does not take away from the presentation.

I really like the presentation and the mini-games, the game boy format is a personal favorite too. However the limitation of having to roll when you see a monster feels a little tacked on, rather than integrated into the game itself (I actually only had to roll once in 10 minutes of play, possible bug?). Overall, without considering the limitation, I love it.