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Thriver MediaWorks

A member registered Apr 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Update: We added a download version now which runs absolutely fluent on even the oldest PCs ;D

Thank you! The full game will be downloadable and we'll also increase the performance ;D

Thank you! Yeah, especially the close range attacks were really unpolished, but sadly I couldn't afford to work longer than 24 hours on this :/ 

Glad you enjoyed this anyways!

Thank you! Yeah, the entire close range attacks should be reworked, but sadly I didn't have more time to do this

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, the game definitely could use a lot more polishing, sadly I only had 24 hours to make this

There was a theme except Spooktober? :eyes:

I actually had the idea to make a Spooktober game as a personal challenge and saw that this jam was running after I finished it haha

All good, thanks for the nice words about the game ;D I know that it still has some bugs and needs more polishing, but since I'm already working on my first Steam release and do challenges like this regularly, I only had 24 hours to work on this game

Thanks a lot for the review video!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Thank you! I'd love to make something bigger out of this and it certainly needs a lot more polishing, but sadly I don't have more time, as I'm already working on a Puzzle Platformer for Steam and doing other challenges like this for YouTube

(Check out "Midnight Shift" on my itch.io page if you're interested ;D)

Thank you! :D The ghost screams "Mommy" when he dies, but yeah, I didn't have too much time for the sound design haha

Not to be voted, as I'm a judge in this GameJam!

Hey there, we officialy decided to make a Full Steam Version out of our game!

In case you're still interested, here's a link to our Discord server for all information, updates,

a chance of becoming a Beta Tester and much more ;D


As we had a lot of fun developing "Midnight Shift" and received even more positive feedback, we decide to continue development and make a Full Steam Version out of it!

If you want a chance to become Beta Tester, updates and informationen on the game, insights in to the development of an indie game and much more, make sure to join our game's Discord Server!


If you want even more information about "Midnight Shift", go follow our Social Media Accounts on Instagram and Twitter ;D

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thriver.mediaworks/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThriverMW

(1 edit)

Hey there, we officialy decided to make a Full Steam Version out of our game!

In case you're still interested, here's a link to our Discord server for all information, updates,

a chance of becoming a Beta Tester and much more ;D


(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for taking a look at our game!

I can agree on everything you mentioned, we're already working on an update to fix this ;D

Most things like the pulling-boxes-mechanics were actually planned from the beginning, but we sadly had to cancel these features in order to finish the game in time :/

But as we decided to make a full game out of this, we're already working on all of this and lots of new cool features (f.e. level editor, assembly lines, more facility parts, ...), so stay tuned ^^

Really fun little game, even though I fell victim to car crashs like 20 times haha

My recommendation would be to allow movement only in certain lanes, so it's easier to quickly escape a car by driving into another road (I mostly had to press left/right several times until I found the right spot to enter this road)

But anyways, I had a lot of fun playing your game!

Thanks for the rating and nice words!

I really like your Pixelart style!

Cool game idea, with more features this could easily be expanded to a full game ;D

You should work on the feedback given when attacking / receiving attacks,  but apart from that, it's a really cool little game already ^^

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Thanks for the feedback, glad that you liked our artwork!

To reset the level, press "R" , this is also explained on the "Controls"-page accessible through the game's main menu

Nice game, those 2D artworks are really good, even on 'finished game' level!

As other comments already pointed out, you should rework the aiming system, as there's no real indicator on where you would shoot and you actually have to aim below your target to hit it.

But apart from that, this game has really nice looks and feel to it for being a GameJam submission ^^

(1 edit)

First, thanks a lot for this huge feedback, this is a lot of help for us!

-> Actually, we were working on pulling mechanics during the gamejam, but scrapped it because it took too long to finish in 60 hours. 

      This will definitely be in the full version!

-> Yeah, the trampoline bug is one of the worst one's still in the game, but this should be fixed soon! (Did you find the easter egg where you needed the bug to find it? ;D)

-> Really cool ideas for making the game special! We didn't manage to finish more than just the pack theme yet, as this was our first game ever, but we'll definitely do more than this in a full version and probably even make use of some of your ideas ;D

-> Yeah, I also noticed the color/background issues you mentioned, especially small packages that 'hide' between all the background packages. Probably the parallax scrolling would also be more effective with more defined background parts.

Thanks again for all the positive feedback and especially thanks for the time you took for this, as this will help us quite a lot for a full version!

Thanks for the feedback!

We're actually thinking about a full steam version with lots of new features and levels,

f.e. a level editor, forklifts, assembly lines, lifts, new boxes, more platforming etc!

I'll take a look at your game later ;D

Thanks for the feedback!
The bug you noticed is already on our list for stuff to fix, shouldn't be an issue in next week's update anymore ;D
BUT you can actually restart a level by pressing 'R', this would've helped you when the box-out.of.bounds-bug happened. 

Just look at the Controls-Page accessible through the game's main menu or the game's description, all controls are explained there.

But you are right, we should have added another help-message telling the player about the restart-feature in game

Thanks for the kind feedback!

Nice game!

This feels like some old arcade game, especially with this limited palette and 8-bit-sounds ^^

Although it's a bit simple (Which is normal for this genre), it was really refreshing to see something in a style that no other submission has :D

The only improvement tips I could give are maybe change the control settings to more commonly used buttons (AD / Space or WAD f.e.) and add some more variety to the gameplay while still keeping it simplistic.

I actually like that there's no main menu or retry button, as this adds to the feeling of playing a fun retro game in an arcade

Overall, really cool game!

Thanks for featuring our game in your stream ;D

I'll try out and rate your game later as well

Nice, I'll definitely play that ;D

Seems like I didn't notice this game until now - lucky I finally did!

Absolutely amazing artwork, especially that you designed various backgrounds, while all look great!

Loved the idea of receiving skills with progression in the gameplay, this way it's way more fun than just "Get this key, so you can open that door"


Thanks for the feedback!

The fuzzy graphics could be caused by our workaround to implement the intro - we had to transfer the video into a spritesheet and animate it in Unity, as there's a Unity issue so videos don't work in WebGL builds, but as the full version will be downloadable, this will definitely be fixed.

This was our first gamejam, so we had no time to learn how to make scaled UI - will probably be added next week already ;D

Thanks, I hope you had fun :D

Let me know when it's updated, I'd love to see it ;)

Will definitely watch it!

Would be happy if you would take a look at the game me and my team made as well ;D


Simple but really fun game!

The graphics aren't too good, but those particle effects definitely make up for that!

I really liked the game design, especially that you can get infected without zombies touching you, or that you made different kinds of enemies.

Lots of content for a game made in just 60 hours!

Thanks for the feedback, I noted that we should adjust the movement speed now!

We sadly didn't have much time left to design levels, but we're constantly working on updates!

We already have lots of cool ideas like forklifts, assembly lines, level editors etc and we will add way more levels to the final game ;D

Really liked all those graphicals effects, like the torch lighting or the snow!

I was really lost and didn't know what to do when I started the game the first time, but this is something that could easily be fixed with a little more time than just 60 hours ;D

Wow, this is actually the best Pixelart I've ever seen! You managed to make your menu better looking than the entire game of my team haha

Great story, really polished dialogues and graphics, I had a lot of fun playing, eve though I'm not that much into clicking-story-games :)

If you plan to continue developing, I'd recommend some more minigames (Plus a little tutorial to them, while it is easy to understand, I still missed this in the selling minigame) and maybe even some decisions, as right now you can't even lose in the selling minigames.

But anyways, great game!

Creating a 3D game in the short time given in a GameJam is hard, but I'm amazed how you managed to not only finish it with this high graphics quality, but also cool gameplay that matches the theme, nice A.I., even atmosphere and cool music to give players a better feel of the situation, and also some little, but important features like settings for different screen resolution (Nearly no submission has this feature at all)

Obviously, in just 60 hours, a game like this isn't perfectly polished yet, but I'm sure it will be really good after some more work ^^

As HilmBarney has already said everything to bugs, ideas for changes etc, I'll just say: Great job on this game!

Thanks for the video, this helped me a lot to see which problems players face when they play the game the first time and what should be changed ^^

Thanks, we're always happy to hear constructive feedback!

Updates for bugfixes and gameplay mechanic polishes will be released very soon ;D

Thanks for the feedback, I added 'jump height' to the list of gameplay mechanics that need to be polished ;D

We'll definitely add way more levels with new mechanics and even a level editor so players can share their own levels!

Thanks for the positive feedback!