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A member registered Oct 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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This is style is dope, yo

Yeah, just saw that on another post a few seconds ago lol Thanks, mate! Ah well, it can be done manually by keeping track of the transforms during the keyframes where the parent changes. Thanks nonetheless, it is great being able to do bones animation on pixel art :) kudos, mate!

Is there a way to turn off - or partially turn off - the bone transformation from a parent? For instance, when making a breathing animation it is useful to scale up the chest, but not everything else bound to it.

Thank you so much! I have to admit, it wasn’t easy cramming so much info together lol


That has so much charm to it, would defo play it. Truly old school.


This is amazing

I am the one to thank you for using them! :D still want to give them a little update to improve a few rough edges.

Fucking awesome, mate

Thank yoooou! Glad you loved it :D It was fun to make, albeit a bit challenging, I am more used to the oblique view.

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much, mate! That means a lot to me coming from a talented pixel artist such as yourself, your style is just amazing, I love your asset packs and the way you handle the low colour count, going as far as mimicking some screen artifacts that old school roguelike games had.

I have to tell you, animating characters from this angle was quite the challenge lol I am glad I went for smaller character size. Mad respect for FFT animators and pixel artists, this ain’t easy.

DANKE. Just touched up my ol’ palette a little bit, felt the need to revisit it. I will still touch up a bit further, but it is getting there.

Great work, Luci!

I am glad you dig it! Isometric ain’t my bread and butter, but it was a nice challenge. Oh, it will stay as CC0! I will, eventually, expand on this isometric world after I am done with Tiny RPG - which will take some time :p

Noiiiice. Having a limited palette is always great for pratice, it let you focus more on form before anything else, to rightly convey what you are trying to depict.

It is a cat! :D Cats are magical creatures, true spellweavers.

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The mage is a go!

The cleric joins the fray.

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Fighter is ready for action.

Do I see a fellow Dolly Guaraná enjoyer? Truly a person of culture.

These are looking great, festa junina is just around the corner, so the pamonha is just right. Well done!

Its alive!

Testing character sizes. The bigger one doesn’t look right, the other two seems viable.

Yeah, in the end the isometric approach have more combinations than the oblique approach. That seems to be why some old isometric games relied on pre-rendered stuff, since you model it only once and then rotate, render, touch it up and you are done.


Looking nice!

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Okay, you know what, I will let whatever engine the person is using to get and draw the outlines. It is taking way too long to figure out all the combinations possible to try and bake outlines on the tileset as empty blocks with just the outline.

A possbile solution is: Every level is a different layer, one iterate through each column of tiles and draw outlines for sides that aren’t connected with anything else. To further optimize this I believe it is worthwhile do draw these lines during loading and make it a temporary texture with the same Z index as the lowest Z value on that layer instead of doing all these draw calls while rendering the game.

Oh snap, that shadow should be slanted, yeah lol kinda like the ramp itself. Thanks mate.

Regarding the character, I will try to go Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis here, not so many frames, not so big, which might give me just enough time to make more than one.

Okay, enough blocks and variations, time to get some doodads and then try to get at least one character done.

Glad you are diggin it, mate! I will add a couple more blocks today, I hope I can make at least one character before the jam comes to a close.

Yup, have to fix this one as well. Actually, have to fix all of them.

Thanks for the input, mate! Since that conversation about CC0 I have been thinking about what license to use for my paid asset packs and what to change about it. Maybe something as you described on the other topic, a simple, custom license describing what it can and can’t be used for and call it a day.

Thank you, glad you are digging it! I am still in the process of figuring out this new version of my palette. Been using a similar one for around 4 years now, felt the need to touch it up a bit.

Testing the tiles made so far against some characters. Characters ripped from FFTA and edited to match the palette.

Getting some basic blocks going before getting actual tiles done.

Half height tiles - and quarter height as well - are a useful and cheap way to avoid aligning everything.

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Got you, so it is either one or the other. Well, rather keep it CC0 then and just leave a note kindly asking people to not use for such ends, but they are not prohibited of doing so.

Thank you, mate! :D

Oh shit, that is right. Do we have any sort of license, right now, that would allow people to freely use it, except for training LLM and such?

Thank you, mate! :D

It is, indeed, a terrible name :D

But I couldn’t come up with anything better, at least not for the time being. It came from me first developing some of those letter while making a few RPG Badges, such as this bad boy here.

I might come up with something better, maybe. Or it can get even worse.