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A member registered Jun 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I can't be the only person who thinks the 3D models take away from the game a bit right? I think its just complicating the game itself since its still mostly 2D (which is way better since stuff just gets exaggerated in 3D), it's still a great game and I'll play it regardless, but it feels like more work is being done for a lower quality product.

2 questions

Is golden freddy supposed to crash your game?

Are there any plans for a sequel with the FNAF 2 animatronics? 

New Character?!?!

Toy Chica/Roxanne Wolf update?

Not that far in, but I love it already. I do have a slight issue... I'm on Android, and the game crashes like every 5 to 10 minutes, it's not at any certain point, but I've replayed more than I have progressed, and I haven't even been playing for an hour. Other than that it's a good game tho, keep up the good work!

There was reasoning behind it (albeit not that great), and its been resolved. Emma wasn't forgiven immediately either, but being forced to live with each other sped up the process a bit. Its a game and its never going to be realistic, that's what makes it a good game. I think this is all just a misunderstanding and can be resolved rather quickly. If you don't like a character then you don't like a character, but that's no reason to hate the game. I do advise playing through the whole game before writing bad reviews on it. Hopefully you will play through the game and realize its potential for what it is. I personally love this game, and my least favorite character is Emma, but she isn't a bad character, and has a very complex story behind her, that may be hard for others to understand. I really hope you finish playing and enjoy this game, even if its just because of Serena and Berry.

God you are annoying, I don't know where half the shit you just said came from, but it gave me an brain tumor just reading it. All Emma ever did to the MC was call him a loser, she never did anything to actually hurt the MC. I'm not even going to get into how stupid is is to type like that, maybe that's why I can't understand what you are trying to say, but there is no reason to type like that. If I could understand what you are trying to say maybe this conversation would be going differently, but you are talking nonsense full of half truths. Emma liked him before he was strong, why would him getting stronger change how she acts? Yes Emma was a bitch, and her reason behind it was stupid, but she was forgiven. Its not realistic... because its a game, a fantasy game built on getting 4 girls to fall in love with you, and all accept each other in the relationship. If you wanted a realistic scenario, get off your ass and get a girlfriend, but the only real thing that will come from that is her dumping your ass, so I don't know if that would help. I hope everyone in your life wrongs you so you realize that forgiveness is possible, or die lonely. You are a sick and twisted individual and I hope you get help. 

If by some chance Eroniverse is reading this I hope his words don't discourage you, and you continue the great work. I wish you the best of luck in future developments, and can't wait to see the future of this game!


FYI, since you don't want to play the game or use your brain, the MC and Emma (the bully), smooth things out very well, breaking up with their significant others in the progress. You say the MC is such a nice guy, yet you refuse to believe he can forgive someone, and on top of that, you refuse to realize the situation Emma was in. Emma's father never gives her any attention, so when the person she loved (the MC), started hanging out with her mom and sister, she got jealous, and tried to get over it by getting a boyfriend she didn't even like to begin with. The MC always liked Emma as well, even though she was a bitch at times. They both love each other, so he finds it easy to forgive her. I can't say much on Valerie's behalf, because her story isn't finished yet, but she did the wrong thing for the right reason, and in doing such, hurt the MC both physically and mentally. Valerie apologized full heartedly and the MC still hasn't forgave her, and might not, but as you said, he is a nice guy. He already has a sexual relationship with all of the women, and the only one he hasn't had sex with yet is Valerie, and he loves the other 3, all of which have broken up with their significant other just to be with the MC. I can't even tell if what I'm saying will make sense to you, since your grammar looks like something a 6 year old could type with their eyes closed, but hating on something without giving even a minute of effort into understanding it really pisses me off. I normally respect opinions, but yours has no backing, and is built on half truths.

I hope you realize what I am saying here. Play the game before hating it. I'm done talking to someone speaking nonsense, have a good day.

Well obviously you haven't played the game, the MC isn't nice with Valerie at all (the slutty step-mom), and eventually they smooth things out to a certain point. And the bully has a very complicated past, and the thought of her loving someone scared her, so she was harsh to the MC. The only monster here is you, saying you would kill them yourself. You are a total moron and will die alone because nobody could love someone too stupid to hate something you haven't even tried to understand.

Have you tried playing the game? Everything gets explained, and yes while Valerie and Emma go about their interactions with the MC terribly, that doesn't make them bad people as a whole, and they tell the MC, who forgives them (not Valerie YET, because her story is still unfinished).

Try it out before you give a bad review, and if you have played it, and didn't understand it to the point of leaving a bad review, the only problem here is you. Screw your head back on, and use your brain. Or you could go make a game yourself, so people can leave mean and pointless reviews on it because you have no talent. This type of stuff is hard, and giving it unjustified hate is pointless, go waste your time elsewhere.

I Fucking LOVE this game, if you don't wish you were the MC, then you have one of two things, an amazing partner, or a mental illness.

Are all the replays/animations/images in the gallery available to get as of now? Just played through the game for the first time, have to say it's hard to pick a favorite. You made them all too good to pick from. Also... Shinigami did a good thing "snuffing" the chance for Yui to get pregnant in my opinion. She likely wouldn't be able to handle it, and it would cause discontent between the girls. So it's both good and bad, even though Shinigami did it for whatever selfish reason she has, it works out in the long run.

I would love to see that as well, I mostly just wanna see how low they will stoop for the attention of the MC. Though I think it will most likely end up in a threesome... Which I personally would have no problems with.

I have, but for some reason it's still not working. I spent a couple weeks doing nothing but going to classes and hanging out with McCree. All I have left is the last bit of the Dva route and the photoshoot portion of Mei's. It's not that big of a problem though, since I've already played through the game on my PC. Unless you added a secret update where I can punch her boyfriends ugly mug through the back of his skull. 😂

I managed to get the device (it only works on Thursday, after sociology class for some reason) though the widowmaker route is still bugged.

Well when you use the x-ray app, it's the same as PC, but the spot you control the phone from is the home button at the bottom of the phone, and since you can't really click and drag like pc, the phone moves when you tap. So when you go to tap on the device, the phone moves instead. I don't know why I'm only having a problem with the last one, the other two just gave it to me after I centered the middle of the phone on the device. I'm not sure if there are any secret requirements to get the device either. But now that I think about it, the Widowmaker route hasn't progressed at all, even though I have played a bunch on that one save, I haven't tried making another save and playing that through yet though. Another problem that I found was that after I found the third device, everything in the gallery disappeared, other than the first 4 pictures you get. Do you think that the mission might have reset my progress to before I started it and now it won't let me progress?

Anybody else having trouble getting the last device on sombra's mission? I know where it is but for some reason I can't do anything with it. (I'm on Android)

The only difference is that I don't get girls lol (mostly because I'm more of a romantic). But seriously, this game is probably my favorite game ever, and the characters are made to perfection. The money system is manageable, instead of tedious, like every other game in existence, and there are no glitches in the game. I tried to get into game design a while back, and my brain couldn't handle it, though I was jumping the gun a bit and going straight for 3d games. With all the work that goes into this kinda stuff, I truly admire the team working on this, especially since you are also replying to your fanbase, which most companies lack nowadays. 

I love this game, wish there was more to it right now though. I just finished it, and can't wait for more content. Also, does anybody else look just like the MC lol?

This game is masterly crafted, aside from the part of me that got this game because the characters are hot, there is actual depth to the storyline. Probably the most developed character (and my favorite) is Skylar, she is the only person (so far) that actually seems to love the MC, whereas everybody else is just kinda fine with whatever. I LOVE this game and will definitely make some donations towards the development of the game in the future, when my broke ass can afford it.