Thank you! Yeah, the secret ending is too secret apparently 😅. Made slightly easier to find with some hints in the update.
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I needed some time to get used to the controls but after that (and finding how to change camera mode, it should be told in game not only on game page) it was quite fun to play. Cockpit or chase camera should be default one. Classic camera is not the best option because you can't see enemies behind the view. Also I love how interface looks in cockpit camera, so immersive! The game could use some more sound effects and also some nice music while shooting bad guys would be nice.
I don't know if it's my slow PC but right after starting level framerate gets choppy for a while and even slight mouse movement turns my helicopter upside down making it unable to start. Despite mentioned flaws the game have very big potential and I'd love to play it more when campaign mode will be released.
Thanks! Glad you liked it.
Music for battle level was taken from a music pack that I bought on sale a while ago. Not the best Pack tbh but yeah, this song is quite good 😁
About left hand blood attraction skill - It takes 20 of your blood and it should be used when there are more than 4 blood pickups nearby to compensate this. I should communicate this better or maybe rebuild it entirely to make it more usable.
Again, thank you for your feedback 😀
Simple yet brilliant approach on Jam theme. The intro was really funny with all this voice acting and weird story. Graphics are pleasant and creates a nice atmosphere.
The game itself plays good, rocket jumping gets tricky pretty fast. I didn't manage to get last few cracks on the first level tbh. Guess I'm lacking some rocket jumping skills ;D. But the simplicity of the idea and it's implementation is so on spot. Congrats!
Nice one! I died a few times before I got a hang of the mechanics but afterwards it was preety fun. I liked the campaign with a funny story, intro and ending. Graphics are good, mechanics are engaging and pushes you through the levels and sometimes requires some planing to get through some areas without drying your battery.
Issues found:
- As anachorlight said, there is a problem with movement when you move and use your gun at the same time that makes it hard to navigate.
- The final boss can be shot from the distance without stepping in area with smashing fists.
- I think that I killed all plants in the first level and it didn't ended, but maybe I missed some enemies.
Just completed the game. It was fun and satisfying experience. It feels great to walk through corridors while shooting terrorists in the head :D Perfectly recreated vibe and looks of early 3D games! Looking forward for your next project.
Rant time: It deserves a Steam release with proper price. It is way better than most crappy cashgrabs that regularly shows on Steam. Consider making a special Steam edition or something ;)
Demo version is available to download!
Get it here:
Release trailer:

Invaders from other dimension invaded our world. A lone marine is sent to fight them. Will he succeed? Will he be able to carry burden of following orders? Or will he even follow them?
Dimension Invader is a upcoming top down shooter with a little story twist and three endings.
Demo version coming this week!
Hi everyone! I've already rated your game Smoothy88 but I'll rate other games from this thread instead ;)
Let's smash those 20+ votes together! :D
If anyone's willing to help me, here's my game:
Dimension Invader