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Proto Space community » General · Created a new topic FAQ
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Q: "Is is not a bit presumptuous to add this before you've even released the devlog" 

A: "Probably, but gotta plan life with some optimism lol"

Q: "This FAQ seems kinda bear, care to explain"

A: "I'll add any commonly asked questions here assuming I ever get any... "

Q: "Got a roadmap or planned release date?"

A: "I'll get a roadmap put together soon, and as for a release date, I'll attempt to give a release window, but that's hard and I suck at sticking to my schedules"

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I just wanted to post a quick tutorial for writing custom events and where to place them. I want to start out by saying, always check what you're downloading and who you are downloading them from, don't trust it? Better safe than sorry

Events in the demo version are more limited than I plan for them to be in the main release, but I wanted to add the ability to create custom events to the demo version.

To start, in the directory with the game executable create a folder named "Custom Events" 

All custom events need to be placed in this folder

Example of Event:


The file type for the event files has to be JSON. 

Below is an example of the actual file:

"type" refers to the type of planet the event can be fired on

A list of applicable planet types:

  • 0 - Desert Planet
  • 1 - Earth like Planet
  • 2 - Ocean Planet
  • 4 - All Planet Types

So in the case of this screenshot, this event only fires on Earth like planets

"text" refers to the outlined portion in the following screenshot.  It's the introduction to the event

"Button Text" is pretty self explanatory, it refers to the text referring to buttons at bottom of the above image

"Story" refers to the text that fills the red outlined section after a choice has been made, it's the outcome story for whatever you wanted to happen after a button is pressed

There *should* be no limit on the amount of outcomes per choice, I kept it to a maximum of 2 for the ones I have included so far, but if you wanted more possible outcomes that should not be a problem, and if it is, let me know. That is something I would gladly patch in the demo

"Effect" is the effect code to let the game know what you want to change. Below is a list of effect codes and their corresponding stat

  • mHL - Reduce Hull
  • mH - Reduce Habitability
  • pS - Increase Science
  • mS - Decrease Science
  • pH - Increase Habitability

You can include multiple codes, but due to an oversight on my part, you cannot adjust them by different amounts. So if you wanted to reduce hull and increase habitability, you have to do so by the same amount.

"effectNum" is how much you want to change the stat specified by the effect code. There is only one effectNum per outcome, as stated above

That should be everything, I'm more than happy to update this post to make it clearer or answer any questions about custom events

Thanks! Sorry for the late response, got a lot going on.  The arrow keys and the  W,A keys work, there are supposed to be arrows on screen for mobile use on the HTML5 version, but I think I messed up exporting that version. That being said I should be days away from the next major demo update, and I'll triple check to make sure I fix it then. I can't believe I didn't notice lol

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I've come back and played this a few times over the last week or so and I've had a ton of fun, and really being able to play until the entire map is conquered is my only suggestion

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I appreciate the feedback!

Actually your comment got me thinking, I came up with an idea to balance the game by putting caps on individual colony populations

Edit: Already updated balance to prevent accruing infinite population and science, science at least not that quickly

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Thanks for the feedback! I do have couple ideas for balancing, but I'm going to rewrite the tech tree system first. Planet variety is also planned, as well as some non-planet encounters

There isn't a game over, I'm a bit torn on how I wanted to handle the scoring/game over and figured that leaving it open ended was the best choice until I make a decision

I appreciate you playing, I have a lot of plans that I think will improve upon the concept, just gotta find the time to implement them 

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Thanks for the response, to be fair I figured it out after I uploaded it, and since it was already up the decision to leave it up was much easier than deciding whether or not to upload a broken game lol

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Thanks for playing, eventually I'll fix it, I see a lot of promise in the idea

I will for sure, I have another project I'm focusing on right now but as soon as I get the prototype of that one out I'm gonna come back to this one, I already looked at the code to see what immediately needed to be fixed lol

I'll keep an eye out for your non-jam version 

Thanks for playing! I do plan on updating this game sometime, there's quite a bit I wanted to add, so I'll definitely keep those suggestions in mind

I can relate, UI is the worst lol

Really fun game! Being able to change the keybindings is nice, I did notice that occasionally when I killed the final enemy of a room, the camera would jump to the left a bit. But it didn't consistently happen so I didn't notice if something particular was causing it 

Game was fun, I enjoyed the enemy spawning effect. The UI feels clunky, but the game still managed to be intuitive

I enjoyed it, sadly the ending didn't get me, that being said the whispers in my ear were definitely unnerving

The creature standing there in the doorway startled me, at first I wished it wasn't so dark behind the trailer, but honestly I now feel like it adds to the game. I found myself wanting to get back into the trailer quickly when I had to go outside

The game was fun, I mean it had some texture issues and stuff, but none of it got in the way of my enjoyment

I had a ton of fun playing this game, the controls fit, the movement was satisfying, Though most of the time, the AI pal would push you through falling platforms after you kill the enemies. I mean it does catch you, so not a big deal, just slows the game down

I think the game could be a lot of fun with someone to play with, sadly I had to test it by myself, even so the biggest issue was finding the players which I did by blinding running to the corners.  Overall solid entry

A lot of fun, really biggest issue I found was the controls felt a bit too floaty for me, but I understand that could be a design choice

Thanks for the comment! :) I did have some I was gonna re-use from another game, but I forgot about it until I was out of time to work

Thanks for the response!  I agree, sadly I mismanaged my time a bit towards the end

The game looked great, it was really hard, I do wish I could have also used WASD to control the game. Really creative and a lot of fun

Camera mechanic was really creative, but personally felt a bit clunky, but that could just be me. My other complaint was the speed of the robot, but I just saw that you could speed it up XD

Overall fun game

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I do get where you were coming from theme wise. I do think it could have been a bit better justified, if that makes sense. Like instead of humans just spawning, maybe every 5 zombies you kill, then a human shows up and then contributes something like a damage buff, health regen, etc. Fun, simple game, does get a bit repetitive after awhile

I don’t have much to say about this one, I had a lot of fun playing it, but I do wish I could pick up and move objects. Resetting helps, but it did get a bit tedious having to restart over a simple mistake

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Took me a bit to figure out it was wordplay. It's a nice, creative take on the theme, but being a bit nit picky and not really affecting my rating, as far as I know grammatically since eye starts with a vowel it’s “An Eye” XD

The gun is a bit bugged, it doesn't flip with the character so when you're looking left you have to aim by moving your cursor behind the player. Overall though I had fun

Thanks for the response! :)
Yeah, it turned out way harder than I intended, my spawning mechanism is broken and spawns way too many enemies, but I ran out of time to fix it

Thanks for the feedback!

I did want upgrade paths, enemy variety, better difficulty progression, etc. Time constraints forced me to tone the game down, I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to work XD

Yeah, specifically at the start sometimes all I  had to do was wait for the enemy to come into the starter room so I could go around it

Thanks for the response! Yeah, sadly the enemy spawning is broken, sometimes when you kill an enemy 2 spawn in its place, which killed any sort of difficulty progression I had in mind, and I never figured out why. I'm definitely overlooking some tiny detail in my code

I had a lot of fun playing the game, personally I wish it told you how many enemies you killed at the end. I chose to continue after I defeated the bosses, and having the feedback of how well I did would have been a bonus

The game was a lot of fun, I do feel like it needed some polish. Sometimes it was hard to actually get the ball back after the dog fetched it. The jump felt fine to me, but the throwing did get a bit tedious sometimes. Overall it was fun though

Game was fun, I tried two times and both times hit the bug that causes you to lose, but I was able to play long enough to get a feel for the game. It felt a bit slow to me, and I did get a bit confused by the changing tower types. When I read the tutorial it seemed like it was saying you could change placed tower types, but honestly that could be on me personally. Overall I had fun

Honestly, starting out I wasn't a big fan of the music, but it did grow on me. Really I only have 2 issues with the game itself, it got too dark at night, I couldn't see anything and also I was never able to place turrets, but that could have been all on me overlooking something. All in all it was a fun game

Beautiful game, the sounds are perfect for it, the art is simplistic but perfect, I'd play future updates. That being said, I do wish there was a bit more to the actual gameplay

Really fun game, there were some graphical quirks, felt like it could have been a bit longer, but for something that was put together on the last day of the jam, the length is still impressive

The game was fun, it did seem a bit complex. I couldn't get crafting to work, but I was playing in a browser. The sound and music was good, it fit the vibe of the game. Attack animations would have helped me figuring out when I am attacking/when I'm not