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Tony Roos

A member registered Jan 18, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hey! Sorry for the delay, i wasn't notified of your comment. I will be back to develop this game again. 

A lot will be changed, i've been reading some books. Right now i'm investing on my youtube channel (Brazilian Portuguese). Creating a free unity course and bringing some game dev news.

The idea is to gather a community.

Mean while, i learned a lot and feel more ready than ever to bring this game to life.

Hey. I am looking forward to make a retro horror game.
if you don't have a team yet, would you be interested ?
I have a musician on my team.
(i can code, have initial modeling skills and can make basic sound design)

Hey. I am looking forward to make a retro horror game. would you be interested ?
I have a musician on my team.
(i can code, have initial modeling skills and can make basic sound design

Hey. I am looking forward to make a retro horror game. would you be interested ?
I have a musician on my team.
(i can code, have initial modeling skills and can make basic sound design)

Hey. I am looking forward to make a retro horror game. would you be interested ?
I have a musician on my team.
(i can code, have initial modeling skills and can make basic sound design

Hey. I am looking forward to make a retro horror game. would you be interested ?
I have a musician on my team.
(i can code, have initial modeling skills and can make basic sound design)

That's exactly wat i was searching for.
I am a Unity c# programmer.
Still intereseted in team mates ?

my discord: tony_roos
if you have a discord group, invite me, if you don't, join me in the group: HERE

my discord is tony_roos
let's start a team!

Hey. I am a Unity/C# game developer from Brazil.
If you interested we can team up.

I have no Awards, i had a game at #19 position and other at #49 position as a solo developer in other jams (of 2 to 3 days).
This will be my first one week experience.

I just can't work at day 21, because work + course i need to attend.

I corrected that, but need to wait the jam to end to be able to upload.
It seams Unity hasa a problem in webGL exports where this can happen, also, needed to reconfigure quality to export post processing.

I corrected that, but need to wait the jam to end to be able to upload.
It seams Unity hasa a problem in webGL exports where this can happen, also, needed to reconfigure quality to export post processing.

Hey, can i play it on linux ?

In web mode the music is lagging a lot for me.
Still had a great time!

I just replayed it, and you are absolutly right, the sensitivity sucks.
Will be updating soon.

Very good indeed!
Love to see another 3D Low Poly enthusiast.

Thanks! i Didn't had the time to make a configuration scren to able key and mouse configuration, but i will soon, and also, implement new enemies, get more complexity to the level and polish a lot.


Great idea, i will make difficult modes, so easier with  biggest collision box and less life for them and hardest the reverse. 
Thank you you very much.

Sorry about that, i needed to test like 100 times in 48h, so i had the time to adapt and it stoped to feel so weird to aim. i will do further improvments to help the player to flight.



Pretty cool, should have some kind of sense of progression like a score, or something.

i'm using google chrome

the damage indicator over the ghosts was good enough for me, maybe blinking their colors in the moment of the damage.

did you put 1920x1080 in unity and in the web site ?
still couldnt play, i didn't find the button to start, tryed to press all arrows, enter, space, z, and everything else in the keyboard.

Maybe upload a web or linux version so i can play it too.

Other people said is a bit dificult to distinguish between green and blue, and is true. Also, in the last part it became REALLY difficult, because you can't see the collor while the oponents are far, so they get close in a horde.
5 Stars!
Just need some polish and is a really good game.

Still, is really nice.
Procedurally generated stuff sometimes get hard to mamange. Impressive.

This game got easy after the beggining, maybe create harder challenges, like a big tank ghost that shoots back at you.
Also.. does the ghosts make any damage at all ?

but, besides that, it flows and looks amazing, is fun just to play around.

Great creativity.
Should post some more screenshots, maybe some video, this game really broke my expectations.

I agree with Kent about the controlls, if you are using unity, take a look on your animation transitions, maybe take off the transition time.
Also, need to take a look at physics, it maybe worth to try to change the constraints in the rigidbody.
Maybe make the moving platforms one sided colisions, because 2d moving platforms generally can be jumped to from downside, a lot of people with hit the head and fall for the spikes expecting that.. not me tho *blinks

I agree with Kent about the controlls, if you are using unity, take a look on your animation transitions, maybe take off the transition time.
Also, need to take a look at physics, it maybe worth to try to change the constraints in the rigidbody.
Maybe make the moving platforms one sided colisions, because 2d moving platforms generally can be jumped to from downside, a lot of people with hit the head and fall for the spikes expecting that.. not me tho *blinks

It's broken to me in google chrome.
If you get caught, you can still play and win.

this made me chuckle, good idea for jam game, and pacman gameplay is not old, is vintage.

Looks like the most minimalistic Magicka game ever.

Remember me of TES: Arena. played on dos-box.
Really cool style, scary sometimes.
Is the level procedurally generated ?

Very well done!
is hard, but not too hard, has simple but consistent graphics  and has good controls.

good puzzle, well balanced and fun.
i liked that you uploaded a build for linux, web and windows and included a license in the game itself.

Hey! could you upload a web or linux version ?

Good game, it really feels just the right amount of challenging.
Very well balanced.
The "loop" in the end was nice, could have the game "restarted" from there in a seamless way.