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A member registered Apr 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot, really appreciated the feedback. We will take this on board to hopefully improve the quality of our future games :)

Love the art and the music. Only real negative I could comment on is that it seems to use more than of the player's moves if they get a combo. Dunno if this should be the case or not as I usually don't play these games but great job nonetheless.

Cool concept, just needs some more additions to make it feel much better. For example, the player shouldn't be able to just walk as far off screen as they want to. Also, more player feedback to show them what their inputs are actually doing would do I lot I feel. Good job though.

Fun concept, would be nice to have some sort of upgrade system or just something to change up the gunplay a little bit. For example, something like a way to improve fire rate or make the bullets do more damage would go a long way. Also I fell like making the enemies come from different directions at once would really help as all the player really has to do right now it stay on the left wall and just hold down left click.

Haha thanks a lot mate. But how on earth did I forget screen shake!? Honestly just slipped my mind whoops. Also yeah, I was thinking about adding something to stop the player moving on to the edges of the screen but didn't get around to it in the end unfortunately. Thanks for the advice tho and good luck to you aswell :)

Yeah I completely get that, cheers for the advice.

Fun game, love the little dialogue sequences at the beginning and in between levels. Only negative thing I wanted to mention really was that it's a little annoying to have to mash space through the dialogue again after dying. Other than that though, great game :)

Cheers for the feedback man. The thing is, for the first 2 days of development, the gun did actually move the player more but I felt like it was a bit too difficult to control and quite frustrating so I toned it down a bit. Quite difficult to get the right balance it seems.

Thanks so much! But yeah, I did think about adding normal WASD movement at one point but I wanted to stick with the original movement mechanic and see how it turned out. Don't think it turned out bad tbh but I completely understand where you're coming from. Thanks again :)

Mate, that was seriously good. Fun concept, really well polished, amazing presentation. Loved some of the smaller touches, like being able to spin the camera and the level changing after death. Feel like these smaller changes added so much to the game. Great job :)

Cool concept and I really like the presentation. Would have like to see some sound effects and maybe some music to go with it. Also, the items that come from the bottom and top seem to be pretty much unreactable, so if i get unlucky with the item spawns if could just lose which can be quite annoying for the player. Nice job overall though :)

Really fun concept, feels great to get a huge army together. Would've loved to see some sort of music though. Other than that really great, nice one.

Yeah difficulty is always tough to get right, you just don't know what the skill level of the people playing your game. It's not like it was crazy easy or anything though, just a little too easy in my opinion, may have been perfect for some others.

Just wanted to share some thoughts. Very fun to play, great sprites and the sun (or whatever it was) in the background was really nice to just look at haha. Was just wondering if there was any sort of increase in difficulty as the score increased? Fell like that would add a lot to the game as right now, it feels to easy to just go on forever and never die. Great job though :)

(1 edit)

Perfect, will give it a go now

Post your games in this topic and I'll give them a try, feel free to check out my game aswell :)

Lmao I'm just dumb and kept trying space for jump I think, my bad. Here I am lecturing about ur game and can't even figure out the jump, sorry about that haha.

Fun game, thought the power ups added a lot of enjoyment and always found myself looking forward to the next powerup. Overall fun concept though, well done.

Hey, nice concept and quite enjoyable. Just wanted to share a few things I though of whilst playing. First of all, I think it would be much more fun if the delay between attacks was shorter and also, maybe the security guard could extra movement options like a jump maybe? Other than that though, loved the focus on music and that parts of the music would stop if the respective frog was taken away by a fly but yeah, just wanted to share some ideas :)

Adding some momentum to the grapple was something I wanted to do but in the end, I just couldn't find enough time to add. Thank you for the constructive criticism though, really helps out.

Thanks a lot for the reply, but yeah, the lack of content was a big thing for me aswell. I was fairly late as it was though so wanted to get it submitted. Hopefully will come back to it in the future though.

Cheers man, really appreciate that. I really wanted to get more content in but was just quite busy during the jam, maybe some time in the future though.

I love the way you made this in the classic NES style, really giving me inspiration to try that myself

Bit late but wanted to submit anyway

Makes me feel a little better about myself that you've been developing for almost 4 years haha. But yeah I'm gonna keep going and hopefully start to see results eventually.

That's great that you seem to have done so well. This is my first game jam aswell and not gonna lie, I haven't been able to get as much done as I wanted to but still happy to get the experience and hopefully it can help me improve for the next jam :)