4-6 would be the ideal!
Tragos Games
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Thank you very much for your review! I think you have a good point, and there are definitely things I would change in this game, especially its base system. I also wanted to add something that made more splicit the idea I have for a campaign: META PCs and NPCs facing each other again and again on different worlds as a part of a greater story. Maybe on a second edition. Thanks again!
Thanks for citing The Nostalgia for Norull! Forgotten Ballad (https://coolwayink.itch.io/forgottenballad) is also heavily inspired by The Legend Of Zelda series.
Opa, muito obrigado!
Olha sobre as artes não sei, não conheço Bloodborne, e eu peguei elas aqui no itch mesmo, do artista Roque Romero.
Thanks for the review!
I wanted to limit myself to the 2-page format I created for the previous jam, so due to the size limitation I had to cut some stuff, like the consequences of a defeat to Mashtru.
Losing to him would require the PCs to make some form of deal with Mashtru, and I think this is a great opportunity for future quests involving, for instance, a mission the devil gives them or a way to free themselves from the contract. And maybe they could still count with the help of Gyitael and Hij.
This is explained in the pdf:
1. Alternative spelling of delete (verb: remove or obliterate written or printed matter, especially by drawing a line through it or marking it with a delete sign; remove data from a computer’s memory; noun: a command or key on a computer which erases text).
2. A portmanteau composed from the words delete and eat.
3. Latin: third-person singular present active subjunctive of deleo (verb: destroy, annihilate, extirpate; finish, terminate)."