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Super cute ending.  Loved it!

This is so cool!  Everything from the style, the UI, and the gameplay feel really on point.  Amazing job.

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Thank you for the excellent feedback.  I will address these issues once voting for the jam is over.  A key should be dropped when you reach 0 enemies, allowing you to open the door.  It may have been lost in the initial text as you pointed out.   and indeed the potions drop too much, this was accidentally left in from when I was testing - should be a one-line fix.

I retried it and I can indeed climb up and down :)

Nice little game.  I found all the stones and had one hell of a time finding my way back to the pillars.  I imagine this would be like getting lost in a cave - all the corridors start looking the same after a while.  I like the sound design with the ominous feeling as shadows get closer.  

Thanks for playing!

I like the idea and I think this could be a lot of fun with some added polish.   I would get stuck on walls when jumping into them.  Not sure if this was intentional or not - cats are extremely good climbers after all.  If it was, then I think a wall jump would be more satisfying.   The background is cool.  If you gave it a parallax effect it would look even better.     Meow mechanic was funny; maybe make it so that meowing gets the dog's attention - kind of like the pebble.   

I loved this.  Super original and well implemented ♥

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It's a nice puzzle game.  The sound is so soothing!  I can see myself putting it on and doing a few hours of coding ♥


Great atmosphere ♥ I wish the cat moved a little faster but overall well done.  

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I'll add a sound setting once the jam is over.  

I've had various complaints about some platforms being too high but this is the first one mentioning not being able to progress.  Did you change the level generation settings at all?  It might be because of that.  It's still experimental.  Using the default settings should make it playable.  Either way,  I'll look into it and I appreciate the feedback. ♥

Thank you for pointing that out.  I will fix that once voting is over.

Fun game.  I'm in love with the pixelated dash animation.  I found out the shadows don't hurt you so I would ride them around sometimes to help me reach higher areas. ☺

I had fun with this one.  It was a bit confusing at first but eventually got the hang of it.  Excellent use of the theme and the art is killer.  Great job.  

Funny and has lots of personality.

I will add a magic sound for the next update after voting is done.  The high platforms are something that multiple people have complained about and I'm still trying to work that out.  Glad you had fun.

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Thank you so much ♥   Those mid-air swings were a happy little accident.  I ended up liking the feel of them, too, so I left them in the game.

Yes, the feedback from the community has been invaluable.  Glad you enjoyed it.

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Thank you!  I'm so glad you enjoyed it.  After the judging is completed for the game jam I'll keep on working on it.

It has double-jump.  I approve ♥

I used some songs from this amazing album in my game.  Great work!

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Thank you so much ♥   I like your game too.  I was orginally wanting to do something kind of similar but I couldn't figure out the lighting.  
The music can be found from these creators:

Please add invert mouse option.  Otherwise cool game.

Look at you! M-egg-a good job on the update.

Beautiful music

Killer OST.  Gameplay is addicting.  Well done!

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Thanks for the feedback.  I've implemented some changes.  There is now mouse input at the start screen, and when you first encounter the different color potions there is a prompt explaining what they do.

Really fun game

Changes have been implemented!

I just learned about this while making my game, although by another name. Coyote Time, named after Wile. E Coyote hanging in the air for a few seconds.  It really helped improve the feel of the game.  If you need help implementing this let me know.

It's such a good feeling when you finally see something you made moving on the screen.  I hope you keep learning and improving.  

Thank you!  I will take your advice on the damage animation.  Should be a quick fix.   Most of the art is free assets from The spikes actually don't even hurt you right now, lol.  I should probably do that...  Thank you for your feedback. 

Thank you!

When there is a collision just check your dy and if it's higher than a given value add a cracking animation.  You could have him die or maybe it would be funny if he just gets put back together.

Original and fun!  Good job

The shots have to be a little too precise I think and I found that if I group all the spirits in the top left they all get stuck there and I can pick them off.   Pretty cool overall though.

Great Music and love the smiling egg.  I think it would be cool if the egg cracks when falling from high.

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My submission to the Pirate Software Game Jam stopped working. I just get an pop up saying "An error occurred before the game window could be initialized. Please check the console!"  I checked the console but nothing stands out.  I even reverted back to a previously working version and it still is showing the same error.  The game works fine when I run it in on a local server.  I'm freaking out.  Please help.


I tried another PC and the game is running okay on there.  Something is still up on my main PC though.  But at least I can stop freaking out so much thinking no one can play my game.  


I restarted my PC and cleared all browsing data twice before it started working on my main PC...    

This was a wild ride of me reverting git commits, digging in my recycle bin, and re-uploading old versions of my game when it was most likely just a problem in my browser.  I probably spent the last 2 hours losing my sh** over this so the moral of the story is to start with the simpler fixes and always try a different browser/machine.  I could have saved myself quite a bit of a headache.  Hopefully this post will help some other people retain their sanity too.  ♥