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Legend of JaxView game page

Procedurally Generated Adventure
Submitted by transCoder (@tsjendoll) — 9 days, 16 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#3284.5004.500

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • The way the themes were incorporated into the overall game was done very nicely. I found that the literal take of shadows and alchemy when dealing with potions and enemies while platforming across the map came together well, and made for an interesting playthrough. The art and music, along with other sound effects were done very well, though, I would have liked to have the option to turn down some of the music and/or sfx while playing, rather than turn down my headphones at the very start. You all did quite a good job with this, and would love to play it more down the line. Keep up the good work!
  • The playability shines in how the level changes with each death, keeping the experience fresh. The theme is perfectly suited for this game. The cleverness is rooted in the limited visibility, adding an extra layer of challenge. The art style, with its retro 8-bit feel, brings a touch of nostalgia.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
Procedurally generated action sidescroller and dungeon crawler inspired by retro games. Also, Jax is my dog. ♥

Extra Notes
This is my first game jam and my first game.

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Loved the chiptunes, sound effects and game feel. The change in gameplay was a nice surprise. Nicely done!


A simple, enjoyable experience! Though to be honest, the player's vision should be larger. Can't see where you are falling at all.


Thanks for playing!


Overall a very enjoyable experience! The music is something I'd listen to even not playing, great track. The combat and procedural generation are a great touch, hardly had any questionable obstacles appear. I had one area where the key spawned at the same time as a large red potion on top of some spikes, so I was wandering around for a while looking for the key, but not seeing it since it was hidden (maybe make sure the key is top layer when it spawns? maybe  clink noise to indicate it spawned?).


Thank you for pointing that out.  I will fix that once voting is over.


Lovely game. Great graphics and music. I enjoyed it.

It would be nice if the game was a bit more forgiving for falling in pits.


Absolute joy to play! Very replayable with level generation. Fighting is so satisfying with those mid air swings. The music and sound effects are lovely too. Great game

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much ♥   Those mid-air swings were a happy little accident.  I ended up liking the feel of them, too, so I left them in the game.


Loved playing, great music, good job!


What a great game! The music is so good!

Developer (2 edits)

Thank you so much ♥   I like your game too.  I was orginally wanting to do something kind of similar but I couldn't figure out the lighting.  
The music can be found from these creators:

Unclear at the start screen there is no mouse inputs. Unclear during the game how to get more MP or that I just don't find any. Unclear why the circle gets bright and there is no black anymore just a circle and then goes back to being black again. 

Tutorial will fix most of this stuff and key icons on the start screen will fix the confusion at the start screen too. 

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback.  I've implemented some changes.  There is now mouse input at the start screen, and when you first encounter the different color potions there is a prompt explaining what they do.


This is fun! I enjoy the shadow mechanics, at first they were a bit odd to me but I found jumping and nearly hitting spikes bc I couldnt see made me use other mechanics to save myself, which was fun.
I would improve the damage animation so that it's more clear that you are hurt. I died before I knew what was going on. I thought enemies weren't damaging me. :) 
Some of the platforms I couldn't reach which was a bit frustrating. But otherwise solid.
The art style is great! And I really liked the combat. It felt really good!
The switch from side scroller to top down dungeon crawler was fun!

This is a really fun game and I hope to see more work put into it. I think you have something here that could do really well! 


Thank you!  I will take your advice on the damage animation.  Should be a quick fix.   Most of the art is free assets from The spikes actually don't even hurt you right now, lol.  I should probably do that...  Thank you for your feedback. 


Changes have been implemented!


its really fun


i genuinely love this game but i did have some issues;
sometimes i couldn't jump to a platform at all because of the level generation.
needing to go al the way back to the beginning to open the door is a bit annoying.
and either its a skill issue or i didn't get enough health potions while playing which made the boss fight too hard.

other than that i loved the artstyle and combat of the game and this really deserves some attention. you got this and i wish you the best of luck <3

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you!  I appreciate your feedback.  I agree going back to the beginning of the level is annoying.  I will change the code to randomly spawn the door somewhere towards the middle of the level.  The boss fight can be tough,  I've found if you attack from the right side and just spam attack he'll go down pretty quickly.  I think it might be an issue with the hitboxes.  I'll work on balancing it out.  


Ok, I implemented some changes.  The red knights might be too challenging now, though.  Let me know your thoughts.


I think they are just a bit to tough. It takes away from the run and kill spree feel. But I did enjoy having an enemy that did not die in 2 clicks. :)


this game has the most confusing control scheme I played with a while. Dont put anything on keys that are at wildly different places on some keyboards like y and z. The jump and attack button is just way to far away from me. also who the hell uses arrows for movement, I was pressing d only to enable visible collision shapes lel.

Developer (1 edit)

The instructions appear at the beginning of the game.  The keys are z and x, not z and y...  But I'll make an update with wasd and space for jump and mouse button for attack.


Fixed for you!




I just realized that the Dungeon Generation gets stuck.  It only seems to be a problem in the browser version.  I'm working on figuring out why it is not working.


I was able to fix this for now by just hardcoding a dungeon layout.  I think it may have just been a memory issue.   I will do some tests today to see if I can get the procedural generation to work in browser.