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A member registered Sep 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice game! Got to the 5th stage. Pretty nice platformer with cool assets

Coool. As a bad pleyer i really enjoyed the jump. Also the main character and the tileset are NICE

Great game! Loved it! A LOT OF CHARACTERS 
Special thanks for giving rats some appreciation <3

Loved it! <3

I f loved it<3


The graphics are awesome

Niccceeee. Color palette is awesome

OMG i give the gameplay 5 stars. Making such a small game fun is a talent(in a nicest way possible). Really enjoyed the power up system and couldn’t stop playing. 

Nice game. Instructions are not so clear :')

Niiiccccee. Loved the graphics  and defined color palette


Loved the mechanics

Niiiceeeee.  Now I feel smart. Can't wait to name 50 states xd

Loved the game! Surprised how it looks fully developed for such a small time of the gamejam. The art style is so clean

NICE! But i couldn’t figure out how to taze an entity. But also would love to play the game when it is more developed!

Such a cool game but I wished the player would have more time. I've only lighted two :')

Controlling two characters at once is suuuuuuch a cool idea

really liked the atmosphere!!

Really enjoyed the sound and movement. Wish it had lives bc i suck at games😭



omg i really liked the game and music 
the AI(?) is implemented so nicely, if it is a real AI. I hope you win this challenge bc the game turned out to be soooo nice and simple, but most importantly entertaining and rewarding. Really enjoyed the notes teehee 


wow it's so nice that you played before and can see the progress <3

uploaded the game for the gamejam recently. Is replacing Assets is cheating? Is adding other cover art is cheating? I know that adding code(fixing bugs doesn’t count) is not acceptable, but I can’t find any information on it. Our team is definitely going to continue working on the project we’ve created, so we should wait till the evaluation finishes?

tried to make myself…


This post is still relevant btw :3


it's my first time realising something on so please check it out and give feedback if possible. I still have to work on the pages appearance, but i hope you will like the asset. Also it has a free demo version, so please check it out.

pixel art top down 16x16 tile map asset with few animated characters and tiles. Dark fantasy Dungeon Crawler 

Please give me time to edit the GIFs of Golems and add background, but for now it stays like this. This asset pack was created for an unfinished gamejam project. Hope it will find good use. Crediting me is not obligatory, but please share with me a link if you use it


I've sent you a friend invite on discord, but will ask here. Are you still looking for a team? Hi from Dnipro btw


As an only artist on a team for this game jam, I am looking for someone to help us. Looking for someone responsible and friendly. Your skill level doesn't matter, so feel free to ask questions if have any. It's my 3rd gamejam, and I am crafting the team rn with my friends, so I hope we will all have fun.

My discord: tri_eve 

(1 edit)

I know the jam is ending soon, but here is your opportunity to join this gamejam. Our team now consists of 8 members(2 of them are artists), but I don’t think we have enough time to come up with the desired result till the end of Metroidvania Month. So please reach out if interested
My discord: tri_eve

Any amount of  previous experience is acceptable. We are making top down 2D pixel art RPG dungeon crawler (demons, gods, tombs, spirits etc)
We  are looking for:
*concept artists
*ux designers
*pixel artists

If you have any questions, please text me on Discord or below
(I am myself a pixel artist)

Unfortunately Blankmarks is now unavailable

please text (me) on discord:  tri_eve