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A member registered Aug 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wow, a very cool experience! Art looked great, also the game felt very polished and ready.

I feel like there should be any consequences or feedback for doing right or wrong. And you could maybe switch the main music to something a bit more mystery or creepy especially cause of the strange ending ;)

A very refreshing submission! Good job!

Feel free to play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

They intro was definitely the most interesting! I guess you sent your whole family to voiceacting :D

The main game was quite simple and the fights we're pretty easy. But it was still fun walking around!

Maybe try to add some depth to the bashing with enemies.

Good entry!

Feel free to play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

Other than the fact that the enemies could do damage, the experience felt quite polished! The mechanics are a bit simple obviously but the game-feel was pretty decent.

I'd try to add a bit more layers to the parallax. Also the sound design could be improved even further(e.g. ghosts).

Good job!

Feel free to play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

Cool submission! The two different kinds of flashlights are a really fitting game mechanic. Also, the game polished to a good amount.

Two small suggestions: Maybe you could try to make it even more dark, so you actually can only see within the lightcone and nothing else and make the cone not penetrate walls. Also, a little more creepy soundtrack could also underline the present setting. But these are just my 50 cents! 

Good job!

Feel free to play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

Cool entry! I really liked the short but absolutely sufficient tutorial. Also the way of looking and navigating was very interesting. The story and main mechanic did fit to the rest of the game.

I feel a bit weird about the soundtrack. Its not bad but it didnt decide yet, what it wants to be? Happy, sad, unsettling? Maybe you wanted to convey that but it felt a bit off for me.

Good job!

Feel free to play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

Definitely a unique submission! Liked the overall real and honest feel of the game! But I think its hard to implement some logic that makes the content of you letters actually understood by any AI. Nevertheless, a nice small cozy experience!

You might wanna try to adjust the textures, so they dont look so blurry and low-res. Also, writing and simultaneously reading is kinda rough. So you might separate these two actions :)

Feel free to play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

Interesting submission. The visuals are definetly standing out! I also liked the transition from room to room, it looked kinda surreal, which made it fit perfectly.

I suggest swapping out the textbased UI to more simple visuals like a button. The game could also benefit from some weighted camera and player movement.

Good job!

Feel free to play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

Thanks man! I am glad you like it that much :) Yes of course, adding more content/intractables would surely benefit the game. But we limited ourselves to the doors but tried to polish them as much as possible.

No. Most horror games create their horror with also being completely disarmed. The only thing you can do is run away and use doors to cut off your stalker. But thanks for the comment! And make sure to revisit after the jam ends. We have a lot of bugfixes, adjustments and improvements ready for version 1.1 :)

(1 edit)

Hey man, nice little game! I really like the concept of the mimic. I feel like this game could tell a very strong story.

Two things to improve: You cant get rid of the mimics once you spawn them(except for changing scenes). So you might add a mechanic to lock them out or something.

Second: I thinkg this game could benefit from well placed lighting. The flat look took away some of the creepyness you tried to convey.

A cool submission nevertheless!

Feel free to play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

Yo dude! Nice and cool retro feel! Like the visuals and the minimalistic 8-bit audio! I dont know if the gravity was intended but I guess you just forgot to untick gravity for the rigidbody. Nevertheless, it was fun! One point of improvement: You might make the projectiles donut(map borders) as well. If you shoot downward and they dont appear on the other side, its somewhat counterintuitive compared to the players behaviour!

Great submission regardless :)

You can play/rate our game here -> After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

Dude you got me with the dentist xD! I felt like on a very bizarre LSD trip but it was fun!

Your game had a little "crappy" feeling but it was very interesting nevertheless. Was questioning my existence for a moment because I protected floating elephants from attack mouths with toothpaste. Jesus Christ xD

Minimap was a good choice. It gave you a nice overview of the attackers!

You can play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

You can play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :) Thanks!

(1 edit)

You can play/rate our game here ->

After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :)


Yo dude! Man, very nice submission! The artstyle looked really smooth and the gameplay was also very interesting and fun.

I would recommend putting auditive feedback on the energy of the -1 cone- Like a small buzz once the energy went out. I needed a couple of seconds to check that it has energy. I thought its bugged at first. Also, I think a more happy or chill ambience sound would benefit, since the whole game didnt feel very angry or creepy.

You can play/rate our game -> After the voting ends, we publish the 1.1 Version with bugfixes and improvements :)

I am glad you liked it :)


Hey. Thanks for the big comment! I am glad your had fun - or - a good chill ;)

Yes, we are currently working on all of the rest that didnt make it into the game, or need to be polished/adjusted. We will take your criticism in account!

Regarding your questions: You could learn from the audiologs, that the monster is emitting that greenish neurotoxin. That's why the whole spacestation is covered with it. This neurotoxin induces vision and audio related halluzinations, which aren't real.

No no, we didn't make it from scratch. We were 2 guys, where I did most of the gameplay. And the other person did most of the UI. The spacestation is an asset by Synty Studios. The monster also comes from another assetpack but got adjusted to look low-poly. Same with the UI stuff, it's a modular assetpack. We also used some other script-related tools to speed up processes or make them more efficient. But all of the rest came from scratch and was made in one week.

It's really just a matter of experience. At a certain point, you did a lot of stuff and can easily code out any feature or mechanic. So that's just a matter of time.

Thanks again and you might look at this project again, after we're allowed to upload new builds. As I already stated, there is a big patch coming :D

Thanks! Yeah, we missed out on a small tutorial, but we are looking forward to polish up the few missing features!

Thanks! I am glad you liked the spooky trip >:)

(1 edit)

Now that was a literal blast! Very cool execution of the theme! How big was your team?

Very cool game. Felt really whole and polished. The synth-wavey style and pixel-intro do go very well with each other! Good job.

(1 edit)

No, its an assetpack from Synty. Working with these was super easy! 

Very precise artstyle! Also, that robot AI... It had a very pleasing voice. You could empathize on the horror part with a dark ambience sound :D Good entry!

Trial and Error being your main mechanic is a bit too random and not rewarding. Id suggest to reapproach the design of this mechanic. The movement felt not bad though.  Maybe embrace the parkour part of your game? :)

(1 edit)

This game really transfer the Barotraum vibe. The art is gorgeous and the gameplay is fun as well. I'd reconsider the controls. They make somewhat sense, if you dont need your mouse, but I feel like the individual buttons are still too far apart. I could really see this being a small commercial title, once it reaches a certain amount of complexity and content. Well done! :)

Very well execution on the theme! I imagine the game would be loved by speedrunners! I personally would switch out the music for something a bit more "virtual" and adding a heal mechanic but other than that, good job!

This game does a good at telling a story. Pixelart did fit quite well. There were minor collision issues but they didn't matter much! Nicely done!

Very odd but also fun experience :D Liked the shape of the "humans" :D

Wow, cool small little game! Art style was fitting and consistent. Definitely looked self-made. That 8-bit soundtrack was meant to be in there! Great job, good product :)

Very compact game with simple mechanics - nothing to complain here. I also really like the soundtrack! I feel like the game would have benefited from a little bit of pixelation . Nevertheless, Good job :D

(1 edit)

You basically took the ghosts from Mario and inverted them, cool idea! This makes up for different gameplay mechanics. I found myself quickly rushig past these creatures but also luring them out, so I can pass the door. Very interesting. Also, consistent artstyle and serious, eery vibe. Good one!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed your journey! :D

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words, I am glad you enjoyed! :) Definitely will polish up the rest, after the voting stage!

Cool concept but I bet its also hard to balance! Really liked the humor. And already the title gave me a smile! Also digged the portal vibe that you tryed to convey with the intro tutor!

I'd improve in graphics and maybe a bit of more varity in gameplay. But other than that, a decent submission!

Really liked the artstyle! Also the concept was very calming. A very nice little plattformer/puzzle experience. My critique: Add some nice chill music and polish up the interaction system. Then, you got us a nice peace of software! :D

The movement and camera looking feel really responsive and nice! The mechanic with the different types of enemy is a bit too random for my taste, but thats just me. Nevertheless, good submission!

Unfortunately, I cant get past the "AWSD" "E" "new game" screen. "new game" goes small, as if someone pressed it, but nothing happens :( Is it just me?