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A member registered Sep 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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no u

Thank you! You're very much appreciated

Anthony here, thanks for raising this to our attention! I will look into why this happened and keep aware of it in future.

Hey! thank you for your response, I intended to include a health bar. it had gone wrong and had to be removed last minute. I thank you for your critique and use this for later projects.

Thank you for your honest review! we faced some heavy problems during development, files going missing and more. there is a lose condition where if you get hit about 12 times, you lose the game I feel that this number should be lowered to make the game harder.  Time management did play a key role in how the game turned out to be honest and it should of been managed a lot better. again, thank you for reviewing our game :)

Just a quick heads up, the timer goes into the negatives.

this game sets off Avast Antivirus, guess avast doesn't like angry comments! this game despite its simple nature is quite fun. mashing the space key to get the quickest time is just brilliant. art style, sound effects just make this game really stand out. well done!

(1 edit)

I am unfortunately unable to get this game to run?