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A member registered Jul 27, 2022

Recent community posts

There is a mistake in event daily rating places description - the 10th place is counted in two different reward tiers. Instead of "6-10 places", "10-15 places" should be "6-10 places", "11-15 places".

As other players have already suggested an ability to respec Sex Potions would be very useful. Not having a respec option hinders the player ability to try out new cards he acquires from events, etc, because his old cards might still be stronger due to the previously allocated Sex Potions increasing old cards damage. With the respec option the player can build a new deck from the new cards and place the refunded points into the Sex Potions that match the new cards color.  To ensure the players do not feel like they should be doing respec before every boss, colosseum or dungeon fight the option to respec can be limited to once a day with (optionally) an increasing gold cost for additional respecs during same day.

And that list should be shown by clicking the link "Rules and rewards" in the top left corner of the event room, that currently opens the useless page. That said, the list of quests is the same for every card set event (it is being reposted here in every event thread as if it changes but it doesn't) so for now you may refer to any of the lists posted on this forum.

Is there a limit of how many Viagra points you can put into a single potion?

(1 edit)

So you fixed the bug with card drops from event monsters but didn't even bother announcing that fix is ready here or in the game news section and did not provide any compensation to the players who lost about 6 hours of event time because of you? Well done!

So, how about at the very least extending the event by 6 hours? And don't forget that while the bug was active the old players at least were able to collect Adored Ones cards from event monsters while new players who didn't have Adored Ones set unlocked were left with nothing.

Yeah, right, and who said paying money is not bugged also and will actually give you new event cards?

Now at event goal 10 (Find 125 event common cards) the further event progress is not possible since killing event monster gives no cards!

(1 edit)

New event BUG: the girls from the new event are not collected into the cards collection when the appropriate event monster is defeated !!! As I have Nareema (common girl from the Adored Ones set) locked I got no cards at all.

Also, as others said, the panel showing chests in the tower is positioned too low and the time remaining to open the chests is not visible (Microsoft Edge).

"... decided to revert the HP changes to the pre-3 August levels."

Player HP is back to "fun" levels now but, in case you wanted to revert it to exactly the same values as before, I can confirm that it is lower than before (as other players mentioned above) - I have a screenshot from before the first HP increase to prove it and my character never used any HP increasing potions in the past or now.

Also, why there is no option to choose what to use to open event chest - the event chest key or the pirate silver - and the key always takes priority?

"even a relatively weak novice player could easily defeat opponents who had spent long months and a significant amount of investment in the game to build a strong deck"

Yes, exactly! That is one of the aspects that has made the fights in the game fun and exciting in the past!

"(which is wrong and unfair at least to strong players)."

Lol what? How can this possibly be unfair if the opponent is controlled by CPU and the HUMAN player whos deck was selected by the server neither actually plays nor knows anything about such fight taking place - and as such loses nothing at all?

"In addition, this meta prevented the potential for using active boosts and their effects,"

Maybe because those boost weren't such a great design in the first place? The damage increase from the boost is negligible, significant part of its duration is being wasted on waiting for monsters to respawn, chests to become openable, etc - so why bother using it at all? Instead you could have made much better sink for extra cards such as letting players exchange many lower level cards for a few higher level cards, or for gold or gems or items, etc.

"which negated our work in adding new content."

What content? The only content you are adding are new girl sets obtainable in exactly the same way as all the previous ones. How exactly old matchmaking and HP levels "negated your work" in adding such content?

"Battles in the upper leagues were ending in a couple of turns on average, making ... the battles boring."

And that is the second most important aspect of the fights that made them fun and exciting in the past! Its the LONG battles that are tedious and boring, not the short ones - and you were told this many times by different players on this forum!

"... making all the girls and all the buffs essentially the same ..."

This is so not true. Base dungeon girls have no perks - this alone makes them not equal to the event cards with perks. Cards with perks and better abilities made it possible in the past to win against player with much more HP or with higher base damage cards which also proves the cards were not the same. Now, with the HP values blown out of proportion, the advantage of the better ability cards in a long battle is lost because you can't "fast charge abilities - kill" your opponent anymore and as such the sets start to feel the same, because now I can only win by getting more base damage and more HP as opposed to instead getting better ability/perk cards. And do you know where this will lead? Here is a hint for you which you should care about - it will make it POINTLESS to spend MONEY on your game to buy event girls (for outrages prices I must add) because in the past when a new player bought a single mystic card he could immediately feel it: fast charge - bam - stronger opponent defeated, and now what does he get instead - here, spend 10 mins on a fight and then "enjoy" your "deserved" loss.

"As a result, we decided to adjust the HP of all characters. At the moment we are closely monitoring the duration of battles in the leagues and adjusting the matchmaking of opponents so that the duration of a fight with an equal opponent does not exceed 10 turns."

Tell me - has even a single player complained about battles before your HP update? And how many did complain after the update? And what your gameplay statistics showed after the update? What other reasons can you possibly need to understand that the pre-update balance was much better than it is now? 10 turns is still fucking way too long, a fight beyond 5 mins is way too long. Players want to be able to defeat decks with better abilities/perks by using shittier dungeon cards with leveled up base damage (by not allowing opponent to charge his cards - only possible in a SHORT fight!) or to defeat a player with much more HP and stronger deck by using low base damage deck with strong abilities/perks (by charging his cards first and one shotting the opponent, guess what - only possible in a SHORT fight!). Those are the things that make the fights truly fun and exciting.

So unless you realize what actually makes the game enjoyable and start making an effort to preserve all those fun aspect of the game - I am going back to playing something else.

I wanted to go into the details of what exactly went wrong with the last update (since by now it is obvious the devs made it intentionally) but then I figured I shouldn't even bother so I'll just sum it up in short: the game is no longer fun to play! All the aspects that made the fights fun and enjoyable were butchered by HP update completely.

It puzzles me how can the devs expect increased monetization if they make a game no fun to play basically for everyone and especially for new players? I think instead they'll see existing players (both free and paying) abandoning the game in droves and retention of new ones sharply declining.

That's what I did after trying the last update - I lost all the interest in the game and stopped playing (after enjoying the game for several weeks and looking forward to the next girls event).

A lot of players didn't like the new coin flip mechanics but this HP update ... is something else entirely. To say that it broke the game completely is to say nothing at all. All I gonna say now is that I really, really hope there is some kind of bug and instead of a whooping ~1600% !!! HP increase it was supposed to be something like 16% or so. I mean why would you even introduce the coin flip mechanics in the first place if now a single fight takes a million of turns to complete so it no longer matters at all who goes first. Oh and the heart gems still heal you for a +25 HP each lol.

No more animated girls, just static images in the shop - that alone is a huge downgrade in my opinion. I highly doubt that removing dangling tits from offers will increase your sales in this game.

If so then why when you click on the event chest there are pictures of unlocked event cards displayed on the left and the text says: "The chance of obtaining the next maidens is boosted fivefold". What are those "the next maidens" the text refers to?

Is the event chest (the one which you open with silver coins) is guaranteed to give only event girl cards? Because I opened it twice and both times got non-event girls - is that a bug?