Thanks for playing! All of the music except the easter egg music was more of a last minute thought and I didnt have much experience with the software I was using for the music.
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Reloading and a few other things can be upgraded by buying perks in the game. Each perk can be found in a room near the starting room. One of the main reasons why I decided not to use particles was that early on, I found shooting too many bullets or hearts could freeze the game and prevent more from spawning, so if I added particle effects, it could've made things a lot worse. However I will definitely consider adding it if its stable enough to be added.
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I was trying make a top down Call Of Duty game but focusing more on the Zombies modes from it. I didn't provide any instructions on what the goal is because some players might want to actually escape and win whereas some might want to see how far they can go. Additionally I didnt add any SFX because I was trying to create all music and SFX and didn't know what to make for the SFX however I will consider adding SFX later on as an update.
Thanks for playing!
At the top left of the screen is some statistics about your framerate and how many robots exist at that moment, these are mostly debug things.
At the top right of the screen, is the ammo and health bars. These show how much ammo / health you have left and the ammo bar shows your current ammo for that clip.
The box next to the cursor when reloading shows how long you have left until you have finished reloading.
The bottom left shows the timer, so how long you have played for, and if you have bought any perks, which ones you have bought.
The bottom centre shows what gun you have equipped and how much ammo you have. Additionally it also shows you what you can buy if your close enough to something that can be bought.
The right of the screen shows your score. This value allows you to buy stuff such as perks, guns, ammo and doors.
Hope this clears things up a bit for you!
Thanks for playing! Originally I did add some default controls to be saved but later in development and weirdly during when I was adding a position counter, which doesn't work, the controls just stopped working. So even though there are default controls, they now always need resetting in the controls menu.
This feels like a bit of a random entry and its not clear how the teacup is grand. Theres only one teacup so its not abundent, nothing to do with money so definitely not to do with $1000 and also the gameplay is just lacking. All there is to do is drink the tea and refill the cup with tea. However you have made a game in two weeks, which is definitely good when you compare it to other companies taking years to develop games.
Really unique game! Loved the concept however there were a few bugs that annoyed me a bit which I dont think were intentional. First off, you cant buy anything. So I feel like a massive portion of the game isnt working for me. Secondly, however rare sometimes the game just goes black and wont go to the main menu, However its a good game regardless of these bugs. Well done!
Thanks for playing!
Did you play in full screen? I believe although I did use TimeDelta() in the code, full screen slows the game down by limiting the FPS and as a result, caused less of the physics code to occur which actually moves the car while doing a normal amount of the acceleration calculation code.
Gameplay - Simple, easy to understand controls however in my opinion takes a while to get started in terms of fun gameplay for me.
Graphics - Simple but it fits really well. However the resolution was really small, even using Windows Magnifier didnt help much as any time I moved the mouse too much I couldnt see half the window. However well done!
Audio - Nice SFX, would be nice to have some music though.
Theme - Unique take on being set in space, well done!
Devlog - Lots of detaill, but towards the end it felt lacking in detail though compared to the start.
Gameplay - Controls are a little confusing. Although WASD are referred to ass movement, saying WS move the ship up and down would've been helpful. Additonally the player is just locked in a small area to move left and right in. Good game besides all of that though, well done!
Graphics - Brilliant graphics in a 3D environment, well done!
Audio - Really nice music and SFX. Well done!
Theme - Literally in space.
Devlog - Really detailed, however there were a few spelling mistakes such as "ope" and "amo" In future I would recommend checking the devlog for spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes at least once after writing it.
Gameplay - Massive open world considering how long you had to make the game, easy to understand controls. My only real problem was the framerate which was able to get around 30-40 on average but constantly dipped. The frame rate was likely caused by the vm though, so as I rate your game I will take that into account.
Graphics - 3D and looks brilliant. Honestly I need to ask, you definitely only worked on this during the jam? Great graphics, large map, seems too good to be true in a small jam.
Audio - Great music and SFX. Well done!
Theme - Literally about controlling a small amount of space plus the game allows you to jump really high like theres less gravity like your on another planet in space. Well done!
Devlog - Loads of detail, lots of videos that are really long, probably the best devlog ive seen so far beating the other devlog ive seen and said this exact same thing about it. Well done!
Gameplay - Simple and easy to control however a few bugs were annoying. First you can die while pilotless. Secondly, mouse sensitivity gets set to really low when near the controls of the ship.
Graphics - 3D, lovely graphics however all of the objects are at the same height, so it creates this psuedo 3D effect instead of a true 3D effect, which I think ruins the graphics a bit.
Audio - Nice voice acting, could be improved with maybe SFX for shooting, some menu music etc
Theme - Literally set in space
Devlog - First devlog ive seen in this game jam that has included a video. Well done! However the devlog link above only discusses the first three days, which could easily be improved.
Gameplay - Bit hard to control the rocket and is a bit laggy when trying to change direction / speed / velocity. However it does appear to be a really accurate simulator from the looks of things, which is really good. Well done!
Graphics - Really detailed graphics, it would be better if the stars actually moved as you moved the camera but well done!
Audio - Nice background music, well done
Theme - Literally in space
Devlog - Really detailed, one of the best devlogs this game jam. Well done!
Gameplay - Simple and easy to understand controls, however I think a bit more of an explanation about what you need to do is needed. At first I thought I was the giant enemy, before I realised I could move the blue arrow. Then I didnt know how to attack / fight the enemy.
Graphics - Really nice smooth graphics and animations. Well done!
Audio - Great audio, could be improved by having dash SFX. Well done though!
Theme - Very unique usage of the theme, well done!
Devlog - Short, goes into detail about the start of the project but noting about the middle or the end. Could be really good if those areas of developedment were discussed plus any problems that you faced during development.
Thanks for playing, I tried to provide some information in the description to help with the controls but I'll explain them here
From left to right
- Move Tool - Holding down LMB allows you to drag objects
- Create Tool - A menu will appear on the right of the screen. You can go into different submenus relating to different types of object by size or moon or asteroid. You the click which object you wish to place and then click where you want it. I believe the asteroids are slightly bugged to spawn lightly off where you click.
- Add force tool. Type P for permanent forces and I for a one frame force. Then type the speed of the force. Then click the object you wish to move then click where you want it to move to. I believe this tool may be bugged.
- Remove force tool. Click the object you wish to remove all forces from.
- Anchor tool. Click the object you wish to not be able to move at all.
- Remove anchor tool, opposite of 5
- Delete tool, click the object you want to delete.
Hopefully this clears it up a bit.