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A member registered Dec 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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Ah trop bien ! Je vais le tester ces prochains jours (nouvelle et ancienne version ^^)

Merci beaucoup pour ton retour ! Nous avons sorti une version améliorée du jeu permettant d'accéder au fameux **Roger Benjamin**! :DD

Merci beaucoup pour ton retour et pour avoir testé notre jeu ! En effet c'est le genre de truc qu'on aurait pu mettre si jamais on avait eu plus de temps ;D Si jamais tu penses qu'un défaut vaut la peine d'être corrigé tu es libre de nous le dire :3

Thank you very much for playing ! I'm glad you enjoyed our game ! :D 

Concept is fun and cute, don't liked the sound effect but the music is sooo UwU

Simple but fun, remind me what I need learn how to spell fast lol 

But my kind of game but it was enjoyable anyways, great job for  48h game ! Loved the light effects and the background.

Thank you for playing ! We will put a tutorial in the game in the futur ! Thank you very much !!! :D

Indeed ! Worth it :DDDDD 

Thank you for your feedback ! :D Glad you enjoyed it !

Nice game ! It's to fun to play with snowballs :DD 

The background is a way too red I think... but well done ! o/

Thank you very much ! :D 

I can go further but i'm at school atm xD

Very cute characters, voice and visual ! 

I'm now addicted to make happy these people ! 

Good joob ! 


Very fun and addictive ! I don't have time to finish the game at the moment (Really want to finish it so i'll keep it on my computer for this week end)  

Can't wait to see the surprise ! :DDDD 

Well done, good perf ! Thank you very much for your feedback ! :3

You're not the only one, the goal is the surprise :D We will think about your idea, It's a very good one ! 
Thank you for your feedback ;DD

The other player is better than me :(((((

Good job !

Thank you !!!! :D 

I'm working for my exams and I made a break, your game helps me a lot with it's funniness, really enjoyed it ! Remind me a lot Wario Ware games.  Music and sound are funny too ! :DD 

Main character is so cute as the background. Liked the song. Glad to understand the objective fast. Controls are a little bit strange but maybe it's just because I don't have enough time to play video game at the moment ...  Well done !

Thank you for the feedback ! Some graphics stuff needed more time it's our frist jam so we had some time management troubles ! :D 

Loved this game soooo much, like Celeste but with Santa. Good job.


Done, thank you very much !

Thank you for the feedback! 

Yesm next time we will put a real tutorial. I know that's hard to understand for the beginner .

God bless the Holy Strawberry ! \[T]/

(1 edit)

Got my own little egg yaaay ! Time to eat some pipe.

Thank you very much for you very great feedback ! We may improve the game in the future !  :DDD 

Il é rigolow le capo ;DDDDD

Il est cool dommage qu'il n'y aie pas un support QWERTY :/ 

C'est rigolo de tuer plein de monstres rofl

I'm a newbie in this kind of game but it's enjoyable I like the background and the sounds effects.

Be my guest ! :3

Very fun, loved the sound effects

My fav is the one with PIOUUUUUUUU

Merci beaucoup pour le retour ! Pour le coup si on avait eu plus de temps on aurait passé plus de temps sur les hitbox des ennemis.. Pour le coup je n'avais pas pensé au coup du spam attack pour tout défoncer xD

En ce qui concerne le manque d'indication c'est la surprise .... :DDDDD ou juste un manque de temps aussi ~

Best player ever xD U made my entire life

Thank you for your feedback ! We don't had enough time to improve hitbox of the ennemis :/ 

That's true that it is hard to know the objective I would like to say **it's the surprise** but it's just because of the time.