Is the first area (burning town with 6 people) everything in the game?
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I can't say I've seen the term used for androgynous characters or men that look like women before, those are usually just called androgynous/femboy. The closest I've seen to an actual term for characters with a female body but only male genitals is a newhalf, though it doesn't seem to be an especially well-known term.
Usually, futanari is used interchangeably with hermaphrodite, to refer to someone with a feminine body with both male and female genitals. That's generally what an average person is probably most likely to expect when they see the tag.
Though to be honest, using futanari in the tags and description seems kind of unnecessary overall; the game itself simply calls them male and female like normal, treats them no different to how male and female would be in any other game, and even the fact that the men look like women doesn't really seem to come up much beyond a few passing mentions in the opening and the MC being mistaken for a girl early on.
Maybe my phrasing was off, it's the part about only the dungeon getting scenes requiring the Sadistic trait I was talking about.
I was not aware of the bonus not being Dungeon-specific, though. The tooltip mentions a specific building and the stats but nothing about unlocking scenes, so I assumed the bonus was also linked to the building.
Speaking of the "Worker Sanctuary", can you have make it list characters by their assigned job? It currently separates active and inactive ones, making it a bit of a nuisance to search through.
Also, would it be possible to show the characters assigned job in the clothing store (possibly with a matching "sort by job" function)? It would make it easier to assign uniforms to specific jobs without having to keep going back and forth between the shop and the Sanctuary.
Going by the description saying "This game contains and is only focused on Futanari Characters", I'm assuming that means the male and female characters are just background or side characters, while the futanari characters will be the only ones to have actual major story relevance?
EDIT: Then again, I'm 2 chapters in and haven't seen any futanari at all. Just females and very feminine males.