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A member registered Apr 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was super creative! I love trivia, so learning fun facts about animals was very enjoyable for me. My biggest suggestion is that you randomize the order of the questions upon replaying the game. Once the player goes through it once, they can just memorize the order and beat it every time. I think that randomizing the game would make it a bit more replayable.

I liked the general gameplay. This was the first game I've played for this project where the player is stuck on one side of the screen. I did run into the issue where the entire screen would scroll down when I tried to move the blue fish down. This could just be an issue with either the browser or my computer's settings, however. Aside from that, I noticed that the player sprite flashes every time it's moved. This could be an issue with redrawing your canvas!

This game was cute! Some areas I think could be improved, though, are the object spawning and the player controls. There were several instances where the bomb and the star spawned on top of each other. I was unable to collect several starts because of this. I also feel that the bombs remain on the screen for a bit too long. That aside, the player's jump felt very floaty. In some situations, that could be ok, but it was more of a detriment here in that attempting to jump and having a bomb spawn above you could result in instant failure.

This was such a unique idea! I loved the fact that you had to collect and deliver; it felt like a fun take on this project. Having to wait for 3 pollen clusters to before you could turn it in made it feel a bit riskier; I couldn't just turn in what I had, I had to stay alive long enough to get 3 of them. I think the game was a bit too easy, though. Perhaps spawning multiple birds at once, or maybe even making their movement speed vary could make for an interesting challenge!

This game was fun and easy to play! My biggest criticism is that it doesn't feel like there's much at stake. The player isn't punished for missing any bugs, and regardless of if the player collects the moths, they cannot prevent the timer from running out. The time it takes for a moth to spawn is longer than the time returned for eating a moth. I think that adding in some kind of enemy that would lower the timer for the player were they to hit it would be a good way to up the stakes here!

This was a really cool game! The AI was awesome and I could easily imagine playing this on a site like Newgrounds. The only criticism I have is that the rotation for the bullets doesn't update according to the direction they're currently moving. They face the correct direction when they're first shot, but things get weird after they start to ricochet. That aside, great job!

I love the way you did your tutorial! I was awesome to go around and interact with each item in the game. I will admit the particle effect was a bit distracting, but the general concept was cool nonetheless.  I do think the main menu could use some player feedback. The lack of both music and sound effects made it feel very bland. I was happy to find that the actual game scenes had sound, though! Though the cross-platform inputs were cool, it did make it harder to test on desktop (especially when fuel was very close to asteroids). That aside though, I like the idea of having to explore to find items instead of waiting for them to come to you.

I was enjoying myself with trying to collect all the fruit! Using the jump pads to my advantage was a fun challenge. There are a few graphic bugs where the tiles overlap in unnatural places, but overall, I didn’t find much else to be wrong. I was, however, disappointed to learn that dying sends you back to the first level. I think that’s a bit too punishing on the player, but that’s up for you to decide. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this one!

Yes, I did all the art in the game! I appreciate the feedback, and I hadn't even noticed the issue with the jump! As for the soft lock, I feel I should mention that the game works on a timer! It replenishes 1 jewel every 15 minutes. The intention is to make the player return to the game occasionally to use the jewels they accumulate.

The first thing I noticed was that the game crashes while trying to close any of the main menus. While playing the game, I noticed that the enemies don’t really pose any threat. Though the player does die upon colliding with an enemy, I think it would be more fun if the enemies could patrol and/or chase the player around. I liked the use of the cross-platform inputs! I think having that option on screen makes it easy to imagine what playing this on mobile would feel like. 

I think it was interesting that you made the slot machine work. The spin animation for that felt very realistic and it was satisfying to watch it land on each image. That being said, I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I understood enough to spin the slot machine, but I wasn’t sure what spins decided a win, or how it was calculated at all. The menu told me to defeat 5 enemies, but I had no clue what I was fighting or even how the slot machine translated into fighting.