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A member registered Feb 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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It took me a while because the input accepted letters too, but I made it 

Yeah, one issue we had because of the time constraint was that we couldn't make a different animation for bad things and good things, making it slightly difficult to discern sometimes. Rushing the boss is a bad idea, your goal is to avoid it and survive until the morning comes, which is at the 5-minute mark

Thanks, glad to hear someone got to the end of the story mode, I was kinda uncertain about the difficulty since we had no time to properly playtest it except for me playing the game while trying to iron out the pesky bugs in the physics engine.

That concept was in my mind for a long while, was kind of waiting for an opportunity to use that mechanic in a game.
The chain didn't quite work out as I wanted it to, physics are complicated.

It probably is like that because of the monitor, I remember setting something like a maximum unit to pixels ratio, that may be the reason why it is that zoomed out on your screen

The font is a little bit hard to recognise quickly, loved the parallax tho

Oh, both of those are coming with the full version, which we plan on releasing in July.

Oh, we got very carried away with the development of this game, we got an interesting idea to launch later where the game lasts until you die but some additional modifiers are added every year to make it interesting

Oh, leaves automatically produce flowers once you get to the spring

Fell from the tree, kept felling forever, that's life.

I mean, when I kept falling it just made the name of the game so much better.

(1 edit)

Yeah, sadly audio was last in our priority queue and we didn't have that much time to polish it. But we are looking towards perhaps making a post-jam version of the game later.

It was an attempt to make it work in the browser, turns out too many features weren't working there and there is now only the downloadable version.

was only able to beat the easy level, didn't stop me from trying several times